In the name of a God, Amen; the one and twentieth day of March in the twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc., AD 1667, I John RIDOUT of Blandford Forum in the County of Dorset, Grocer, being sick in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory, thanks be given to Almighty God for the same) do make and ordain this my last will and testament in writing in manner and form following, that is to say, First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me, and my body to the earth from whence it was taken, in full assurance of its glorious resurrection; also I do order and desire and my will is that within one month next after my decease my shop and household goods be all new inventorised and appraised and a (xxx) account taken of all such debts as are due to me on book or otherwise and that with all convenient speed the said debts be got in and my shop goods disposed of and as fast as monies do come into hand that all my creditors be paid their just dues, this being accomplished I have ground to hope that the overplus will make an amount of six hundred pounds but, be it more or less, I will and desire that it be equally divided between my wife and children share and share like, and I further will that such a proportion as is due to my children after the said division so made be put into the hands of my executors, and that they take bond for it in their own names to and for the use of my children, and that the use, interest and benefit thereof be from time to time paid unto my wife for and towards their breeding and education during all such time as they shall remain with her or under her care. ITEM; I give unto my brother-in-law Mr George FILLITER of Morden five pounds, and I give the like sum of five pounds unto my loving uncle Mr Thomas HUNT of Stower, Provost, both which persons I nominate and appoint to be my executors of this my last will and testament, hoping that they will take upon them the care and trouble to act for the benefit of my wife and children, also my will is that if my daughter shall die before she shall have attained the age of eighteen years, her portion of my said estate so given and bequeathed to her as aforesaid shall be equally divided between my dear wife Ann RIDOUT and my son Walter RIDOUT, and also in case my son Walter Ridout shall die before he has attained the age of one and twenty years, then my will is that such portion of my estate so given to him as aforesaid shall be equally divided between my said dear wife and my daughter Elizabeth RIDOUT, and also I further will that in case both my said children shall die before they attain the several ages of eighteen years and one and twenty years as aforesaid, then their whole parts and portions aforesaid shall be and remain wholly to my said wife. ITEM; I give to my cousin Anne GRAY five pounds to be paid her within twelve months after my decease. ITEM; I give to my brother Robert RIDOUT my best hat and my little mare. ITEM; I give to my brother-in-law Mr Jonadab SAVAGE my nag, and I desire my dear father Mr Walter RIDOUT to be my overseer of this my last will and testament and do desire him (as much as in him lies) to see this my will performed, and in testimony that this is my last will and testament I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year abovesaid – John Ridout – signed sealed and published in the presence of John Wornott, John Chapman
Proved 28th April 1668