In the name of God, Amen; I Benjamin WINCH of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex, Cordwainer being something indisposed as to health of body but of a sound and perfect memory, thanks be given to God therefore, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say, having recommended my soul into the hands of God who gave it, in hopes of the pardon and forgiveness of all my sins through the merits and mediation of Christ Jesus my only Saviour, and my body to be decently buried in Christian burial at the discretion of my executors hereafter named, I do hereby give and dispose of that temporal estate wherewith it has pleased God of his goodness to bless me with in this wise: Inprimis, I give and bequeath to my loving cousin Mr John WINCH the sum of one shilling and one feather bed and bolster, two pewter dishes and two blankets which he now has of mine in his own hands and custody. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my loving cousin Mr Richard WINCH the sum of one shilling, and to my cousin Hugh WILSON the sum of twenty shillings and all my wearing apparel. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Symon Yorke the sum of one shilling, and to my landlord Johnson the sum of twenty shillings, and to Mr William Smyth at the (Vayard Deare) the sum of twenty shillings, and to my loving cousin Mr Michael HENRY the sum of five shillings, and to Judith Gibbs the sum of twenty shillings. ITEM; I do hereby order and appoint my executors hereafter named to pay to Mr Gosling the Apothecary the sum of ten shillings in full of what I am indebted to him, and to pay all other my just debts and dues which of right and in conscience I owe to any person or persons. ITEM; all the rest residue and remainder of my whole estate real and personal, movable and immovable, goods, chattels, ready money, jewels, plate, household stuff and all other things whatsoever to me belonging, my just debts and funeral expenses discharged, I give and bequeath to my executors hereafter named to be equally divided between them share and share like, and I do hereby revoke, renounce and make void and of no effect all former and other wills and testaments by me at any time heretofore made, either in writing or otherwise, and I do pronounce and declare this present writing to be my last will and testament and none other; and of this my said last will and testament I do hereby nominate appoint constitute and ordain William Ralph of the Parish of Saint Martin in the Fields in the County of Middlesex, Grocer, and Daniel Smyth of the same parish and county (Snr) my true and lawful executors. In witness whereof I the said Benjamin Winch have hereunto put my hand and seal the twelfth day of October in the eighteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith etc, AD one thousand six hundred sixty six – Benjamin Winch – I give more to Judith Gibbs ten shillings and to my cousin Wilson only one suit which is suitable to the cloak he has already and no more of my wearing apparel notwithstanding what was above written – by me BW – signed sealed published and declared as my last will and testament in the presence of Michael Walker, Mary Golding
Proved 1st November 1667