This web site is intended to act as a collecting point for the research and comments I have on the families and ancestry of my daughter.
Here is a genealogy to the parents of living relatives from one character who will feature on this website as I pull all of my research together:
1. Alexander Wynch, Governor of Madras (211 211 21)
sp. Florentia Cradock (211 211 22)
. 2. Margery Wynch (211 211 2)
. sp. Joseph McVeagh (211 211 1)
. 3. Ferdinand Meath McVeagh (211 211)
. sp. Charlotte Brooke (211 212)
. 4. Ferdinand McVeagh (211 21)
. sp. Maria Rotheram (211 22)
. 5. Maude Mary McVeagh (211 2)
. sp. Claude Plunket Coghill (211 1)
. 6. Joscelyn Kendal Bushe Coghill (211)
. sp. Maude Evelyn Filder (212)
NB: the numerical references refer to a unique code system used by the author where 1 represents father and 2 represents mother, the references being cumulative from left to right.
Hence, paternal grandfather is 11, whereas maternal grandfather is 21; paternal grandmother is 12, whereas maternal grandmother is 22; maternal grandfather’s father is 211 and mother 212, etc.
Whilst this seems complicated, it does have the advantage of allocating a unique reference to each ancestor with a direct trail showing how he or she fits into the family tree.
Here (below) is a family line back through another interesting eighteenth and nineteenth century character, Charles Kendal Bushe, all the way back to the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century to Dame Johanne Bradbury (born Leche and married Sir Thomas Bodley before marrying her second husband, Sir Thomas Bradbury.
© National Portrait Gallery, London
Charles Kendal Bushe by Samuel Freeman,
published by Macgregor, Polson & Co, after Henry Mullin, after Martin Cregan stipple engraving, (1828) – 8 3/4 in. x 5 3/8 in. (221 mm x 136 mm) paper size. Purchased with help from the Friends of the National Libraries and the Pilgrim Trust, 1966 NPG D33702
As I accumulate information on these two interesting characters and this fascinating line, I will post them to this site:
1. Denys Leche (211 112 111 212 122 221) of Wellingborough
sp. Elizabeth (211 112 111 212 122 222)
– 2. Johanne Leche (211 112 111 212 122 22) also known as Dame Joan Bradbury
sp. Sir Thomas Bodley kt (211 112 111 212 122 21)
– 3. Dionyse (or Denys) Bodley (211 112 111 212 122 2)
sp. Nicholas Leveson (211 112 111 212 122 1)
– 4. Alice Elizabeth Leveson (211 112 111 212 122)
sp. Sir William Hewett kt (211 112 111 212 121)
– 5. Alice Hewett (211 112 111 212 12)
sp. Sir Edward Osborne kt (211 112 111 212 11)
– 6. Hewett Osborne (211 112 111 212 1)
sp. Joyce Fleetwood (211 112 111 212 2)
– 7. Alice Osborne (211 112 111 212)
sp. Christopher Wandesford (211 112 111 211)
– 8. Christopher Wandesford (211 112 111 21)
sp. Eleanor Lowther (211 112 111 22)
– 9. Eleanor Wandesford (211 112 111 2)
sp. Amias Bushe (211 112 111 1)
– 10. Arthur Bushe (211 112 111)
sp. Mary Martin (211 112 112)
– 11. Rev. Thomas Bushe (211 112 11)
sp. Katherine Doyle (211 112 12)
– 12. Charles Kendal Bushe (211 112 1)
sp. Anne Crampton (211 112 2)
– 13. Anna Maria Bushe (211 112)
sp. Sir Josiah Coghill bt (211 111)
– 14. Sir John Joscelyn Coghill bt (211 11)
sp. Katherine Frances Plunket (211 12)
– 15. Claude Plunket Coghill (211 1)
sp. Maude Mary McVeagh (211 2)
. 16. Joscelyn Kendal Bushe Coghill (211)
sp. Maude Evelyn Filder (212)
From this lineage we can see that 11. Rev Thomas Bushe (211 112 11) is of the same generation as 1. Alexander Wynch, Governor of Madras (211 211 21) in the previous lineage because they each have eight digits in their unique reference code.
Please bear with me on my journey to explore both family history (and web competence) – I sincerely hope you find something of use on these pages.