1657 Onslowe Winche of Everton


The tenth of September one thousand six hundred fifty-five.

In the name of God Amen; I ONSLOWE WINCHE of Everton in the County of Huntings Esq, being at this time of good and perfect health and strength of mind and memory (thanks be to the Lord of Life) in this year’s day above written do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following: first with all humble alacrity I commend my soul to the ever living God who gave it as into the hands of my faithful creator; my body I commend to Christian burial if convenience will permit in Everton Church to be laid by my good father no whit doubting but it through the precious merits and gracious mediation of Christ my Jesus I shall with him at the time appointed arise from thence and have my lot in the resurrection of the just and have my part and portion of the kingdom to come.  As for my temporal estate wherewith God has blessed me having already settled my lands upon my eldest son for the rest of my younger children I will and ordain that whereas it is articled between my son LUKE and myself that three hundred pounds should be settled for a jointure for his wife and other settlements in those articles declared in consideration whereof I am engaged to pay unto him two thousand pounds my will is that the said two thousand pounds be paid according to those articles.  ITEM; I give unto my daughter CICELY FISHWICKE two thousand pounds for her portion whereof my house of Bush Hill bought in my son HUMFREY’s name to be sold to raise part of it.  ITEM; my will and desire is to give my daughter JUDETH two thousand pounds also and in case God calls me away before the raising of it I desire my loving son Humfrey Winche to supply and make up what shall be wanting.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to my youngest son WILLIAM a hundred pounds per annum during his life to be issuing out of my houses in The Strand in the County of Middlesex or in lieu thereof a thousand pounds to be paid him at full age. ITEM; I give to my son RICHARD all my tenements in The Strand in the County of Middlesex to have and to hold to him and his heirs for ever charged with the hundred pounds per annum to his brother William as aforesaid.  ITEM; I make my loving wife and son Humfrey my executors.  ITEM; to the poor of Everton five pounds in money – O. Winche – this confirmed and declared to be my will this two and twentieth of December one thousand six hundred fifty five in the presence of John Eardley, N Allen


Proved 2nd March 1657/8 by Humfrey Winch son and one of the executors


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