In the name of God Amen; the fourteenth day of July AD one thousand six hundred forty seven and in the three and twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc. I JOHN LUTTMAN of Lawrence Waltham in the County of Berks yeoman being sick in body and weary nevertheless in perfect memory (praised be Almighty God) do make and ordain this my present testament containing herein my last will in manner and form following [ ] part indented (that is to say) First and principally I give bequeath and devise unto Almighty God and to his son Jesus Christ and the holy Ghost one [ ] God my Saviour; and my body to the ground from where it came to be buried in the Church [ ] Waltham aforesaid in the middle row there in such [ ] decent and Christian as my executors hereafter named and other my friends shall think most fit and meet. ITEM; [ ] of the four children of JOHN LUTTMAN my kinsman deceased that is to say, Katheryne, John, Joane and Sibill the sum of ten pounds apiece of lawful money of England [ ] unto every of them at such time as they shall accomplish their full several full ages of one and twenty years and if any of them fortune to die before they are of full age of one and twenty years then my will is that his or her or their portion so dying shall remain amongst the residue of the said children that shall be then living; and if ANNE the wife of the said John Luttman my kinswoman shall be with child of my said kinsman John Luttman then my will is that that child being born and living to the age of one and twenty years as aforesaid shall have likewise ten pounds of lawful money of England likewise paid by my executors and if such child be a man child my desire is his name shall be called William and I give to ANN LUTTMAN daughter of WILLIAM LUTTMAN five shillings if she [ ] the Sears in person to demand it; and my will is that if such child so to be born of the body of the said Anne as aforesaid be a man child then I give unto him if he choose of [ ] house land in Lawrence Waltham aforesaid called Pound Close containing by estimation three acres to have and to hold the said close called Pound Close unto the said man child so to be born and to his heirs and assigns forever upon this condition now expressed that he shall relinquish the said sum of ten pounds before given and upon condition further that if the said child shall have all the copyhold lands in Lawrence Waltham which I the said John Luttman hold and purchased in fee simple by the copy of Court Roll of one Anne Geernae widow surrendered lawfully to him and his heirs forever according to the custom by the heir or heirs of me the said John Luttman when he or they shall accomplish lawful age; that then the gift of the said Close called pound Close shall be void [in Law]. ITEM; I give to the four children of Steven Cooper of White Waltham my late Servant that are now living six shillings eight pence apiece to be paid to every of them at their several ages of one and twenty years. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto John Lutman son of my kinsman John Lutman late deceased all my messuages or tenement withal hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging and all other my freehold lands whatsoever in Lawrence Waltham aforesaid with the appurtenances to have and to hold the same messuage lands of freehold and all other the premises unto the said John Luttman my kinsman son of John Luttman my kinsman deceased and of his heirs and assigns forever upon trust and confidence nevertheless and upon this condition that the said John Lutman his heirs or assigns and some of them when they shall accomplish the age of one and twenty years shall pay or cause to be paid unto the executors of mine aforesaid thirty pounds [ ] out of the said lands towards the payment of my legacies hereinbefore given. ITEM; I give to JOANNA HUCKLE my kinswoman wife of MATHEW HUCKLE of London twenty shillings. ITEM; I give to Frances Lambrell twenty shillings she being my wife’s kinswoman. ITEM; I give to Frances May wife of William May of Reading twenty shillings. ITEM; I give to the poor people of the Parish of Lawrence Waltham aforesaid six shillings eight pence and I desire and make Ann the wife of John Lutman may kinsman deceased and SIBILL PASSMORE my kinswoman wife of JOSEPH PASSMORE my joint and sole executors of this my present testament. ITEM; I give to Katheryne Lutman one of the children of my kinsman John Lutman aforesaid deceased my bed and best coverlet and bedstead and all other furniture thereunto belonging. ITEM; I give to Joane Lutman my kinsman John Lutman’s deceased other daughter my bed and bedstead and all the furniture thereunto belonging whereupon he the said John Lutman died; and I entreat William Hyde Esq, RICHARD WINCH of Bray my kinsman gent. and Thomas Mattingley of Lawrence Waltham yeoman to be my overseers and I give them twelve pence apiece. In witness whereof I the said John Luttman have hereunto set my hand and seal (the mark of John Luttman – sealed and delivered in the presence of us Raphe [ ] Thomas Moreton, William Geernae (the mark of ) George Edmundes
Proved 9th November 1647 by Anne Lutman and Sibill Passmore executrixes
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