In the name of God Amen. The tenth day of April one thousand six hundred and forty four and in the twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland [France] and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc. I James Winch of Bray in the County of Berks gent being sick in body but in perfect memory praise be to God’s holy name therefore do make publish and declare this my present last will and testament in manner and form hereafter declared. First and before all other things I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such decent sort as is fitting for a Christian man And as touching the disposing of that portion of worldly goods which it hath pleased Almighty God to lend me I do dispose them as following. Inprimis I give unto Elizabeth my wife five pairs of my sheets three long table cloths two short table cloths three dozen of my napkins and a convenient proportion of my pewter at the discretion of my overseers all which my will is she shall have the use of during her life and no longer over and above that which she brought with her ITEM I give and bequeath unto my son Richard my long table in the parlour my [furnits] and [a great spit] ITEM I give unto the [poor] of the titheing of Bray town and Altwood in the Parish of Bray aforesaid the rents issue and profit of my two tenements in Altwood aforesaid the one now in the occupation of Thomas King and the other late in the occupation of William Smart the elder which rent issue and profit I [entreat] the churchwardens of the parish of Bray for the time being to receive and quarterly to distribute the same to fifteen of the [ ] poor people within the said titheing of Bray toan and Altwood. And likewise to let and set the same to the [ most] value as occasion shall serve ITEM I give to the poor of the p’ish of Bray aforesaid the sum of five pounds to be distributed within one month after my decease ITEM I give unto [Jasper Loake gent] the sum of forty shillings if he be living at the time of my decease ITEM my will intent and meaning is that my house wherein I now dwell with all barns stables and other out houses with all other my lands and tenements within the parish of Bray aforesaid with them and every their appurtenance with [the] best to spend upon the premises until my son Richard shall accomplish the age of two and twenty years Except all timber trees and trees like to be timber growing or to be grown upon the said premises any part thereof And likewise such lands and tenements as were heretofore granted in jointure to my wife. The benefit and profit of all which my said house and lands and other the premises shall be equally divided between them or the survivor And also I do nominate ordain and appoint my said two daughters Anne and Joane to be sole executrixes of this my present last will and testament And so I give unto them all the rest of my worldly goods whatsoever I have within the [ ] of England And further my will intent and meaning is that if my goods cattle & chattels and the benefit of all my land as is abovesaid which shall be [ ] to my said two daughters until my said son shall accomplish the age of two and twenty years do not amount to the sum of three hundred and forty pounds apiece and then my said two daughters shall have and [ ] the benefit of all and every the said house and lands before mentioned (except before excepted) until my said son shall be of the age of four and twenty years. And I do define my two kinsmen and my brother in lawMr Robert Standing Mr Robert Bishop and Symon Beckley to be overseers of this my present last will and testament. And I do give them fifty shillings apiece for their pains. And in case any difference shall arise between my wife, son and daughters touching this my will for the avoiding of future troubles and suits in law my final will and meaning is that my three overseers or any two of them shall hear the difference and whatsoever they shall conceive and declare in their judgement to be my meaning shall be deemed so imputed and taken to be my true intent and meaning and as my last will and testament to all intents confirmations and purposes whatsoever and no other. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written – James Winch – Signed sealed and published in the presence of [Rbt Winch Daniel Estefield]
Codicil 24/4/1644
Whereas I James Winch of Bray in the County of Berks by my last will and testament have bequeathed the profit of my lands unto my two daughters Anne and Joane until my son Richard shall accomplish the age of two and twenty or four and twenty years of age respectively for the raising of three several proportions as by my said will appeareth. And whereas also by computation of my said son’s age the said two and twenty and four and twenty years will determine at the feast of the Purification of our Lady the virgin or thereabouts Now my intent and meaning is that my said two daughters shall have receive and take the profits of my said land until the feast of St Michael next after my said son’s age of two and twenty or four and twenty years of age respectively anything in my said will to the contrary notwithstanding And that this my intent and meaning be annexed as a codicil to my former will and reputed deemed and taken as a part and parcel of the same – James Winch – Signed and published in the presence of William Metcalfe R Winch John Powney
Probate 15/7/1647 Probatum fuit…
[1] NB: this could be the marriage referred to in the Marriage Allegations (Canterbury) where Symon Beckley married Mary Winch in 1622
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