In the name of God Amen; the 20th day of October in the year of our Lord God according to the computation of the Church of England one thousand six hundred forty and six, I Andrew SEARLE of Epping in the County of Essex, gent being sick in body but in good and perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to Almighty God therefore, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following: First I commit and commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator Saviour and Redeemer, and my body to the earth in sure and certain hope that the same by the virtue and power of the resurrection of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shall be raised again at the last day and being joined to my soul shall amongst the rest of the saints of God enter into everlasting happiness; and touching that worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this present life, I will devise bequeath and dispose in manner and form following: First I will and devise unto Joane my loving wife and to (her) heirs and assigns forever all and singular my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever with the appurtenances situate lying and being in (Ickorne) and Lydd and elsewhere in the County of Kent which I have and had of the gift and grant of the said Joane my wife to have and to hold the door to her and her heirs forever, and I also further give and bequeath unto her the lease which I had by her of (Tenham) outlander and the now gardens in the said County of Kent with all profits commodities and advantage thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold to her the said Joane her executors and assigns in as full and simple manner to all intent and purposes as the same were formerly devised unto her by the last will and testament of Thomas PALMER Esq her late husband deceased. ITEM; I will and devise unto my loving brother John SEARLE all that my Manor of Heyles or by whatsoever other name or names so ever the same is called or known with all and singular the lands tenements meadows feeding pastures woods underwoods and hereditaments whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining with their and every of their appurtenances situate lying and being in Epping in the said County of Essex to have and to hold unto him the said John Searle his heirs and assigns immediately from and after the decease of my loving wife for evermore provided nevertheless and upon this condition that my said brother John Searle his heirs executors or assigns shall and do from time to time and at all times hereafter well and truly pay and cause to be paid unto all and every person or persons to whom I stand indebted and am engaged for any sum and sums of money whatsoever by specialty or otherwise all and every such sum or sums of money for which I stand engaged or am indebted as aforesaid as the same shall grow due and payable and thereof shall and do from time to time and at all times hereafter exonerate acquit discharge and save harmless my executrix hereafter named, her executors and assigns, and upon this further condition that the said John Searle his heirs executors or assigns shall and do well and truly satisfy content and pay unto the several persons hereafter named all such legacies gifts and bequests as hereafter in this my present last will and testament I have given and bequeathed unto by this my present last will and testament, but if my said brother John Searle do not in all things well and truly observe perform and keep the before mentioned conditions in all things according to my true intent and meaning then I do further declare my will and meaning to be that this my gift and devise of the said manor of Hoyles and other the premises with the appurtenances to him and his heirs shall be utterly void and of none effect and then and from thenceforth I do will and devise the said manor of Hoyles and all the lands tenements and hereditaments thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto my said executrix hereafter named her heirs and assigns to be sold for the best price that may be indifferently raised for the same and with the money thereof coming to satisfy and pay my debts and legacies as aforesaid, and I heartily pray and entreat my said brother John Searle that if he shall be pleased to (not opt) of the estate of the (production) before by me to him devised upon the condition aforesaid. ITEM; I give and devise unto my nephew Andrew SEARLE son of my brother John Searle all that the manor or farm of Gills and all the lands tenements and hereditaments thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Epping aforesaid in the said County of Essex and all my rights titles and interest estate possession condition claim and demand whatsoever of in or to the same with all and singular the appurtenances to have and to hold to him the said Andrew his heirs and assigns forever. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto the several persons hereafter named the several sums of lawful money of England hereafter specified, that is to say, to my brother Nicholas SEARLE the sum of fifty pounds and to my sister his wife a ring of gold or 30 shillings in money. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Joane Bowes whose name was Joane Pell the sum of ten pounds. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto Frances Elderton late wife of Bazell Beard the sum of five pounds. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto Isabel Beard the sum of ten pounds. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto Sibell Holloway my servant the sum of ten pounds. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my cousin John Spranger and his wife, John Greene and his wife, my cousin Isabel Westwood and my cousin Katherine daughter to my brother John every one of them a ring of gold of 30 shillings price or 30 shillings in money at their choice. ITEM; I give and bequeath to John SEARLE son of my brother John Searle the sum of twenty pounds. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto John Hicks my now servant the sum of twenty pounds. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my sister Elizabeth wife of my brother John one ring of gold of 30 shillings. ITEM; I give unto Mary Chambers wife of Robert Chambers the sum of five pounds. ITEM; I give to Jane Nicholson my goddaughter the sum of ten pounds, all which legacies I will and devise to be paid unto them and every of them within four years after my decease. ITEM; I ordain my well beloved wife Joane Searle to be the sole executrix of this my last will and testament and do hereby will and devise unto her all the rest of my goods and chattels plate jewels corn cattle ready money and all other my goods whatsoever not formerly herein or hereby before devised and bequeathed and I appoint my loving kinsmen and friends John WESTWOOD and Edward SEARLE son of the said John Searle to be the overseers of this my last will and testament and to be in all things aiding and assisting unto my said executrix, and for their pains and care to be taken therein I give unto each of them twenty pounds apiece of like lawful money of England, in witness whereof to every sheet of this my last will and testament containing three sheets of paper I have subscribed my name and set my seal the day and year first above written. I desire my loving wife to give the marsh to my nephew Andrew Searle – Andrew Searle– signed sealed and declared as the last will and testament of the said Andrew Searle this second day of December in the year of our Lord 1646 in the presence of us underwritten – Thomas Holbech clerk, () Lynch
Proved 14th May 1647