In the name of God Amen. The eight and twentieth day of May AD one thousand six hundred twenty six; I ALCE PITT of the town of Waymouth [Weymouth] and Melcombe Regis in the County of Dorset widow being sick in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be given to Almighty God therefore do constitute and make this my last will and testament in writing as follows: First I commend my soul to Almighty God my Creator hoping through the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have a full and free pardon of all my sins and my body to be buried in the church yard of this parish of Roddipoole [Radipole] called Christ Church; and for such worldly goods as it has pleased my good God to bestow upon me in this transitory life my will and meaning is to have them disposed of in manner and form following. ITEM; I give unto the poor of Waymouth and Melcombe Regis the sum of five pounds to be distributed upon the day of my funeral by the Overseers of the poor and churchwardens. ITEM; I give unto RICHARD PITT my son yearly ten pounds to be paid him by my executor five pounds every half year during his life the payment to begin presently after my decease. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto JOSEPH PITT my son two hundred pounds to be paid him in two years after my decease. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto CHRISTOPHER CLARKE my son in law the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid him in one year after my decease. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my four daughters FRANCES CLARKE SARAH BALL HANNA ANTHONY and DORCAS PITT to each of them the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid unto them within one year after my decease. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my fourteen Grandchildren ALCE TOUPE MARY TOUPE JOHN CLARKE ALCE CLARKE SAMUELL CLARKE FRANCIS CLARKE DANIELL CLARKE ALCE BALL SARAH BALL JOHN BALL HANNA ANTHONY SAMUELL ANTHONY JOHN ANTHONY and EDITH ANTHONY to each of them the sum of five pounds to be bestowed in plate for every of them. ITEM; I give unto my cousin JOANE MOUNSELL the sum of five pounds to be paid unto her at the day of her marriage. ITEM; my will and meaning is that Sarah Ball my daughter shall have and enjoy the house and garden purchased of Henry Clarke lying in the town of Waymouth & Melcombe Regis during her natural life to begin presently after the decease of JOHN BALL her husband in consideration whereof I give and bequeath unto PHENIAS PITT my son the sum of forty pounds. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my four daughters Frances Sara Hanna and Dorcas a trunk or chest of linen wherein lies a note how it should be divided unto each of them. ITEM; I give unto Joane Damond Sara Ebrem [yeed] Miller and Roger Woodcock my four servants to each of them forty shillings. ITEM; I appoint and allow for my funeral to be bestowed the sum of fifty pounds. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto JAMES ASH my brother John Ball Christopher Clarke and John Anthony whom I entreat to be overseers of this my will towards their pains taking therein and to every of them the sum of forty shillings and I do heartily desire them to be aiding unto my executor as much as in them lies to see this my will performed all the residue of my goods chattels money plate and other goods merchandise and moveables whatsoever unbequeathed my debts paid my legacies performed and my funeral charges discharged I do wholly and freely give unto Phenias Pitt my son whom I do make my full and whole executor of this my present testament and last will – Witness my hand and seal dated the day and year first above written – the sign of Alice Pitt – witnesses to the signing sealing and delivering hereof – James Aish John Anthony Christopher Clarke John Joanes
Proved 15th July 1626 by Phineas Pitt son and executor
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