In the name of God Amen. The twenty-eighth day of October one thousand five hundred ninety two [28/10/1592] and in the four and thirtieth year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God. Queen of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc. I MAGDALEN WINCH of Woodforde in the county of Essex widow being of whole perfect memory praised be God though weak and sick in body do make make this my last will and tgestament as followeth. First I give and commend my soul to almighty God the father son and holy ghost hoping and most assuredly believing by the precious death and bloodshedding of the second person in Trinity Jesus Christ to have there remission of all my sins and to be received into everlasting life my body. I bequeath unto the earth decently to be buried in Woodforde Chancel so near my husband as conveniently may be. And as concerning my moveable goods monies and debts I will and bequeath bedsteads with [trundell] beds standing in the two chambers called the kitchen chamber and the middle chamber in the house of the said EDMUND WINCH. ITEM; more I give him two wainscott [pressed] in the same chambers; Also two feather beds one being the smaller two bolsters four blankets two mattresses two old coverlets and [marilie] used with the beds eight curtains in the two chamber windows the brushing board with the [messells] the couch cuppboard and the inner back with all the hangings or printed cloths in the said chambers as they now are; Also I give him one great plated cupboard one table two front [morters] in the kitchen if he be not living at my death I give these parcels to my executor. ITEM; I give to my daughter ELIZABETH MALTIS my best featherbed with the bolster two blankets one mattress one coverlet of blue and red [doring] if she be living at my death. If not then I give the same to my executor. ITEM; I give between Elizabeth Maltis and ANNE SPIGHTE my daughters one pair of needlework vallances with a pair of blue and yellow [ ] curtains for a bed and my fair [arras] coverlet during both their lives to use when either of them lie in child bed and to the survivor of them to her own use forever. And I will that the said curtains vallance and coverlet be at my death to be given and delivered to my daughter Maltis and she to let her sister have them so often as she shall have occasion to use them at her lying in if either of them be living at my death. If not then I will the same remain to my executor. ITEM; I will that my gowns and wearing apparrel with all my linen be equally divided between my three daughters viz. REBECKA BORIE Elizabeth Maltis and Anne Spighte every one of them a like portion or if any of them happen to die before me the rest to have it amongst them, But if none of them be living then I give the same to my executor. ITEM; I give to ANNE BORIE my Goddaughter five pounds of that ten pounds her fatherJOHN BORIE oweth me if she be living at my death if not then unto her mother if neither of them be then living then I will it go to my executor. ITEM; I also give unto my daughter Borie’s other five children twenty shillings apiece viz. to JOHN THOMAS ELIZABETH ELLEN and KATHERINE which is the five pounds remaining of that ten pounds their father oweth me. If any of them die before me the rest to have that or so many parties among them; if all die before then it to remain to their mother but if neither be living at my death then it to remain to my executor. ITEM; I give to JOHN MALTIS my Godson five pounds if he be living at my death or else to his mother Elizabeth Maltis if she then live if neither of them be living then I bequeath it to my executor. ITEM; I give unto SARA MALTIS and ROBERT MALTIS the children of my daughter Elizabeth Maltis twenty shillings apiece. ITEM; I give unto ANN SPIGHTE my Goddaughter if she be living at my death five pounds if not to her mother Ann Spighte if neither of them be then living I will it to my executor. ITEM; I give to Ellen Edwardes my kinswoman if she be living at my death twenty shillings. ITEM; I give unto Margatt Barie my maid ten shillings besides her wages if she be living at my death. ITEM; I give unto the poor of the parish of Woodford the sum of three pounds to be received by the churchwardens and minister and at their discretion to be distributed at sundry time. ITEM; the rest of all my goods and chattels and debts whatsoever unbequeathed I give unto my son DANIELL WINCHE whom I ordain and make my full and sole executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my seal the day and year aforesaid. Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Robert Wright and others.
Proved 25th November 1592 by Daniel Winche son and executor
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