In the name of God Amen, the twelfth day of November AD one thousand five hundred and ninety two and in the four and thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc; I ROWLAND BARBOR citizen and mercer of London being sick in body and of good and perfect remembrance laud and praise be given unto Almighty God do make this my present testament and last will; First and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker and redeemer by whose bitter death and passion I hope to be saved and to inherit the kingdom of heaven in manner and form following; that is to say, first my body to be buried in the parish church of Saint James at Garlicke Hithe where I now dwell. ITEM; I give unto my wellbeloved mother ANNE BARBOUR widow twenty shillings. ITEM; I give unto Francis Bandwell and Susanna Bandwell the children of Christopher Bandwell each of them ten shillings apiece. ITEM; I give unto FRANCIS BARBOUR my brother ten shillings for a remembrance. ITEM; I give unto Katherine Shippe my [mistress’s] sister one French crown of gold. ITEM; I give unto Elizabeth Leonarde the wife of William Leonard cornseller ten shillings for a remembrance and to Elizabeth Leonarde their daughter seven shillings. ITEM; I give unto Robert Shippe for a remembrance five shillings. ITEM; give unto Mary Goetobed one bible of a final volume of the Geneva print. ITEM; I give unto my sister ANNE wife unto WILLIAM DAVYS forty shillings and to her daughter ten shillings. ITEM; I give unto my fellow Thomas Tumblethorpe five shillings for a remembrance. ITEM; I give unto mother Taylor widow dwelling in Saint James parish two shillings six pence. ITEM; I give unto my brother EDWARD BARBOUR after my debts being paid and funerals discharged of all such debts duties sum and sums of money at or owing unto me by [boote] bond bill formally or by any other way or means whatsoever which shall be then remaining and also all my apparel goods and household stuff whatsoever. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my brother in law WILLIAM DAVYES one feather bed which is now remaining in the house of Thomas Shippe my master. ITEM; I will and my mind is that the said Edward Barbour my brother to be the executor of this my present testament and last will. And for the overseers of this my present testament and last will I appoint the said Thomas Shippe John Richards plumber and Lewes James to see that all the legacies above written be discharged accordingly; in witness whereof to this my present testament and last will I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. The mark of Rowland Barboure these being witness hereafter named – by me Robert Shippe, the mark of William Davyes and of me Henry Jolliffe apprentice of Richard Dunkyn scrivenor
Proved 7th December 1592 by Edward Barbour (Brother and Executor)
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