In the name of God Amen, the 13th day of August AD 1557, I JOHN WYNCH [of Bray …] to be perfect body but perfect in memory do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say: first I bequeath my soul to Almighty God and his blessed Lady and to the holy Company of Heaven; my body to be buried within the church of Bray […] also [money] to the Mother Church of Sarum. ITEM; I bequeath to my son JOHN WYNCHE the younger my house in the town of Bray with all the land and appurtenances to it to him his heirs for evermore and the executors to have the letting and setting up of that house unto the child come of lawful age; also I give and bequeath to my son John Wynche the younger a feather bed and all things belonging to it; also I give and bequeath to my daughter JOHANE WYNCHE a feather bed and all things belonging to it; also I give and bequeath to MARGARET WYNCHE daughter unto JOHN WYNCHE a [cow]; also I give and bequeath to ROBERT WYNCHE son of John Wynche [a cloak…and the wantage]; also I give and bequeath to THOMAS WYNCHE the son of John Wynche [a cloak…and the wantage]; also I give and bequeath to JAMES WYNCHE son of John Wynche [a cloak…and the wantage]; also I give and bequeath unto ELIZABETH WYNCHE daughter of John Wynche four sheep; also if it chance any of them to die before they come to lawful age then it shall remain amongst the rest of the children as the executor shall see good. Also I give and bequeath to THOMAS WYNCH son of JAMES WYNCHE four sheep; also I give and bequeath to JOHANE WYNCHE daughter unto ROBERT WYNCHE four sheep; also I give and bequeath to Selvester Smyth [a cloak of …and the wantage and if it chance the said John Wynche do die then to remain to James Wynch son of John Wynche and if it chance the said James Wynche do die then it shall remain to Thomas Wynche son of John Wynche and if it fortune the said Thomas Wynche to fail then to Robert Wynche son of John Wynche and if it chance the said Robert Wynche to fail then it shall remain to Margaret Wynche daughter unto John Wynche and if it chance the said Margaret Wynche to fail then to remain to Johane Wynche daughter unto John Wynche if it please God so to work his will by them as take them away it shall remain to MARGARET my wife. ITEM; I will that the rent of my house to be taken up by the hands of James Wynche and Robert Wynche which be my executors to be distributed amongst […] that is to say John Wynche the younger, Robert, Thomas and James towards their bringing up unto such time as the said John Wynch come to lawful age; also I give and bequeath to James Wynche and Robert Wynche [money] for the painstaking; also I give and bequeath to John [Raveldine] the younger my […] [money] for his painstaking. ITEM; I give and bequeath the third part of my goods unbequeathed to Margaret my wife moveably and unmoveably the other part of my goods to be distributed amongst my children at the discretion of my executors […] as they appoint it. ITEM; I bequeath to all my godchildren [money] apiece; also I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Westcott […]
Witnesses: George [ ], John Noke, Selvester Smythe
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