1590 James Wynch of Bray


In the name of God Amen.  The two and twentieth day of January in the three and thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord 1589 [22/1/1589/90]. I JAMES WYNCH of Bray in the County of Berks Yeoman being whole of mind and in perfect remembrance do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following; first I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker and redeemer and my body to be buried in the Parish Church of Bray as near unto the grave of my first wife as it may be conveniently provided for.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto the mother church of Sarum [Salisbury] two shillings.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto the Parish Church of Bray three shillings four.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my Daughter ALICE LOOTE the sum of ten pounds of lawful English money to be paid unto her within one whole year next after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto the said Alice my daughter all my part of the lease of the tythes of part of the Manor of Ockholes [Ockwells] lying in Altwood within the parish of Bray for so many years as shall be behind at the time of my death unexpired which I hold jointly with my two sons of the demise and grant of William Norris Esquire; and if it happen that my daughter Alice do die or decease before those years to her bequeathed be ended or expired then my will and mind is that the residue of those years shall remain and be to one THOMAS LOOTE the natural son of my daughter Alice according to the true intent and meaning of this my last will and testament.  And if it happen that the said Thomas do die before those years be ended or expired to him bequeathed then the said years to rent and come to ROBERT WYNCH and RICHARD WYNCH my two sons. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my eldest son Robert Winch my lease and term of years yet to come in the sight of the Manor and Mansion House commonly called Lowbrookes with all and singular the appurtenances the which I do hold of the heirs of John Englefield Esquire in as large and ample manner as I myself have the same or by any means or right of law should or ought for to have the same.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my son Richard Wynch my young bald mare.   ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my nephew THOMAS WYNCH the son of JOHN WYNCH the sum of twenty marks of lawful money of England to be paid unto him within one whole year next after my decease.  ITEM; I do give unto him one cow.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto JAMES WYNCH the natural brother of the said Thomas Wynch twenty marks of lawful money of England to be paid unto him within one whole year next after my decease.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto him one bedstead one feather bed with all thereunto belonging.  ITEM; I do likewise give unto him one cow.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my brother EDWARD WINCH the sum of forty shillings of lawful English money to be paid unto him within one month next after my decease.  I do give and bequeath unto every one of my son Robert Wynch’s children the sum of five pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto every one of them by my executor when as the said children shall come severally unto the age of twenty years.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto every one of the children of my son Richard Wynch the sum of five pounds of lawful money of England to be paid as before is said at such time as they shall come to the age of twenty years.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto every one of the children of THOMAS FOORD and WILLIAM SLYE whom they have begotten of the body of my daughter Katherine the sum of twenty shillings apiece to be paid unto every one of them as they shall come to the age of twenty years.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto James Westcott the son of Thomas Westcott the sum of ten shillings of lawful English money.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto Alice Westcott sister unto the said James Westcott the sum of ten shillings of lawful English money to be paid unto them within one year next after my decease.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto MARTHA LOOTE the daughter of Thomas Loote the sum of twenty pounds to be paid unto her at the day of her marriage.  ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto the residue of the children of Thomas Loote begotten of the body of my daughter Alice the sum of twenty shillings a piece of lawful English money to be paid unto every of them as they shall severally come to the age of twenty years.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto RICHARD WYNCH the son of Thomas Wynch the sum of twenty shillings of lawful English money to be paid unto him within one whole year next after my decease.  ITEM; I give unto THOMAS WYNCH the son of my son THOMAS WYNCH the sum of twenty shillings to be paid when he shall come to the age of twenty years.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto ELIZABETH WYNCH the daughter of Thomas Wynch the sum of twenty shillings of lawful English money to be paid unto her as aforesaid.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto JAMES the son of WILLIAM WYNCH my son the sum of five pounds of lawful English money to be paid unto him at the day of his marriage.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto JAMES WYNCH the son of Richard Winch my best brass pot.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto SYMON WYNCH the son of Robert Wynch one brass pot which his father has already in his [ ].  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto Henry Cranshewe vicar of Bray the sum of forty shillings.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto James Wynch of Fryth Hatch half a quarter of wheat and half a quarter of barley to be paid unto him within one whole year next after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto John Stone Fishmonger of London the sum of forty shillings of lawful English money to be paid unto him within one year next after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto Robert Rodes of Maidenhead the sum of forty shillings of lawful English money to be paid unto him within one year next after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto Margaret Fynnymore widow the sum of five pounds of lawful English money to be paid unto her within one year next after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto her one [h…] bullock of a year old of a year old to be delivered unto her within one month after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto Joane Heddenton that was sometime my servant two ewes to be delivered her within one year next after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto every one of my Godchildren twelve pence apiece to be paid within one month next after my decease. ITEM; I will that my executors shall bestow at the day of my burial the sum of six pounds thirteen four pence which money I will shall be bestowed upon the poor people at the discretion of my executors and overseers.  ITEM; I do make and ordain my wellbeloved friends Thomas Lawrence and Robert Wynch of Budds[1] in the Parish of Bray yeoman my overseers to see unto the true and faithful performance of this my last will and testament.  ITEM; for their time endeavour and labour herein I give unto either of them of them twenty shillings apiece to be paid within one month next after my decease; all other my goods chattels and last will I do give and bequeath to my two sons Robert Wynch and Richard Wynch whom I do make and ordain my executors willing and intending that all my goods and chattels not bequeathed shall be divided equally between them.  In witness whereof I have sealed and subscribed to this my last will and testamnet the day and year above written rejecting and [ ] all former will and wills testament and testaments before time by me made or constituted.


Proved 13th February 1590/91 by Robert Wynch and Richard Wynch (natural sons and executors)

[1] One such Robert Winch of Buddes is mentioned in the following will:  1526 richard beaver bray brk archd berks will 10175 will of richard beaver of braye, yeoman. dated 21 july 1586. overseers: laurence heydon my cousin and robert winch of buddes. witnesses: henrie cranshawe vicar of bray, robert webbe, avelin rogers, mary hill. probate 20 October 1526.




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