In the name of God Amen, the thirteenth day of August in the two and thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith [13/8/1590]. I ROBERT WINCHE of Woodford in the County of Essex gent being of whole and perfect memory praised be God do make and ordain this my present testament and last will in manner and form following that is to say: First and before all I wholly bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping and assuredly believing to have and enjoy everlasting salvation in his eternal kingdom and that only through Jesus Christ my only saviour advocate and redeemer my body I commend unto the earth in hope of a joyful resurrection and that it shall be joined unto my soul again therewith to enjoy the blessed presence of the Holy Trinity three persons and one God; The funeral of my body I will to be such as becometh the body of a Christian; and as for the bestowing of all my lands freehold and copyhold as also of all my goods chattels and moveables which God has blessed me with all in this transitory life I will and dispose of the same in manner and form following; that is to say: First I do will give and bequeath unto my well-beloved son EDMOND WINCHE his heirs and assigns forever all those my nine messuages or tenements with all edifices buildings barns stables orchards gardens yards and other their appurtenances whatsoever late let by lease for divers years to come unto John Fox of Enwicke which said messuages tenements and other the premises are situate lying and being within the town and parish of Waltham Holy Cross in the County of Essex aforesaid. Also I do will give and bequeath unto the said Edmond Winch his heirs and assigns forever all that my copyhold land lying in Edmonsea being four acres or thereabouts and one close of land abutting upon [Threshing] Lane containing one acre be it more or less which said parcels are lying and being within the parish and fields of Waltham Holy Cross aforesaid let also by lease unto the said John Fox by licence of the Lord of the Manor of Waltham Holy Cross aforesaid together with the rents reversions thereof and profits thereof whatsoever. Also I do will give and bequeath unto the said Edmonde Wynche his heirs and assigns forever all that my messuage or tenement called Frendes with all edifices barns stables orchards gardens yards and forty acres of land meadow and pasture be it more or less thereunto belonging and therewith usually let and occupied; and also one third part of a yard of land containing four acres be it more or less sometimes parcel of a tenement called Hedgman; and also three parcels of meadow ground containing by estimation one acre and three rods whereof one parcel lies in Rowe Mead and the other two parcels in Grove Mead with all woods and underwoods profits commodities and appurtenances whatsoever now in the tenure and occupation of Christopher Peacocke or his assigns; all which said tenement and premises are lying and being within the parish and manor of Waltham Holy Cross. Also I do will give and bequeath unto the said Edmonde Winche his heirs and assigns for ever all that my messuage or tenements called [Luddes/Huddes] with twenty acres of land be it more or less within the manor of Waltham Holy Cross aforesaid which sometimes were in the tenure of Thomas [Blenerhassett] gent but now in the occupation of William Symondes or his assigns; all which said copyhold lands and tenements I the said Robert Wynche have surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Manor of Waltham aforesaid by the rod and acceptance of John Grene and Edward Grene two of the customary tenants of the said manor according to the custom of the same to the use performance and full accomplishment of this my last will and testament in manner and form aforesaid. Also I do will and bequeath unto the said Edmond Wynche his heirs and assigns all my messuage or tenement called Collins now divided into two houses or tenements with all edifices barns stables outhouses orchards gardens yards with forty and five acres of land meadow and pasture woods underwoods profits and other the appurtenance whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith usually let and occupied now in the tenure and occupation of me the said Robert Winche and JOHN MALTES. Also I do will give and bequeath unto the said Edmond Winche his heirs and assigns all that my messuage or tenement called Frythmans with all edifices buildings barns stables orchards gardens yards and ten acres of land meadow and pasture with all the profits and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or appertaining late let by lease unto one William Stafford by licence of the Lord of the Manor of Woodford aforesaid and now in the tenure and occupation of Thomas Cowell or his assigns. Also I do will give and bequeath unto the said Edmond Wynche his heirs and assigns all that my messuage or tenement called Sandishall alias Verlands with an orchard garden yard and one close of pasture containing one acre or thereabouts in the occupation of widow Bartholemew or her assigns. All which said lands tenements and other hereditaments are situate lying and being within the manor of Woodford aforesaid and which I the said Robert Wynche have surrendered into the hands of the Lord by rod and the acceptance of William Drinsdall and Robert [Quick_] of the customary rent of the said manor to the use performance and full accomplishment of this my last will and testament in manner and form abovesaid upon condition that he the said Edmond Winche his heirs executors or assigns do pay or cause to be paid unto MAGDALENE WINCHE my wife one annuity or yearly rent of twenty-six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence of lawful money of England during her natural life out of my said lands tenements and hereditaments in Woodford aforesaid at the four usual feasts or terms in the year; that is to say: the feast of St Michael the Archangel, the Birth of our Lord God, the Annunciation of our Blessed Lady the Virgin, and the Feast of St John Baptist or within thirty days next over or after any of them by even portions; and is in consideration and recompense and satisfaction of all such interest title dower jointure or other demand whatsoever she hath ought or may pretend to have provided always that if the said Magdalene her executor or assigns or any of them do molest sue or trouble the said Edmond Winch his heirs executors or assigns or any of them for any part or portion whatsoever of any my lands either within the manor of Waltham Holy Cross aforesaid or within the manor of Woodford aforesaid other than the said annuity or yearly rent of twenty-six pounds thirteen shillings four pence during her natural life as aforesaid; then my will is that the said annuity or yearly rent aforesaid payable as aforesaid shall utterly cease be determined any thing herein to the contrary notwithstanding; and not only the said Edmonde Wynche his heirs and assigns but also all those my copyhold lands and tenements in Woodford aforesaid chargeable therewith shall be clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged forever. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto the said Edmond Wynche his executors and assigns the sum of one hundred pounds of good and lawful money of England to be paid unto him the said Edmond Wynch his executors or assigns within one twelve month next after my decease. ITEM; I do will give and bequeath unto DANIELL WYNCHE my son his executors and assigns all that my lease and term of years in my house called or known by the name of The Three Crowns situate in West Cheap in London now in the tenure and occupation of Basile Dighton or his assigns together with all my interest title reversion or demand whatsoever therein or thereunto which I the said Robert Wynche may might or ought to have. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my daughters REBECKA BOUREY and ELIZABETH MAULTES to either of them the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto the said Elizabeth and Rebecka or their assigns within one year next after my decease if they so long live or else to such of them only as at the said year’s end shall happen to be living. ITEM; I do give unto ANNE SPAIGHT my other daughter the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England upon condition that Thomas Spaight her husband do make her a sufficient assurance by surrender or other lawful conveyance of all such copyhold lands and tenements as he now or at any time [sythence] the first day of September standeth or was seized in his own right for term of her natural life the remainder thereof to the heirs of their two bodies lawfully begotten or to be begotten and not otherwise within one whole year next after my decease. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my Godchildren ROBERT MALTES, WILLIAM EDWARDS and ELIZABETH BOUREY to either of them the sum of three pounds six shillings and eight pence. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto the children of my sister ANNE BARBOR the sum of five pounds to such as be living at the time of my decease to be equally distributed amongst them part and part like. ITEM; I do give unto the poor of the parish of Woodford to be put in their box and distributed amongst them as occasion shall serve by my executors or one of them together with the churchwardens for the time being. ITEM; I will that there shall be bestowed in black cloth funeral dinner and other necessary charges touching my funeral by my executors the sum of fifty pounds whereof I will that those persons hereunder named shall be of the number of the whom I will have to wear black at my burial, viz: my two executors Edmonde and Danyell Winche Magdalene Wynch my wife my three daughters Rebecka Elizabeth and Anne and their husbands my sister Anne Barbor and her husband, my cousin THOMAS WYNCH, Mr Wright parson, Jane Peacock and Ellen Edwards and such others as my executors shall think meet and convenient. ITEM; my will is that all my plate bedding pewter apparel napery linen household stuff implements and utensils whatsoever (the wainscot hangings and glass in and about my mansion house and dwelling house only excepted which my will is shall continue and stand as they do to the beautifying of my said house) shall be equally and indifferently divided into three equal parts or portions and being so divided I give unto Edmonde Wynche my son one full third part thereof for his use for ever; and unto Danyell Wynche my son one other full third part thereof to his use for ever provided and my will is that Magdalene my wife shall have her free habitation and dwelling during her natural life within such rooms of my said messuage called Collyns situate in Woodford aforesaid as hereafter are named and expressed. That is to say the lying-in chamber wherein she now lies the middle chamber next thereunto and also the reasonable use of the hall and kitchen there for her necessary business with free ingress egress and regress into the same at all times convenient and to have the like liberty of the orchard and garden for her solace and recreation. Lastly I do give and bequeath all the residue of my goods money and marchands my debts legacies and funeral discharged unto Danyell Wynche my son his executors and assigns for ever; and I do make and ordain Edmonde Wynche and Danyell Wynche my sons my whole and full executors of this my present testament and last will. I do also give unto Mr Robert Wright parson the sum of six shillings and eight pence for a funeral sermon to be at my burial. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal in the presence of those whose names are underwritten. Robert Wynche. Sealed and delivered in the presence of us, Edward Greene, William Dinsdale, John Greene and Robert Quicke, Edward Greede.
Proved 19th October 1590 by executors Edmond Wynch and Daniell Wynch
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