1693 William Henbery


In the name of the blessed at Trinity amen. I WILLIAM HENBERY clerk late Minister of the Parish of Crambe in the County of Yorkbut nowof the parish of St Giles without Criplegate in the County of Middx, being aged and indisposed of health but of sound and perfect mind and memory, praised be God therefore, do make and declare my last will and Testament in manner and form following, viz. First I give unto God and entire sacrifice of my body and soul with my most humble thanks to him for that assurance which is blessed spirit has imprinted in me of the salvation of my soul and I hope for a blessed said resurrection and reunion of my soul and body through the merits of my most blessed Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. My body I remits to the Earth to bee decently buried in the parish church where I shall happen to die, and I order and appoint 20 pounds at least to be laid out and expended in and about my funeral. And as for my worldly goods and estate I dispose thereof as follows. Imprimis; I give unto my cousins JOHN LANCASTLE and MARY LANCASTLE, children of my uncle STEPHEN LANCASTLE deceased ten pounds apiece. Item I give to WILLIAM GEEZE my godson, grandchild to my last wife, a bond of fifty pounds due to me from his father ISAAC GEEZE, and a Bill of ten pounds due to me from captain William Clement, which bond and bill I have already delivered up to a gentleman who lives near to the said Isaac Geeze for the use of my said godson. Item; I give unto Mr William Leach of Raundley in the County of Lincoln ten pounds to be paid to him when he paid the bond of two hundred pounds he owes to my cousin WILLIAM ROUS in trust for me. Item; I give to the poor of the town of Crambe aforesaid four pounds to be put out to use for their benefit and relief by the Minister and churchwardens of the said parish of Crambe for the time being and the interest thereof to be for ever paid and distributed amongst the said poor according to the discretion of the Minister and churchwardens of the same parish for the time being. Item; I give to the poor of the parish of Panton in Lincolnshire three pounds to be distributed by the Minister and churchwardens of the said parish. Item; I give to the Minister and churchwardens of the parish of St Bride’s London five pounds for the use and relief of the poor of the said parish. Item; whereas I several years since by deed of gift gave and conveyed to my cousins William Rous of London Apothecary, LUKE PEAD of London woollen Draper and THOMAS FLANDERS of Stamford Hill in the County of Middlesex coal-monger each the sum of one hundred pounds reserving to myself the interest and proceeds thereof during my life, now I do hereby order and appoint that the said sum of one hundred pounds given and conveyed to my said cousin William Rous shall be paid by him to my cousin JOHN WINCH son of my said cousin Rous’s wife by her former husband and the said sum of one hundred pounds given and conveyed to my said cousin Luke Pead shall be paid by him to his daughter Susann Pead, and I order and appoint that the said one hundred pounds given and conveyed to my said cousin Thomas Flanders shall be employed for the use of his wife for and during the term of her natural life and to the issue of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten, but if she shall die without issue of her body lawfully begotten, then from and after the time of her decease I will order and appoint that the said one hundred pounds shall be paid to and distributed amongst the two sons of my said cousin SUSANN FREEMAN widow and the said WILLIAM PEASE son of my said cousin ARTHUR PEASE share and share alike. And whereas over and above the said sum of one hundred pounds given and conveyed by me to the said Thomas Flanders as aforesaid I lent him the said Thomas Flanders the sum of fifty pounds more which he still owes me, now I do hereby give and bequeath the said fifty pounds to my said cousins William Rous and Luke Pead to be equally divided between them, and I give and bequeath to my cousins WILLIAM FREEMAN and EDWARD FREEMAN, the children of my cousin Susan Freeman, widow, the sum of one hundred pounds apiece to be paid to them at their respective ages of one and twenty years and I order and appoint that the aforesaid legacies given to my said cousins William and Edward Freeman shall be put forth at interest by my executors and the survivor of them according to their discretions and with as much care as they possibly can until the said two legacies shall become due and payable and I order that the interest and profit there arising shall be paid and employed for and towards their maintenance and education and towards the maintenance of their said mother and that my said executors shall out of my cousin William and Edward Freeman’s legacies aforesaid and the interest and profit of the same put them force to apprenticeships and clothes them, and that the remainder thereof shall be paid to them and the survivor of them at their respective ages of twenty-one years, but if any loss shall happen there to by putting the same fourth to interest being not by any neglect of my executors, then my will is that the said loss shall be borne by the said children proportionately and that my said executors shall suffer no detriment thereby. Item; I give and bequeath to William Pease son of my cousin Arthur Pease of the city of London barber and Periwig Maker, late husband of my cousin Elizabeth Pease deceased the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid to him at his age of twenty-one years, but my will is that his said father shall put the same to interest for his use till the same shall become payable as aforesaid and shall employ the said interest towards his education and maintenance. And I do hereby make and appoint the said William Rous and Arthur Pease executors of this my last will and Testament and do revoke and make void all former Wills and coder seal is. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-fifth day of the month of November in the fifth year of the reign of their majesties King William and Queen Mary over England and etc A.D. one thousand six hundred ninety-threeWilliam Henbery – signed sealed published and declared by the said Mr William Henbery to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us: George Sayer (Notary Public), Edward Polford, (the mark of) John Arne.


Proved 8 January 16934 by William Rous and Arthur Pease executors


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