1675 George Savage


In the name of God Amen; I George SAVAGE of East Bloxworth in the County of Dorset, gent., weak and sick of body but of perfect memory, thanks be given to Almighty God, revoking all former, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say); FIRST I bequeath my soul to God my Creator that gave it me, trusting wholly and depending only on the merits and satisfaction of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for its free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and trespasses; AND as for my body I bequeath it to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried but thriftily and privately and by night in the churchyard of Bloxworth aforesaid, and as near my late beloved wife there as conveniently may be laid.  ITEM; I give unto my son-in-Law Robert WATTS my grey (ward) mare, and to my son Jehonadab SAVAGE all my plough horses or horse beasts with their harnesses and all my utensils as carts-dung-pots, wheels, drags, harrows and the like.  ITEM; I give unto my four daughters, Elizabeth the wife of George FILLITER, Mabel the wife of Edmund GUY, Anne RIDOUT widow, and Phoebe the wife of Robert Watts to each and every of them two shillings sixpence lawful English money.  ITEM; I give those my three grandchildren (viz. to George WATTS, Robert and Anne WATTS, sons and daughter of the said Robert Watts and the said Phoebe his wife to each and every of them twenty pounds lawful English money and to be paid them as they shall attain their several and respective ages of fourteen years, and if any or either of them happen to die before his or her age so obtained that then his or her portion so dying shall be and remain to the survivors or survivor of them.  ITEM; I give to my servant Mary Pottle half a year’s wages if she shall be living with me at the time of my decease.  ITEM; I give unto my daughter Anne Ridout the sum of forty shillings for her to dispose of in what shall think fit.  The rest of all my goods and chattels not hereby given and bequeathed (any debts and funeral expenses first discharged and paid) I give unto my son Robert Watts and my daughter Ann Ridout whom I do make joint executors of this my last will and testament, provided always and upon this trust in them reposed and upon this condition also that if my son Jehonadab Savage shall within twelve months after my decease well and truly pay or secure all my own proper debts and not only specialties but likewise single contracts, and shall likewise well and truly pay or secure all my legacies hereby given according to my true intent and meaning, that then my said executors shall relinquish this their executorship and quietly permit my said son Jehonadab to sue forth letters of administration of all my said goods and chattels with this my testament annexed, and this being done my will then is that they my said executors shall give my son account of what they have received and paid by them in order to see the performance of this my said will, and the overplus (if any shall be) to be received unto him, their necessary charges and expenses first deducted and allowed.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the last day of June in the six and twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second King of England etc, AD one thousand six hundred seventy four – G. Savage – sealed published and declared with this memorandum that all interlinings were before the sealing publishing and declaration hereof in the presence of us: (Gren) Savage, William Savage, John (Pearey)

Proved 28th June 1675