In the name of God Amen; the twelfth day of October 1658, I ELIZABETH WINCH of Long Melford in the County of Suffolk, widow being sick in body but of perfect and sound mind and memory God be praised, revoking and disannulling all other wills by me formerly made do institute ordain and make this to be my sole and absolute last will and testament in manner following; first I bequeath my soul to God and my body to the earth; and for my worldly goods which it has pleased God to give me I dispose in manner following, that is to say: I give and bequeath unto JOHN WINCH my son all those three tenements which I bought of William Sheppard and also my tenement which I late purchased of Alexander [Sussenade] with their and every of their appurtenances as the same be lying and being in Melford aforesaid to have and to hold the said tenements with their appurtenances to the use and behoof of the said John my son his heirs and assigns forever. ITEM; all my goods and personal estate of what kind and nature so ever the same be of by me unbequeathed I give and bequeath unto SARAH my youngest daughter to remain to her as her now property goods forever. ITEM; I give unto ANNE KING my grandchild five pounds of lawful money to be paid to her by my executrix or her assigns when she shall be of her full age of one and twenty years or at her day of marriage which shall happen first; and in the meantime I strictly charge my executrix to see and provide for her from time to time such clothes and wearing apparel as she shall want and stand in need of till her time aforesaid. Also I do give and bequeath unto ELIZABETH KING and MARGARET SHEPPARD my daughters five shillings apiece to be paid to them within a month next after my decease. ITEM; I do institute and ordain and make the said Sarah my daughter sole executrix to this my will charging her to discharge my debts funeral and probate of this my will and the legacies before by me bequeathed. ITEM; I do nominate and appoint Ellmer Haylocke supervisor to this my will and for his pains and caretaking therein I give him ten shillings. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above said – (the mark of Elizabeth Winch – signed sealed published in the presence of Anne Haylock, (the mark of) Dinah Haylocke, Oliver Haylocke
Proved 26th July 1660 by Susan (sic.) Winch the daughter and executrix
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