1660 Dame Alice Wandesford


In the name of God Amen, I Dame Alice WANDESFORD of Hepswell in the County of York widow being at this present of perfect mind and memory (praised be God) do make and ordain this my last will and testament the tenth day of January in the year of our Lord God according to the computation now used in England on thousand six hundred fifty and eight in manner and form following (that is to say): First I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator fully assuring myself to have free pardon and remission of all my sins by the merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer, and my body to be buried in Christian burial at the parish church where I shall decease hereby revoking and making void all other wills and testaments by me formerly made and ordained, also I do by this my last will and testament nominate and appoint John FRECHEVILLE of Stanley in the County of Derby, beloved brother, and my trusty and well beloved friend Francis Darley of Buttercrombe in the said County of York, gent, to be my executors, heartily desiring them that they would be pleased to take this trust upon them and that they will show their special (tone) and care to my daughter Alice THORNTON wife of William THORNTON of East Stewton in the said County of York Esquire and her children in the performance of such gifts legacies and bequests and in such manner and form  as by this my last will and testament shall be given and bequeathed unto them, and of whatsoever else that be contained in this my last will and testament, and for their pains and care therein to be had and taken so also for a testimony of my true love and affection towards them over and besides all their (xxx) and other necessary charges expended in or about the execution hereof which I do hereby allow unto them I give and bequeath to either of them the sum of five pounds. Now because the distance of the abode of my executors from here is great (it) is therefore my will and pleasure that my daughter Alice Thornton shall have power to order and dispose of all things pertaining to my funeral wherein I desire to have no great pomp or ceremony used but to be privately and decently interred as best (xxx) my present condition and estate, and for that purpose I do only give and bequeath the sum of thirty pounds and ten pounds more to be distributed amongst the poor at the time of my (xxx) and (then) the poor within the (Lordship) of Hipswell are chiefly to be regarded. Also I give unto Mr Siddall whom I have desired to preach my funeral sermon one mourning cloak but if he do not perform that office my will and pleasure is that he that does supply the place and office for me shall have twenty shillings for his pains, and I do appoint no (xxx xxx) to be given except unto my children and such and such as shall carry me into the church, also it is my will and pleasure that my said executors shall at reasonable time of the year make sale of all my quick goods viz. the horses sheep cattle swine etc and also all my corn and hay both within doors and without and also of one (xxx) two (fledges) with all other both iron and wooden implements in the barn and elsewhere belonging unto husbandry in the sale whereof the said William Thornton my son in law shall have the first offer to buy any of the cattle as they will sell at that time of the year I die at, but if he will not buy them then my said (executors) are to sell them to the best advantage and all the monies got for them and such monies as shall be in any house and all (xxx) of rent due unto me at Hipswell and all other money due unto me by bond from any person or otherwise together with all other monies which shall be in any wise owing unto me at the time of my decease whatsoever shall be disposed of and disbursed by the said John Frecheville and Francis Darley my said executors to the uses intents and purposes as in and by this my last will and testament is limited appointed expressed and declared (that is to say) for the discharge of my funerals withall expenses belonging thereunto and for the discharge of fifty pounds owing to my (brother) Norton if the same be unpaid at the time of my death and for discharge of all my just and true debts (if any such be) and to and for the discharge of all such legacies as I shall give and bequeath by this my last will and testament but if the same monies will not extend to pay and discharge the same then my will and mind is that all such legacy in money as shall be hereby given and bequeathed except to my son Christopher WANDESFORD my executors and my servants shall be void and of none effect, also I give and bequeath unto my said executors John a Frecheville and Francis Darley all my plate jewels household stuff linen woollen brass iron pewter and all other my household goods or household stuff of what kind or nature so ever except such as I shall otherwise particularly limit and appoint by this my last will and testament upon condition and to that end and purpose that my said executors shall permit and suffer my said daughter Alice Thornton to have the whole and sole use of all the said plate jewels household goods and household stuff for the term of her natural life, and have full power and authority to dispose thereof after her death either by will or otherwise to such of her children as shall be best deserving and in case she has no child at the time of her death then to such other person or persons as she shall think meet.  Also I give and bequeath to my said daughter Alice Thornton all my wearing linen and apparel and my books and writings my lute and viol and my late honoured husband’s (pictures) to be disposed of to such person or persons as she shall think meet and convenient.  Also I give and bequeath to my said daughter Alice Thornton my harpsicals virginals for her life, and after her decease to my grandchild Alice THORNTON for her life and after her decease to my grandchild Katherine THORNTON for her life, and after her decease to the eldest daughter of Alice Thornton my grandchild for her life and after her decease then to the rest of the daughters of the said Alice Thornton  my grandchild successively for and during their natural lives and if the said Alice Thornton my grandchild die without any daughter then to the eldest daughter of my grandchild Katherine Thornton for her life and after her decease to the rest of the daughters of the said Katherine Thornton successively for and during the term of their several lives and if the said Katherine do also die without any daughter then to such other daughter as the said Alice Thornton the mother shall have hereafter according to their several (age) and degrees for and during the term of their natural lives and if the said Alice Thornton the mother shall leave no daughter at the time of her death then to the eldest son of the said Alice the mother and to the heirs of his body to continue as an heirloom in his family, but if the said Alice Thornton the mother die without any issue then to be disposed of as the said Alice the mother shall think fit. Also whereas William Wandesford one of my husband’s executors entreated me to become bound with him as surety for two hundred pounds to one Mr Thomas Edmonds which money the said Mr William WANDESFORD told me was (accrued) for the management of the estate of my honoured husband of Castlecomer in Ireland but the said bond was put in suit against me and I was forced to pay one hundred eighty and four pounds for principal interest costs and damages which said sum the said William Wandesford had formerly promised should be repaid unto me either by himself or such other as should manage the said freehold Estate but as yet has not been repaid nor any part thereof, and whereas also my said late honoured husband did by his last will and testament in writing bearing date in or about the second day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and forty give and bequeath unto me the sum of one hundred pounds for a legacy to be raised out of the said Irish Estate which said legacy nor any part thereof is yet paid unto me. I do therefore by this my last will and testament entreat my said executors to recover the said sum of one hundred eighty and four pounds with damages for the want thereof as also the said legacy of one hundred pounds so given unto me as aforesaid, and it is my will and desire that my said executors when they shall have (recovered) the said sum of one hundred eighty and four pounds and the said one hundred pounds with damages shall lay out the same together with all other monies remaining in their hands (when) my funeral expenses debt servants wages and legacies shall be discharged in a purchase of lands of inheritance in England which said lands so to be purchased shall be and inure to Alice Thornton my daughter for and during the term of her natural life and after her decease to the use of her younger sons and all her daughters equally to be divided amongst them, and if she leave no younger sons then to be equally divided amongst the daughters, and if any of her younger sons or daughters die without issue then such part thereof as should have accrued unto them shall be equally divided amongst the survivors and if she shall leave but one son or one daughter then the whole estate shall remain and be to and for the use and behoof of the said surviving son or daughter and the heirs of their bodies, but if it shall so happen that my daughter Alice Thornton shall survive all her children and their issue that then all the said estate in land so to be purchased as aforesaid shall be and inure to the use and behoof of the said Alice Thornton my daughter and to such other person or persons as she shall think fit and convenient to estate the said land upon.  Also whereas I have taken a survey of all the lands in Hipswell and Waterworth which cost me twenty pounds at the least it is my will and pleasure that if my son Christopher WANDESFORD desire to have it it shall be delivered unto him upon payment of twenty pounds for the same to my executors which said sum of twenty pounds shall be disposed of by my executors in such manner  and to such uses intents and purposes as I have appointed all other monies which are due to me and to be received by my said executors and is further by me in this my last will and testament declared limited and appointed, also I give and bequeath unto my said (son) Christopher Wandesford all the iron (xxx) in my house at Hipswell and also the locks and keys of the doors there, all which iron (xxx) locks and keys I bought since my coming thither, I (kept) five old locks (found..) (xxx) the dresser tables in the kitchen with all the several blocks to cut meat upon with the tables and the shelves in the milk house with two cheese presses and one (sheading) trough in the bolting house all which wooden things I made at (majority charge save my ingrowing) hither also one (xxx) lead standing in the brewhouse which cost me in repair as much as would have bought a new one; also one pair of iron racks in the kitchen, one great (wood) chest over the kitchen and one great ironbound chest , and also two long tables with frames and two long forms In the hall, two standing bedsteads I found in the house, one square table in my daughter Thornton’s lodging, one wainscott cupboard there all which said lead chests tables forms bedsteads and cupboards I found in pieces which charged me much to be made up, and further I declare that I have bestowed in repairing building and furnishing in and about the house at least three hundred pounds. I do also so then declare that the great long oak table and frame standing in my great chamber at Hipswell was left there by my cousin Anthony MORTON his wife when she went away, which table and frame I do (appoint) shall be restored to her or to whom she shall appoint for receiving the same; also I give unto my son Christopher Wandesford forty shillings.  Also I give unto my son John WANDESFORD twenty shillings.  Also I give unto my son Sir Thomas DANBY twenty shillings to buy him a ring.  Also I give unto my son Thornton twenty shillings to buy him a ring.  Also I give unto my daughter Thornton twenty shillings to buy her a ring.  Also I give unto my grandson Thomas DANBY twenty shillings.  Also I give unto my granddaughter Katherine DANBY twenty shillings.  Also I give unto my servant Robert Loftus the elder twenty pounds.  Also I give unto my servant George Lightfoot twenty shillings.  Also I give unto Daphney Lightfoot my servant twenty shillings.  Also I give unto my manservant (blank) ten shillings.  Also I give unto my three women (blank) ten shillings apiece.  Also I give unto the two boys five shillings apiece if they be with me at the time of my decease. All the rest of my goods and chattels of whatsoever kind or nature (funeral expenses debts and legacies being discharged) I give unto my said executors for the use benefit and behoof of my daughter Alice Thornton and her children and to (xxx) other use purpose or intent whatsoever.  And whereas by my deed in writing under my hand and seal bearing date the third day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and eight I did give and grant unto the said John Frecheville and Francis Darley my now executors all my personal estate of what kind nature or condition (xxx) in trust only to the sole end and purpose that they the said John Frecheville and Francis Darley should pay satisfy and discharge all my funeral expenses debts and legacies and do and perform all such other acts and duties to my daughter Alice Thornton and her children and in such manner as shall be most proper and pertinent to the full and true performance and execution of my last will and testament, do hereby ratify and confirm the same to all such intents and purposes as in and by the said deed and this my last will is limited and expressed and to no other intent or purpose whatsoever, and if it shall happen that at any time hereafter that any ambiguity doubt or question shall grow or arise by reason of the imperfection or defect of or in any the words clauses or sentences in this my present last will and testament that then the further and better explanation interpretation and (construction) of the said doubt and ambiguities I will that my said executors shall expand explain and interpret according to their (reasons) and good discretions. In witness whereof I have subscribed my name and set my seal to this my last will and testament  the day and year first above written – Alice Wandesford – sealed signed published and declared in the presence of William Etherington, Richard Makum, Matthew Bellamy, William Wilson, Robert Loftus, (xxx), George Lightfoot, George Woodward.

Be it remembered that the several interlinings in this will, that is to say, these words (and testament) between the seventh and eighth lines and these words viz. (among the poor) between the twelfth and thirteenth lines and between the thirtieth and one and thirtieth lines this word viz. (daughter) and between the three and fiftieth and four and fiftieth lines these words viz. (Christopher Wandesford) were interlinked before then sealing and publishing hereof and then sealed and published and declared by the within named Alice Wandesford in the presence of Mr William Etherington, Richard Makum, Matthew Bellamy, William Wilson, Robert Loftus his Mark, George Lightfoot, George Wood scrivener.

Be it remembered that the within named Dame Alice Wandesford upon the sixth day of December one thousand six hundred fifty nine did publish and declare this will to be her last will and testament, and she did then also (xxx) that she does thereby revoke and make void all former wills whatsoever  and this publication and declaration was made in the presence of Robert Loftus his mark, Daphney Lightfoot, Thomas Beare, Leonard (Sever), Florin Dixon, Giles (xxx)

Proved 19th June 1660