1658 Josias Dann


Memorandum the 20th day of August 1657; I JOSIAS DANN of Warblton in the County of Sussex yeoman do make my last will in manner and form following.  ITEM; I will and give unto by eldest daughter USLIE the sum of thirty pounds.  ITEM; I will and give unto my youngest daughter MARY the sum of thirty pounds.  ITEM; I will and give unto that child which my wife is now with child of if it be a son the sum of forty pounds, if it be a daughter the sum of thirty pounds which general sums of money my will and mind is that my son JOSIAS shall pay as aforesaid when they shall accomplish the age of one and twenty years; and my will is that the several sums of money is to be paid out of a parcel of land called tenement at hole by my son Josias as aforesaid; and if the said Josias shall refuse to pay the several sums of money as aforesaid then my will and mind is that they shall have and enjoy there pieces of the land aforesaid containing ten acres more or less called by the name of Thisley Field the two acre croft and the meadow behind the barn to them and their heirs for ever; and my will and mind is that if either of my children shall happen to die before they shall come to the age of one and twenty years that they shall be heirs each to the other; and my will and mind is that my wife USLIE shall be my whole executor and shall have all my moveable goods and the rent of the land after my father’s decease towards bringing up the children.  And my will and mind is that my brother JOHN DANN and John Ellis shall be overseers to this my last will.  In witness whereof I have set to my hand and seal the day and year above written – Josias Dann his mark – witness – John Ellis, Mary Cogger her mark


Proved, London, 28th June 1658 by Ursula Danne (relict and executrix)


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