Matthieu Renier 1645
Au nom de Dieu Amen… MATHIEU RENNIERE
…tr. … assembled at London expecting the blessed day of resurrection ; And concerning the goods which God has given me in this world as well moveables as immoveables rights and credits which shall be found within my house or without belonging to me I leave them and give them all to my wife MARY De RANTE[1] for to dispose thereof as she shall find good for to bring up my children in the fear of God without specifying anything whatsoever of our said goods assuring myself that she will be a mother to our children begotten of both our bodies and that she will do them as much good as possibly she can for their salvation and profit, ordaining my said wife Mary de Rante executrix of this my testament which I do will and intend that it be performed and bear its effect reserving always to my pleasure to change remove or totally annul this my testament always and so often as shall seem good to me. Thus done bequeathed the twentieth day of the month of January one thousand six hundred forty and four in the presence of SAMUELL DuPRIE my brother in law and of Peter Blanchart as witnesses hereunto called and [ ] the day and year as above with the sign of the testator subscribed – Mathew Renier – Samuell duPrie, Peter Blanchart: 1644
Confirmed 1645 by Josua Mamer (Notary Public)
[1] Phillipe de la Force baptised 1609, married Mary de Rante, a widow of Mathieu Renier, when he was 35 and his wife about 30, on 7th May or 12th April 1646 at Threadneedle Street Church
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