1644 John Whistler


In the name of God Amen; the tenth day of February one thousand six hundred forty one JOHN WHISTLER of New Windsor in the county of Berks Esq being of perfect health of body and mind praised be Almighty God therefore do for the settling of my estate against the time that it shall please Almighty God to call me out of this transitory world make constitute and ordain my last will and testament in manner and form following; viz. First I bequeath my soul to Almighty God my Creator hoping for salvation of soul and body by the merit of Jesus Christ. ITEM; I bequeath my body to be buried where and in what manner it shall please God and my friends to dispose.  ITEM; I give unto my son THOMAS WHISTLER the sum of four hundred pounds of current money of England to be paid unto the said Thomas within six months next after my decease besides some copyhold which I have estated him in Caxton in the county of Cambridge and in Sunning in the county of Berks.  ITEM; I give unto Mr JOHN WHISTLER of Grays Inn a ring of twenty shillings.  ITEM; I give unto the Clarke and every one of my fellows in the woodyard and unto Mr William Williams either of them a ring of twenty shillings apiece.  ITEM; I give unto every servant allowed in the woodyard five shillings apiece to buy them gloves.  ITEM; I give unto the poor of Southill fifty shillings.  ITEM; I give unto the poor of Caxton fifty shillings. ITEM; I give unto the poor of Cookham thirty shillings to be given at the discretion of my daughter HATHORNE.  ITEM; I give unto the poor of Whitchurch thirty shillings to be given at the discretion of my daughter WHISTLER but if I shall be buried in any of these places or parishes then I give unto that place or parish to the poor thereof five pounds.  ITEM; I give unto every one of my children ten pounds to buy them and their husbands mourning.  ITEM; I give unto every one of my grandchildren forty shillings to buy them mourning.  ITEM; I further give unto every one of my grandchildren twenty marks apiece to be paid within six months after my decease; and all the rest of my lands goods and chattels I give unto my son JOHN WHISTLER whom I make my sole executor of this my last will and testament; and I do make my son in law Mr NATHANIEL HATHORNE of Cookham overseer of this my last will to whom I give forty shillings to buy him a ring desiring his assistance in anything that may concern this my will.  In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal the day above written – John Whistler – published the day above said in the presence of Fra: Joyce, William Williams, William Wadbrooke

Proved 21st March 1644 by John Whistler son and executor


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