This is the last will and testament of me, NATHANIELL MOONE, citizen and Merchant Tailor of London; First I give my soul to God, and my body to the earth; and concerning my goods chattels and personal estate in this manner vizt. First my debts and funerals paid; my will is that if my wife be with child at my decease then she to have her customary part which is one third part of my estate, and the same child another third part thereof being the orphanage part, and if she be not with child then I give unto her one moiety of my goods and estate which is her customary part or the sum of two thousand and four hundred pounds in money at her choice and election. ITEM; out of my mortuary part I dispose and give these legacies; vizt. To Mr Shute, Minister in Lombard Street in London ten pounds desiring him to preach my funeral sermon. To Mr Tuke minister of St Olave’s in the Old Jury in London ten pounds. To Mr Jeremy Van late preacher at the Dutch Church in London ten pounds. To the poor of the Dutch Congregation in London ten pounds. To the poor of the Dutch Congregation in Colchester ten pounds. To the poor of the Dutch Congregation in Sandwich eight pounds. To the poor of the Parish of St Mary Woolnoth in Lombard Street London forty shillings. To the poor of the said Parish of St Olave’s forty shillings. To Edward Burston a Porter five pounds. To Elizabeth my Maidservant three pounds. To Sara my Maidservant thirty shillings. To Thomas Canham my Servant five pounds. To my Godson WILLIAM CULLYN ten pounds. To THOMAS RUYS the Younger fifty pounds. To my Brother JOHN MOONE one hundred pounds. To my Sister SARA MOONE one hundred pounds. To my Partner JOHN FREDERICK threescore pounds. To THOMAS RUYS the Elder twenty and five pounds to buy a piece of plate. ITEM; I make name and appoint the said Thomas Ruys the Elder and ABRAHAM CULLEN executors of this my last will and testament. The residue of my goods chattels and personal estate I will shall remain to my wife and child if she be with child equally to be divided between them; and if the same child die in minority then out of my child’s portion my said wife shall have her portion with her customary part made up the sum of four and twenty hundred pounds, and the residue to remain to my five brothers and sisters vizt. John, Abraham, Sara, JUDITH and ABIGAILL equally amongst them to be divided. And if my said wife be not with child at my decease having her said moiety of my estate or four and twenty hundred pounds in satisfaction thereof at her choice as aforesaid, the residue unbequeathed of my said goods chattels and personal estate shall remain and be to my said five brothers and sisters equally amongst them to be divided. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this six and twentieth day of April AD one thousand six hundred thirty seven and in the thirteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King Charles; provided always that if my wife shall happen to decease or depart out of this life within the time of six months next after my decease then in such case my will and meaning is that she shall only have her customary part which is the one half of my estate and no more anything here above written to the contrary notwithstanding – Nathaniell Moone – signed sealed published and declared by the said Nathaniell Moone as and for his last will and testament the day and year above written in the presence of ADAM LAWRENCE testis, John Stevens, John Sutter, (the mark of) Joan Dendrell
Proved 2nd September 1637 by Thomas Ruys Senior and Abraham Cullen executors.
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