In the name of God Amen the four and twentieth day of September anno dmi one thousand six hundred thirty seven I JUDITH WYNCH of Reading in the County of Berks widow being sick and weak in body yet of perfect mind and memory praised be God do make and declare my last will and testament as followeth vizt I commend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to the earth from whence it was taken steadfastly believing to be saved by the only merits of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. ITEM I devise and give to my three daughters ANNE ELIZABETH and JUDITH forty shillings apiece and to their three husbands twenty shillings apiece to buy them rings. ITEM I devise and give to my son THOMAS WYNCH three score pounds in money. ITEM I devise and give to my other three sons JOHN JAMES and SYMON WYNCH fifty pounds apiece in money. ITEM I devise and give to my other two daughters ELLYN and JANE WYNCH fifty pounds apiece in money. And my will is that the several portions of my said sons Thomas John James and Symon and of my daughters Ellin and Jane shall be respectively paid them at their several ages of one and twenty years or days of marriage [whichever] first shall happen next after my decease. And also my will is that if any of my said children Thomas John James Symon Ellyn and Jane shall happen to die before his or her portion shall be due then his or her portion so dying shall be paid unto the survivors of them [ ] share and share alike. ITEM I devise and give to my sister SARAH MATE forty shillings in money and all my best wearing apparel [ ] woollen or linen. ITEM I devise and give to my kinswoman ELIZABETH LYDALL forty shillings in money. ITEM I devise and give to my Godson and kinsman WILLIAM LYDALL twenty shillings to buy him a ring. ITEM I give to the poor of the parish of St Mary in Reading twenty shillings to the poor of the parish of St Giles in Reading twenty shillings and to the poor of the parish of St Lawrence in Reading twenty shillings to be all distributed amongst them the day of my burial. ITEM I give to Joane Hill, widow ten shillings in money and I give to all my servants who shall be dwelling with me at my death ten shillings apiece. ITEM All the rest and residue of my goods and chattels whatsoever unbequeathed my debts legacies and funeral expenses being first paid and discharged I devise and give unto my eldest son RICHARD WYNCH whom I make full and sole executor of this my last will and testament And I request my loving brother MR SYMON WYNCH and my two sons in law ROBERT MATE and WILLIAM GANDYE to be overseers of this my will and to aid and direct my said executor and other children in what they may And also I give unto my said brother Mr Symon Wynch twenty shillings to buy him a ring. Thus praising God for all his favours toward me I do humbly submit myself to his mercy in his son Jesus Christ and revoking and making void all former will and wills by me made I do publish and declare this to be my last will and testament whereunto I have set my hand and seal this day and year first above written in the presence of Thomas Kendrick Thomas Lydall and Edward Willmer – Judith Wynch
Probate 17/10/1637 Probatum fuit…
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