1633 Thomas Freke


In the name of God Amen; I Sir THOMAS FREKE of Iwerne Courtney in the county of Dorset knight being of good and perfect health and memory I thank God for it do make and ordain this my last will and testament; first I acknowledge my thankfulness to Almighty God who of his mercy (being a sinful man) has preserved my life for many years giving me abundantly of all manner of worldly blessings; and to this merciful God I recommend my soul which although it be of itself very sinful and unworthy his presence yet my hope and faith is that through the passion and blood of his son Jesus Christ my only Saviour he will accept thereof amongst his elect in heaven; my body I desire may be buried in the vault of the Church of Iwerne Courtney aforesaid if I die in place where it may be done with convenience in Christian and yet private manner without any pomp or great show to be made thereat.  Unto the poor of Blandford Barport Cerne Abbas Milton Sturminster Newton and Shaftsbury I desire may be given and distributed in every of them the said towns five pounds within one month after my death; unto all men and maid servants in any of my houses that I give wages unto I give five pounds apiece; unto my brother JOHN FREKE, my brother WILLIAM FREKE, my sister FRAUNCIS CULLYFORD (***) I give to every of them a piece of plate of the value of ten pounds for a remembrance.  To my three daughters the Lady HORSEY (*), the Lady HASTINGS and daughter TREGONWELL (**) I give fifty pounds apiece as remembrance of them; and to every of their children ten pounds apiece.  Unto my wellbeloved wife in performance of my covenants and promise to her I give to her all my stock and store of corn in the barn and on the ground growing at Shrotton, all my kyne and sheep upon my demesnes there and my horse plough or one plough at her choice to be sent her from Melcombe.  As for the household stuff plate linings hangings bedding and all other things necessary in and about my house as my desire is not to leave my wife unfurnished of anything therein first for her use to have therein during her life; so my will and desire is that at her death she leave all such things unto my son and heir as she shall receive from my executor by an inventory; but I give unto her half my silver plate not gilt and ten featherbeds with their furniture such as she pleases to choose to dispose of at her will and pleasure; and of this my desire I presume my wife and her son will not disagree for the full payment of my debts and legacies and of two thousand pounds unto my grandchild ARRUNDELL FREAKE which I hereby give unto her for her marriage portion in case her father do not himself marry her within these two years not having personal estate of goods and chattels to perform the same as my meaning is I have left divers lands in this county of Dorset conveyed unto my loving friends Sir WILLIAM PITT, RAUFE FREKE and GEORGE RYVES in trust if need be to sell and see the same severally performed in such manner as in writing under my hand and seal will appear; but my trust and confidence is that my son may and will see all performed without sale of any land if he live; and of this my last will and testament I make and ordain my son and heir JOHN FREKE my sole executor and I desire my loving uncle RICHARD SWAYNE Esq and my loving Cousin Sir William Pitt kt to be overseers of the performance hereof desiring them to give my son their best counsels and assistance and I give to either of them a piece of plate of the value of twenty pounds which I desire them to accept of as a remembrance of my love to them, and amongst many other my loving friends I desire and will that one hundred pounds be bestowed in good rings and that my executor distribute them as a remembrance of my love of them.  In witness whereof to this my will written all with my own hand I have set to my hand and seal the thirtieth day of March AD 1633 – Thos Freke


Proved 5th November 1633 by John Freke son and executor

(*) Elizabeth Freke married Sir George Horsey in 1606

(**) Jane Freke married John Tregonwell

(***) [Frances Cullimore]Freke1

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* indicates required field