In the name of God Amen; the tenth day of November AD one thousand six hundred thirty one and in the seventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc. I SIR CUTHBERT HACKET[i] knight and Alderman of the City of London being at this present sick and weak in body but of perfect memory praised therefore be Almighty God do make my testament and last will in manner and form following that is to say inprimis and before all things I commend and commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping and assuredly believing through the precious death and merits of Jesus Christ my most merciful Saviour to have free pardon of all my sins and to be saved; my body I remit to the earth to be buried in Christian burial in the parish church of St Martin in the Vintry in London not doubting of a joyful resurrection at the last day unto the life of glory; and I will that at my funeral there shall be four score poor men in mourning to attend my corpse to ground to every one of which poor men I give to furnish them with their gowns fifteen shillings sterling apiece; and my will is that of the said four-score poor men ten of them shall be of the parish of Isleworth in the county of Middlesex, and fifteen more of them shall be of the parish of All Hallows of the Less in London and six more shall be appointed by my sons ROGER and THOMAS HACKET vizt. by each of my said sons three; and the residue at the discretion of my executor hereafter named. ITEM; I bequeath to the ten preachers or ministers of God’s words hereunder named vizt. to Mr Rives parson of the parish church of St Martin in the Vintry London; to Mr Hinnes curate there; to Mr Stephan Benham curate of Richmand in Surrey; to old Mr Byfeild of Isleworth aforesaid; to his son curate there; to Doctor Horne parson there; to Mr Thomas Hodges; to Mr John Wood Parson of the Parish of St James Dukes Place London; to Mr John Downeham Parson of Great All Hallows London; and to Mr Jemmett Vicar or Lecturer of Isleworth to every of them the said ten preachers five pounds apiece to fit themselves with mourning to attend my corpse to the ground. ITEM; I forgive unto Susan Harris that now attends me all such debt she owes me; and I will that the Maudlin cup of silver which I have of hers be delivered unto her immediately after my death; and I do give to the said Susan seven pounds sterling and three pounds more to provide her mourning. ITEM; I give to Lucy Binne ten pounds sterling; and to every other servant which shall serve me at the time of my death I give mourning and forty shillings apiece. ITEM; forgive Thomas Cookeof Isleworthaforesaid waterman a debt of four pounds he owes me and I give him a mourning cloak. ITEM; I give to Mrs JOANE BROWNE my daughter in law five pounds to fit her with mourning. ITEM; I give and bequeath to FRANCES the wife of my son RICHARD HACKETT a pearl hatband a hatband set with pearl and gold a tyre of pearl a scarlet gown and a figured velvet petticoat. ITEM; I bequeath to my daughter JUDETH DAWES wife of Mr THOMAS DAWES the suite of green curtains of taffeta needlework valance a chair and two stools and the window cloths suitable now being in and about the bed and chamber I now lie in in London and my [first] ring of pearl; and I give to the said Thomas Dawes my diamond jewel. ITEM; I give to my grandchild HESTER MORRALL a piece of gold coin of three pounds value or thereabouts; and to my grandchild JUDETH STUBBS the diamond ring which was her mother’s. ITEM; I bequeath to my son RICHARD HACKETT my best diamond ring and a great [beazer] stone. ITEM; I give to my son ROGER HACKETT the diamond ring which was his mother’s and three beer bowls of silver and gilt and a feather bed bolster bedstead and furniture whereon my late wife DAME SARA HACKETT lay at her death at Isleworth aforesaid and other convenient furniture for a chamber. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my son THOMAS HACKETT my gold ring with the green sapphire and my seal ring of gold and all my wainscots bedsteads presses tables [resterines] of lead pump and pipes of lead in and about my house at Isleworth aforesaid and also my bedding and furniture of and belonging to my great chamber wherein I usually lay at Isleworth. ITEM; I bequeath to the Right Worshipful the Master and Wardens and assistance of the Right Worshipful Company of Drapers London forty pounds of lawful English money to make a dinner on the day of my funeral to such of the said Company as shall attend my funeral to church. ITEM; I give to the Warden’s assistants and livery men of the Cominality of the Mystery of Dyersof the City of London twenty pounds sterling to make them a dinner in their hall on the day of my funeral and also I give to the said Wardens and Cominality of Dyers twenty pounds sterling more to buy them some fair piece of plate, the same to be made and provided by and according to my executors discretion and my name and arms to be set thereon and so to remain to the said Company of Dyers in remembrance of my love to them. ITEM; I give and bequeath towards the relief of the poor people at St Bartholemew’s Hospital London ten pounds sterling and towards the relief of the poor children in Christs Hospital London ten pounds of like money and towards the relief of the poor people in the Hospital called Bridewell London five pounds and towards the relief of the poor people of St Thomas Hospital five pounds sterling and towards the relief of the poor prisoners in Wood Street Compter three pounds sterling and towards the relief of the poor prisoners in the Ludgate Compter three pounds sterling and towards the relief of the poor prisoners Ludgate London three pounds sterling. ITEM; I give to the poor people of the parish of St James at Garlick Hith in London five pounds sterling and to the poor people of the parish of St Martin in the Vintry in London the like sum of five pounds and to the poor people of the parish of All Hallows the Less in London ten pounds sterling which said three legacies so as aforesaid by me given to the said threer parishes I will shall be respectively given and distributed to and amongst the poor people of the said several parishes at the discretion of my executor and the several churchwardens for the time being of the said several parishes. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto CUTHBERT and RICHARD HACKETT the two sons of my aforenamed son Roger Hackett to each of them fifty pounds apiece of lawful English money to be paid unto them respectively at their several ages of twenty and one years and my will is that if either of them the said Cuthbert and Richard the sons of my said son Roger shall happen to depart this mortal life before he attain to his said age of twenty and one years then the survivor of them shall have the portion of him so deceasing to be paid to such survivor at his age of twenty and one years; and my further menaing and will is that my executor shall during the minority of them the said Cuthbert and Richard the sons of my said son Roger Hackett allow unto them some reasonable consideration for their said several portions as he in his discretion shall think fit. ITEM; I give to every one of my grandchildren and to every one of the children of my said grandchildren ten pounds apiece sterling to be paid to them severally and respectively as follows vizt. to the males at their several ages of twenty and one years and to the females at their ages of twenty and one years or several days of marriage which shall first happen next after my death; and to SARA STUBBES one of my grandchildren I give to her five pounds more sterling to make her a ring. ITEM; I do further will and appoint that forty pounds sterling shall be and remain in the hands of my executor during so long as my grandchild MARGARET GUNTER and her husband EDWARD GUNTER shall both of them live and I will that if the said Edward shall die and she the said Margaret his wife shall him survive then my executor of this my will shall deliver and pay unto her the said Margaret the said forty pounds within one month next after such decease of the said Edward if she the said Margaret shall be then living. And my will is that if she dies before her said husband or before she ought by virtue of this my will to receive the said forty pounds then I give the said forty pounds to and amongst all such children as she shall have living at the time of her decease to be paid to them part and part alike vizt. to the male or males at his or their age or ages of twenty and one years; and to the female or females of them at their age or ages of twenty and one years or day or days of marriage which shall first happen; and I desire and will that my executor shall in the meantime allow and give to her the said Margaret Gunter and to her children after her death some reasonable allowance for the said forty pounds as he in his discretion shall think fit if he see they shall have need thereof towards their maintenance. ITEM; I further give to SARA GUNTER the daughter of the said Margaret twenty pounds sterling to be paid her at her day of marriage or age of twenty and one years which shall first happen. ITEM; I give to Mistress Salisbury seven pounds sterling and three pounds for mourning. ITEM; I will that my dwelling house in London shall be kept by the space of thirty days next after the day of my funeral where I will that my children such of them as live with me and my servants that shall serve me at my death shall be maintained and provided for during the said thirty days for their diet and lodging at my charge out of my personal estate. ITEM; I will that my children and grandchildren shall have mourning habit allowed them to attend my corpse to the ground and I give to Edward Daniell and Richard Wigginton Dyers ten pounds apiece sterling to provide them and their wives mourning at my funeral and I will that such others as my executor shall think fit shall have mourning habit to attend my funeral. ITEM; whereas I have preferred and given heretofore portions to my children vizt. to my eldest son Richard Hackett seven hundred pounds; to my son Roger Hackett five hundred pounds; to my son Thomas Hackett four hundred and fifty pounds and to my daughter Judeth Dawes in portion and wedding charge and furniture eleven hundred pounds; now because my desire is that every one of my said sons shall have his portion or sum aforesaid made up alike and equal to my said daughter Judith’s eleven hundred pounds out of such residue of my personal estate as after all and every my debts funeral charges and legacies herein bequeathed be fully paid and borne shall remain therefore I will that out of such residue of my personal estate as shall so rest or remain after my said debts funeral charges probate of my will exhibition of my inventories legacies and the said thirty days charge of housekeeping shall be reclaimed allowed and paid my said son Richard shall have four hundred pounds sterling, my son Roger six hundred pounds sterling, and my son Thomas six hundred and fifty pounds sterling the which will make up the said portions formerly by me given equal with my said daughter Judeth’s said portion of eleven hundred pounds by me given her as aforesaid and then the residue of all and singular my goods chattels money and personal estate whatsoever which then shall remain over and besides the payment and allowance of my debts funeral and other charges aforesaid legacies and portions aforementioned I do give will and bequeath to and amongst all my said four children Richard Roger Thomas and Judeth amongst them to be divided part and part alike. ITEM; I will that if any of my grandchildren or any of the children of my said grandchildren shall die before he she or they ought by virtue of this my will to receive such legacy as I have hereby given them then such brother or brothers and sister or sisters as such of them so dying shall have surviving them shall have such legacy and legacies and in such manner to be paid as such of them so dying should have had if he she or they so dying should have lived to receive the same; and I make and ordain my said loving son Richard Hackett full and sole executor of this my testament and last will not doubting of his faithful judicious and pious execution hereof according to my true meaning and not doubting of the loving and brotherly concord and assistance of my said sons Roger and Thomas who are acquainted with this my will being put at the making and publishing hereof and which said Roger and Thomas together with my son in law THOMAS DAWES I appoint and request to be overseers of this my will to whom for their pains herein to be taken I give five pounds apiece over and besides their legacies and portions aforesaid; and as touching my lands tenements and hereditaments whereof I am seized in fee I will that they shall all descend and come as by the laws of this Realm of England the same ought to do saving that I give and bequeath to my said son Roger Hackett all that my little tenement with all the lands and appurtenances thereto belonging in the County of Kent which I heretofore purchased of one Thomas Beverly to have and to hold the same to my said son Roger and his heirs for ever; and also I do give devise and bequeath to my said son Roger one annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty and eight pounds of lawful money of England to be issuing and paid out of those my messuages or tenements with their appurtenances situate and being in the parish of St Martin in the Vintry in London which I purchased of Nicholas Spencer and Sir John Wood that is to say the messuage or tenement now in the occupation of Henry Lee citizen and draper of London or his assigns and the messuage or tenement lying behind the same now or late in the tenure or occupation of Widow Powell and the messuage now called by the name of Clarks Hall to have hold receive and take the said annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty and eight pounds unto him my said son Roger and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life to be paid to him yearly at the feast days of the nativity of St John the Baptist, St Michael the Archangel, the birth of our Lord God and the Annunciation of St Mary the Virgin or within twenty and one days next after every of the said feast days by equal portions the first quarter’s payment thereof to be made and to be by him had on such of the said quarter feast days as shall first happen next after my decease provided always and my will is and so I do hereby grant and devise that if it shall happen the said yearly annuity or rent charge of twenty and eight pounds or any part or parcel thereof to be behind or unpaid in part or all by the said space of twenty and one days next over or after any feast day of payment thereof in which the same by the tenor and true meaning of this my will ought to be paid that then and at any time after and so often as any such chance shall happen or be it shall be lawful to and for my said son Roger or his assigns into the said messuages or tenements out of which the annuity is to be issuing as aforesaid or into any of them or into and upon any part or parcel of them or any of them to enter and distrain; and the distress and distresses there had or taken to take carry and bear away and the same to detain and keep until the said annuity and all the arrears thereof if any be shall be to him the said Roger or his assigns fully and truly paid and satisfied. In witness whereof to this my testament and last will I the said Sir Cuthbert Hackett have set my hand and seal the day and year first before herein written renouncing and revoking all former will and wills by me heretofore made or declared in any wise – Cuthbert Hackett – signed sealed published and delivered by the testator as and for his last will and testament the day and date (these words therein first interlined in the several leaves thereof vizt. (Judith) over the twelfth line of the third leaf (and to the poor people of the parish of St Martin in the Vintry in London the like sum of five pounds) over the tenth line of the fifth leaf (dwelling) over the fifth line of the eighth leaf and (pounds) over the ninth line of the ninth leaf and (and their wives) over the twelfth line of the eighth leaf – in the presence of us Brucis Ryves Roger Hackett Thomas Hackett Thomas Dawes John Swinborne and John Peers Snr
Proved 10th February 1631 (1632) by Richard Hackett son and executor
[i] Alderman of London 1616. Sir Cuthbert Hacket. Brother-in-law of Sir Roger Jones (Alderman, Sheriff 1604–5). His daughter, by her marriage with Sir Thomas Dawes, was grandmother of Sir William Dawes, Bart., Archbishop of York. His son, Roger, an eloquent divine, is the subject of a notice in the Dictionary of National BiographyFrom: ‘Notes on the aldermen, 1502-1700’, The Aldermen of the City of London: Temp. Henry III – 1912 (1908), pp. 168-195.
URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=67247 Date accessed: 22 June 2009.
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