1631 Richard Wheeler of Westminster


In the name of God Amen; the 23rd day of January 1631 in the seventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith; I RICHARD WHEELER of Westminster in the County of Middlesex Esquire, son and heir apparent of SIR EDMOND WHEELER knight being sick in body but sound in mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say) First I bequeath my soul into the hands of the glorious Trinity the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost hoping verily to be saved by that bitter death and bloody passion which I believe that Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour suffered for me and not by any other means; and as touching such worldly means as God has pleased to bless me with all; first I do hereby confirm and ratify unto my loving friends and […] EDWARD PITT Esquire my brother in law; Richard Moore Esquire my loving friend; and to JOHN WHEELER Gent my youngest brother one lease by indenture by me made unto them for the term of fourscore and nineteen [99] yearsto commence from the day and date thereof of all my messuages and gardens lands tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being in the Parish of St Bottolphes [St Botolph] without Bysshopsgate [Bishopsgate] London in Stebenheath alias Stubenheath in the County of Middlesex and the reversions  and remainders thereof bearing date the sixteenth day of this present January which lease I have properly made unto them to raise means by the rents and revenues of those lands or by leasing out such parts thereof for fines and incomes as shall be sufficient to raise means to pay and discharge all and singular such debts as I owe to any person or persons whatsoever amongst which I [account] the sum of money which is to be paid for the purchase of the manors of Datchett and Datchod St Ellens in the County of Buckinghamshire to be paid for the purchase whereof in feoffarme from the King I have entreated my father in law SIR WILLIAM PITT to make [repossession] and agreement with Sir John Heydon knight who has contracted and agreed with the Kings Majesty for a value of one thousand pounds per annum in [feo farme] of his Majesty’s lands which manors being so purchased and paid for out of my estate I hereby signify and declare my intents will and meaning to be that those manors with the appurtenances shall be assured and conveyed unto my brother WILLIAM WHEELER and to his heirs he laying down money for the present to pay for the same until money inlays be otherwise seized out of my estate to pay for the same as aforesaid; and after all my said debts paid and discharged then for raising of means to bear and pay for my funeral charges and to prefer me such legacies as I should by my last will and testament give and bequeath to any person or persons whatsoever of which I do now signify and declare and I do by this my last will and testament give and bequeath unto the two daughters of my late sister ENGLISH deceased the sum of fifty pounds apiece to either of them towards their preferment hereafter to be paid at their days of marriage; and I do also give and bequeath unto the daughter of my late sister PETERS also deceased the sum of thirty pounds current English money as a remembrance from me to be disposed of by my executors for her use and benefit and not paid or delivered to her and her husband but to be proferred for the use of her and her children if God give her any and only the yearly profit arising for the said stock of 30 pounds to be yearly paid to her; and after my said funerals debts and legacies fully paid and discharged then my intent and meaning is that the remainder of the said lease and tenure of four-score and nineteen years of and in my lands in Stebenheath in the County of Middlesex and in the Parish of St Buttolphe without Bisshopsgate London shall go and inure to my brother William Wheeler and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten; and in case he happen to die and have not issue male of his body that then the remainder of the said lease and term of fore-score and nineteen years shall go and inure unto my brother [HAMBERRYE] WHEELER and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten and for default of such issue to the use and benefit of my right heirs; and I do by these presents nominate and appoint and make my said brother William Wheeler executor of this my last will and testament; and in lieu of his pains to be taken in the execution of the same do give him a legacy five pounds in money fo a remembrance of me and have hereunto put my hand and seal the day of the date hereof in the presence of the witnesses hereunder named – Richard Wheeler – signed sealed and published in the presence of us Richard Hall John Wheeler Phillippe Packard Nicholas Gunton Simon English John Cooke


Proved 23rd January 1631 (1632) by William Wheeler brother and executor


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