In the name of God Amen; the three and twentieth day of December in the sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc; I DAME ELIZABETH WAKE of Cleivdon [Clevedon] in the County of Somerset, widow, being not well in body but of good and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God and considering with myself that as there is nothing more certain than death so there is not anything more uncertain than the hour of death; and being therefore desirous to settle and dispose that worldly estate before my decease which God of his goodness has pleased to vouchsafe unto me do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following hereby revoking all former wills by me heretofore made: FIRST; I commend my soul into the hands of God my maker believing assuredly that through the most precious death and passion of His Son Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer I shall be made partaker of his glorious kingdom but by no merits nor deserts at all of my own; and my body to the earth from whence it came therein to be buried in Christian burial where it shall please God to appoint. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my son SIR JOHN WAKE the sum of two hundred pounds of lawful money of England; out of the use and profits whereof my will and meaning is; and I do hereby appoint that my said son shall pay unto my servant John Moore one annuity or yearly sum of ten pounds per annum during the natural life of him the said John Moore at two times in the year by equal portions. The first payment to begin at the end of the first six months next after he my said son shall have received the said two hundred pounds and afterwards at the end of every six months during the said natural life of him the said John Moore or else shall maintain and keep him the said John Moore during his said life with meat drink lodgings and apparel if the said John Moore shall like to live with him; and in case of mortality and lest it should please God to take away my said son before the said John Moore whereby in his last days he may become utterly destitute of all means of living my will and meaning is that my said son his executors or administrators shall give good security to the said John Moore for the better performance hereof and securing the same unto him before such time as he shall have or receive the said sum of two hundred pounds. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my son GEORGE WAKE the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds in money hoping he will follow his books and continue at Oxford until he shall be capable and able to obtain some better preferment for which end I have done much for him heretofore both to maintain and settle him there where now (thanks be to God) he is very well. ITEM; I give and bequeath uto my son BALDWIN WAKE the sum of three hundred pounds in money hoping he will take good courses and serve God. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my daughter ELIZABETH WAKE the sum of one hundred pounds in money towards the augmenting of her portion. ITEM; I give and bequeath unto George Wynne my servant the sum of one hundred pounds in money for the good affection he has borne and faithful service which he has done to me and mine and I wish I were able to do more for him. ITEM; I give unto Elizabeth Parker my servant twenty pounds in money if she shall be dwelling with me at the time of my decease. ITEM; I give unto Wolfran White my coachman ten pounds in money if he shall be dwelling with me at the time of my death. ITEM; I give unto my servant Francis Ramell five pounds in money if he shall be my servant at the time of my decease. ITEM; I give unto Johane Cooke my servant the sum of five pounds in money to be bestowed for her use to bind her apprentice or otherwise to be bestowed for her use as my said executrix hereunder named shall think best and fittest for her; and for the payment of all the aforesaid several legacies in regard the moneys which should pay them are likely to be in other men’s hands and therefore not easily nor suddenly to be got in, my will and mind is that my said executrix hereunder named shall have one whole year and one month’s time after my decease for the payment of them except only for the two hundred pounds before mentioned for the maintenance of the said John Moore which my will and desire is may be paid within six months next after my decease if my said executrix can provide it so soon and if she cannot provide so soon that then she shall pay interest for the same after the rate of eight pounds per cent unto the said John Moore or unto them with whom he shall live for and during so long time as it shall be unpaid afterwards and whereas the sum of two thousand pounds in money which is assigned for the portions of my two daughters ABIGALE [Abigail] and Elizabeth out of the sale of the manors of Clevedon and Portbury in the County of Somerset is left to my disposing by certain articles made concerning the said sale between the EARL OF BRISTOL my brother, my son Sir John Wake and myself bearing date the two and twentieth day of May last past appears, I do hereby declare and my mind and will is that the same shall be equally divided between them the said ASbigale and Elizabeth that is to say the sum of one thousand pounds to either of them and I beseech God to bless them with his grace and good fortunes; and whereas my said son Sir John Wake has now the use of divers beds hangings and other household stuff of mine at Sawcey Lodge in the County of Northamptonshire where he now dwells and because I would not defurnish him of such necessaries I do give and bequeath to same beds and bedding hangings and household stuff unto him. All the rest of my goods and chattels as well moveable as unmoveable of what sort nature or kind so ever the same be my debts and legacies being first paid and my funeral expenses discharged and performed I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Abigale Wake whom I make and appoint full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the said Dame Elizabeth Wake have to these two sheets of paper containing therein my last will and testament subscribed my name and set to my seal the day and year first above written AD 1630 – Elizabeth Wake – sealed published and acknowledged to be the last will and testament of the said Dame Elizabeth Wake in the presence of James Parkynall, John Bennett, Robert Preston and of me Giles Earle.
Proved 6th February 1630 (1631) by Abigail Wake, natural and legitimate daughter and executrix
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