1615 William Dann


In the name of God Amen, the fourteenth day of November in the tenth year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign and Lord King James by the grace of God King of England France and Ireland defender of the Faith etc., and of Scotland the six and fortieth; I WILLIAM DANN of Brenchley in the County of Kent, yeoman being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance thanks be given to Almighty God, do make and ordain this my present testament and last will in manner and form following; viz. First and principally I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God my only saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried at the discretion of my executrix hereunder named.  ITEM; I give to the poor people of Brenchley aforesaid [vi s viii d] to be distributed amongst them at the day of my burial.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto THOMAS DANN my son one [joined] cupboard, one table with a frame and one form.  The residue of all my moveable goods and chattels I give and bequeath unto MARY my wife whom I do make my sole executrix of this my present testament and last will; and I appoint my two brothers, namely JOSIAS DANN and Robert Kenward overseers of this my last will and testament performed according to the true intent and meaning hereof.

This is the last will and testament of me the aforesaid William Dann made and declared the day and year above written touching the order and disposition of all my messuages or tenements and lands whatsoever situate lying and being in Brenchley aforesaid.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto Thomas Dann my son my messuage or tenement wherein I dwell, one barn with the closes and orchards to the same called by the name of Harbrege. ITEM; I give unto the said Thomas my son one croft of land called by the name of Harbrege joining to the kings highway leading from Roden to Beltringe against the west to the lands late John Kenwards against the north [cont.] by estimation two acres more or less.  ITEM; I give unto the said Thomas my son one piece of land called by the name of Newlands [cont.] by estimation four acres more or less joining to the kings highway leading from Roden to Beltringe south and to the lands of Sir William Twisden north and east.  ITEM; I give to my son Thomas Dann five pieces or parcels of land arable pasture and wood land called by the name of Brookes joining to a green called Harbrege Green north to the lands late John Kenwards north and west.  ITEM; I give and bequeath more unto my said son Thomas Dann five pieces or parcels of land called by the name of Bratles joining to the kings highway leading from Boden to Beltring north and to the lands of the heirs of THOMAS DANN my brother deceased east and south; to have and to hold all and singular the aforesaid messuage or tenement barn and lands before willed and given with the appurtenances unto the said Thomas my son when he shall come to his age of one and twenty years.  I will that he the said Thomas or his assigns shall pay unto the aforesaid Mary my wife three pounds a year yearly during the term of her natural life quarterly to her or her assigns to be paid; and further my will and mind is that the said Mary my wife shall have sufficient fire room and chamber room in the said messuage wherein I now dwell at her will and pleasure, and if the said Thomas my son do not pay unto the said Mary my wife the sum here before mentioned according to the intent of this my will, that then it shall be lawful to and for the said Mary or her assigns to enter upon any part or parcel of my lands before given and there to distrain and the distress and distresses there so taken and found to keep and withhold until the said Mary be fully contented satisfied and payed.  ITEM; I will that the said Thomas my son or his assigns shall pay unto JAMES DANN my son out of the lands unto him before given when he shall come to his age of one and twenty years twenty pounds of lawful money of England to him the said James or his assigns to be paid and if the said Thomas my son do not pay unto the said James my son the said xxL according as is before mentioned that then it shall be lawful to and for the said James or his assigns to enter upon any part or parcel of my lands before given and there to distrain and the distress and distresses there so taken and found to keep and withhold until the said James or his assigns be fully contented and paid.  ITEM; I give unto ROBERT DANN my son four pieces or parcels of land with a lane joining to the kings highway leading from Roden to Beltringe called by the name of Roden lands cont. by estimation fourteen acres more or less  lying and being in Brenchley aforesaid joining to the lands of Sir Francis Fane knight south and west.  ITEM; I give unto the said Robert my son one piece of arable land late purchased of my brother Thomas Dann deceased called by the name of Roden land lying in Brenchley aforesaid.  ITEM; I give more unto the said Robert my son one piece of land called by the name of Harnden lying in Brenchley aforesaid joining to the lands of Sir Francis Fane knight south and to the lands of Francis Burke Esquire east and south to have and to hold all the said several pieces or parcels of land with the appurtenances and the said land unto the said Robert my son when he shall come to his age of one and twenty years and to his heirs for ever.  ITEM; I will that my son Robert shall pay unto Mary my wife when he comes to his age aforesaid xLs a year yearly during the term of her natural life quarterly to her or her assigns to be paid; and if the said Robert my son not pay unto the said Mary my wife the sum here before mentioned according to the intent of this my will that then it shall be lawful to and for the said Mary or her assigns to enter upon the lands before given unto the said Robert and there to distrain and the distress and distresses there so taken and found to keep and withhold until the said Mary be fully contented satisfied and paid.  ITEM; I give unto James Dann my son [three] pieces or parcels of land with a cottage upon the same lying in Brenchley aforesaid called by the name of Roden land joining to the kings highway leading from Roden to Beltringe against the north and to the heirs of Thomas Dann east and south.  ITEM; I give unto my two daughters KATHERINE and MARY to each of them twenty pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to them or their assigns by my executrix before named when they come to their several ages of one and twenty years or at their days of their marriage the which shall first happen to come.  ITEM; I give unto the aforesaid Mary my wife all the issues and profits of all my said lands in Brenchley aforesaid until my said children come to their several ages of one and twenty years without making or suffering any [strip or waste].  ITEM; I will that the said Mary my wife shall pay unto James my son yearly after my decease xxxS a year until he the said James shall come to his age of one and twenty years, and if it happen the said xxxS be not paid unto the said James my son according to this my will that then it shall be lawful to and for the said James and his assigns to enter upon the lands unto him before given and the same to hold until the said xxxS a year be duly paid without any fraud [  ] or delay.  In witness whereof I the said William Dann to this my present testament and last will have put my hand and seal the day and year before written – William Dann – Witnesses hereunto – John Bould, George Salmon, Josias Dann and signed by Josias Dann, Robert Kenward


Proved 31st October 1615 by Mary Dann (relict and executrix)


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