In the name of God Amen, I Alice PENNINGTON of London widow whole in body and of good and perfect mind and remembrance praise be therefore given to Almighty God considering with myself the mutability of this world and seeing the daily experience as well of the young as the old pass to the grave being a special decree of the highest that all must change this life and die whereunto preparing myself as ready when the Almighty’s good will and pleasure is and the rather in that by the course of nature and old age I am specially summoned, and therefore first in all humble and thankful manner yielding all possible thanks for my long life large time of repentance and for all the mercies of my merciful God bestowed upon me in this wretched world whereunto with Saint Paul I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ Jesus, do make and declare my present testament and last will in manner and form ensuing that is to say, and first and before all things, I commend and commit my soul into the hands of the Holy Trinity that is to say to God the Father my maker and creator to Jesus Christ his only son my redeemer and to the Holy Ghost my sanctifier assuredly believing through the (preation for) death resurrection and ascension of the second person in the Trinity Jesus Christ to be saved and all my sins in his blood and passion to be clearly forgiven; my body I bequeath to the earth decently to be buried without pomp in the churchyard of the parish of (Gratious Street) London in a winding sheet without a coffin or chest. And for and concerning such goods chattels and other things whatsoever as God has given me in this vale of misery I dispose as follows. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my son Daniel SHETTERDENNE the lease of my now dwelling h use all my estate lease right title and interest therein; also I give him my great silver salt double gilt and a dozen of silver postell spoons, my great andirons of copper with tongs fire shovel and copper pan thereto belonging, ten pairs of sheets, six pillow bears, two table cloths, two dozen plain napkins, a dozen hand towels and to him the sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of England, my great cypress chest, my great wainscot chest standing in my parlour, my two great (chardgers), six platters, six dishes, six porringers, six saucers of pewter, my best coverlet, my best carpet of imagery work, my great brass kettle, my great copper kettle and my biggest brass pot. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Edward SHATTERDENNE the son of the said Daniel four pairs of sheets, two pillow bears and the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Judith PENNINGTON the daughter of my daughter Judith PENNINGTON the white silver bowl. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Isaac PENNINGTON son of my daughter Judith my square gilt silver salt and one white bowl of silver. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Robert PENNINGTON brother of the said Isaac the sum of five pounds of good and lawful money of England to be paid unto him when he shall attain unto the age of twenty one years. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Daniel PENNINGTON brother to the said Isaac and Robert the sum of five pounds of like money to be paid him at his like age of twenty and one years. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Jacob POUNTEIS son of my late deceased daughter Anne POWNTEIS the sum of ten pounds of like money. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Judith SHATTERDONNE daughter of my said son Daniel my tenement in London Wall and all my lease of estate interest and term of years therein to come, and the sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of England which her father does owe me to be paid unto her at her age of eighteen years or day of marriage which shall first and next happen. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Daniel SHETTERDENNE and John SHETTERDENNE the sons of my son Daniel Shetterdenne to either of them the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of England apiece which said sum of one hundred pounds is also now in remaining in their father’s hands owing to me. ITEM; I give and bequeath to every of the children of Alice CLEVELAND the daughter of my sister Margaret SHERMAN the sum of ten shillings apiece. ITEM; I give and bequeath to the said Edward Shatterdenne the feather bed his father uses in my house to lie on, one pillow, one pair of blankets, my Kentish coverlet and my best carpet of (Dormy). ITEM; I give and bequeath to and amongst the four children of my said son Daniel Shetterdenne, that is to say, Edward Shetterdenne, Daniel Shetterden, John Shetterden and Judith Shetterden all that the lease of my wharf in Saint Katherine’s near the Tower of London which I hold for certain years yet enduring, and all my estate right title interest term of years to come claim and demand that is to come, and my will and mind is that the over rent thereof shall be equally distributed to and amongst them part and part like for the increasing and enlarging their portions. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Mr Dunn Parson of Saint Bennett in Gracious Street Church the sum of forty shillings sterling. ITEM; I give and bequeath to Marie Wright the wife of John Wright of Edmonton my cloth gown my cloth kirtle and my (freezadowe) petticoat. ITEM; my will and mind is that the rest of my apparel whatsoever not hereby bequeathed shall be sold and the money thereof made distributed and given to such of the poor in the prisons in London as my executor Daniel shall think good. The rest and residue of my goods and chattels whatsoever not bequeathed I give and bequeath to Daniel my son whom of this my present testament and last will I make my sole executor, and I appoint for overseer my loving friend Master Anthonie Gibson, Merchant Tailor to whom I give for his pains herein to be taken the sum of forty shillings sterling. In witness whereof I the said Alice to this my last will and testament have set my hand and seal the fifth day of March one thousand six hundred and five and in the year of the reign of our So erring Lord James by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith etc of England France and Ireland the third and of Scotland the nine and thirtieth. The mark of the said Alice. Sealed and delivered by the within named Alice Pennington the day of the date within written in the presence of us Albany Fraunces, Susan Thurman and of me Thomas Jademan Snr., and Arundel Pope, Alban Frances, The mark of the said Suzanne Arundel Pope
Proved 22nd October 1607