In the name of God Amen; the fifth day of March in the five and fourtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc; I EDMUND WINCHE of Woodford in the County of Essex gentleman being of whole and perfect memoryt (thanks be to Almighty God) do make and ordain this my testament and last will in manner and form following. First before all things I commend my soul in to the hands of the eternal and olny wise God my Creator Redeemer and Saviour and my body to the earth from whence it came in full expectation and affirmation of a joyful and blessed resurrection in his heavenly kingdom the same to be buried in such decent and christian burial as to my executors hereunder named shall seem meet and convenient; and as concerning the disposition and ordering of all my lands and tenements as well freehold as copyhold wheresoever monbey goods chattels and moveables where with the Lord my God has blessed me with all in this transitory world I do therefore will and ordain in manner and form following. ITEM; I do will give and bequeath unto the poor people of the parish of Woodford where I now dwell to such only of them as do ordinarily receive the common alms there bestowed the sum of five pounds to be distributed amongst them within three months next after my decease at the discretion of my executors hereunder named. ITEM; I do will give and bequeath unto MAGDALENE WINCHE my wife one annuity or yearly rent of forty pounds of lawful money of England to have receive and take the same every year yearly during her natural life quarterly at the four most usual terms or feast days in the year viz. the Annunciation of our Blessed Lady ther Virgin the Feast of St John Baptist the Feast of St Michael the Archangel and the Feast Day of the Birth of our Lord God by even portions out of my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever within the manor of Woodford in the County aforesaid; the first quarterly payment thereof to begin at such of the aforesaid feast days as shall next happen after my decease; and if it shall happen the said annuity or yearly rent or any part thereof to be behind and not paid unto her by the space of twenty days after any of the said feast days in which it ought to be paid being lawfully demanded at my now dwelling house in Woodford aforesaid that then it shal and may be lawful to and for her the said Magdalene her excecutors and assigns into every or any part of my said lands tenements and hereditaments in Woodford aforesaid to enter and there to distrain for the said annuity or yearly rent of forty pounds or for so much thereof as shall be due unto her and not paid the distress or distresses so taken to lead drive or bear away and with her or them to retain and keep until she or they shall be fuly thereof satisfied contented and paid upon condition nevertheless that she the said Magdalene Winche do hold herself therewith all satisfied and contented and do not claim any other part or portion of any my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever or wheresoever within the Manor of Woodford or Waltham Holy Cross within the County of Essex aforesaid nor so molest disturb or [impede] my son EDMONDE WINCHE his heirs or assigns or any of them for any dower free bench or other claim or title whatsoever otherwise than in this present testament and last will is already or shall herein or hereafter unto her specially given and bequeathed which if she shall happen to do contrary to this my will intent and plain meaning herein then my will further is that the said annuity or yearly rent above granted and given unto her shall utterly cease and be void unto her forever anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding. ITEM; I do will give and bequeath unto Edmonde Winche my son and to his heirs and assigns forever all those my lands tenements and hereditaments rents and reversions whatsoever as well freehold as copy or customary hold which I now hold and am possessed of in the several manors of Woodford and Waltham Holy Cross aforesaid with all profits commodities and appreciation thereunto in any wise belonging or appurtaining; all which said lands tenements hereditaments so held by me the said Edmond Winche by copy of [Quarter Rolls] of the several manors of Woodford and Waltham Holy Cross aforesaid shall appear to be surrendered by me the said EdmondeWinche according to the several customs of the said manors to the only uses intent limitations and true meaning of this my [private] testament and last will. ITEM; I do will and give unto my other two sons THOMAS WINCHE and ROBERT WINCHE to every and either of them one hundred pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto them the said Thomas and Robert at their several full age and ages of one and twenty years. ITEM; I do will and give unto my three daughters ELIZABETH WINCH MAGDALENE WINCH and MARIE WINCH to every and either of them the like sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto them the said Elizabeth Magdalene and Mary at their several full ages of one and twenty years or days of their marriage whichever shall first happen; and my will further is that if it shall happen any of my said sons Thomas and Robert or any of my said daughters Elizabeth Magdalene and Marie to die and depart this life before they or any of them shall accomplish their full age or ages marriage or marriages as aforesaid that then the bequest portion and legacy herein and hereby given to them or any of them shall be equally and indifferently divided and given to and amongst the rest of them surviving part and part alike; Also my will is that the use profit and benefit of the said several legacies and portions amounting unto the sdum of five hundred pounds arising and producing thereof for the space of two full and whole years next and immediately after my decease shall be employed towards the discharge and payment of such fines as shall be imposed upon my said son Edmond Winche for his copyhold land tenements and hereditaments within the said several manors of Woodford and Waltham Holy Cross; and after those two years expired I will that Magdalene Winche my wife shall have the custody profit use and benefit of the said legacies and portions for and towards the bringing up and education of all my said sons and daughters as aforesaid until their full age and ages marriage and marriages as aforesaid etc as she the said Magdalene my wife within three months at the furthest next after the expiration of the said two years next and immiately ensuing [after] my decease become firmly obliged and bound if she shall then be sole and unmarried together with two other sufficient sureties by writing obligation in the sum of eight hundred pounds of lawful money of England unto my executors hereunder named their executors and administrators for the true and free payment of the said legacies or portions in manner above declared. And if she shall happen then to be married at the expiration of the said two years before or after then he with whom she shall so marry to enter into the like bond with two sufficient sureties unto my executors as aforesaid for the sure payment of the said legacies and portions in manner above declared; also my will further is that the said Magdalene Winche my wife shall have receive and take to her only use and benefit during the minority or nonage of my said son Edmond Winche all the rent profit and commodities yearly issuing and growing out of all my said lands tenements and hereditaments within the several manors of Woodford and Wasltham Holy Cross aforesaid (woods and underwoods only excepted) upon condition that she the said Magdalene shall therewith well and carefully keep and bring up my said three sons Edmonde Thomas and Robert and my said three daughters Elizabeth Magdalene and Marie with meat drink apparel lodgings and learning meet and convenient for them and every of them during their several minorities or nonages. ITEM; I will and give unto my son Edmonde Winche all my books whatsoever as well printed as written and all evidence writing [cons…] copies and script whatsoever desiring my executors hereunder named immediately and with as convenient speed as may be after my decease to buy and provide one strong and large chest with three several locks to the same for the better preservation and more sure keeping of the said books writings and evidence as aforesaid and to place the same in some convenient room in my now dwelling house in Wydford aforesaid until my said son Edmond Winche shall be of full age as aforesaid and then to be safely delivered unto him every one of my executors to keep one of those said keys and my wife Magdalene Winche the third key. ITEM; I do give and bequeath unto my loving friends and kinsmen THOMAS BARBOR citizen and salter of London and my brother DANIELL WINCHE citizen and grocer of London to every and either of them six of my best silver spoons in consideration of their pains to be taken in and about the faithful execution of this my last will and testament and do make constitute and ordain them the said Thomas and Daniell my full and whole executors of this my last will and testament revoking hereby all former or other wills or testaments whatsoever either [ ] or written; the residue of all my goods money chattels utensils and moveables whatsoever (the glass wainscot presses standing bedstead tables with frames stools and forms of wainscot chairs and court cupboards of wainscot now being and remaining in my now dwelling house at Woodford only excepting) which my will is shall remain and abide as they now are and be for the only use and behoof of my said son Edmonde Winche when he shall accomplish his full age of one and tgwenty years as aforesaid my debts funerals and legacies discharged I wholly give unto the said Magdalene Wynch my wife to her only and proper use and behoof forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal given the day and year first above written – Edm Wynche – sealed and delivered in the presence of John Ryder notary public and of John Symons Michael Havard and John Wandley servants to the said notary
Proved 28th April 1604 by Thomas Barbar and Daniel Wynche brother (executors)
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