1595 Robert Loggon


In the name of God Amen; I ROBERT LOGGON of Little Tewe in the Parish of Great Tewe in the County of Oxford being sick in body yet of perfect mind and memory (thanks be to God) do make ordain and constitute this my last will and testament in manner and form following; first I give and bequeath my soul unto Almighty God my maker and redeemer; my body to be buried in the church of St Michael Tewe laid by my sister.  ITEM; I give unto the Cathedral Church [six pence].  ITEM; I give unto the church of St Michael Tewe threee shillings and four pence.   ITEM; I give unto the poor people of Camden ten shillings.  ITEM; I give unto ANN LOGGON of Camden if she be living [ shillings].  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto THOMAS LOGGON my son six score and fifteen sheep and two calves, the sheep and the calves to be delivered at Hallowsday next after my decease indifferently forth of all my sheep excepting twelve score of the best sheep of my stock in little Tewfield.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto ROBERT LOGGON my son three score and fifteen sheep and one heifer to be delivered at Hallowsday next after my decease in manner and form aforesaid.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto WILLIAM LOGGON my son four score and ten sheep and one heifer to be delivered at Hallowsday next after my decease indifferently sorts of the rest as aforesaid.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto EDWARD LOGGON my son three score and fourteen sheep and one heifer top be delivered at the age of twenty and one years the sheep and the heifer to be grazed presently after my decease and his stock to remain in my son John’s hands until the time as aforesaid.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my daughter MARY one hundred marks and a score of sheep, the sheep to remain in my son John’s hands and to be delivered unto her at the age of eighteen years or at her day of marriage which of them shall first happen.  ITEM; I give unto ELIZABETH LOGGON my daughter one hundred marks of lawful money of England and twenty sheep, the sheep to be grazed presently after my decease and her stock, both of her money and of her sheep to remain in my son John’s hands until such time as she shall accomplish the age of eighteen years or else to be paid her at her day of marriage which of them shall first happen; provided always that if my daughter Mary decease before the time as above specified that then her part and portion to remain to my daughter Elizabeth and also if my daughter Elizabeth decease before she shall accomplish the age and time above specified that then her part and portion to come to my daughter Mary and if they both decease before the age and time above specified that then their parts and portions to be equally divided amongst my five sons and to remain.  ITEM; I give unto my son John Loggon a dozen silver spoons parcel gilt and one standing salt seller of silver with a covering to the same belonging they both of double gilt and one goblet of silver parcel gilt my new […] pan my two best cupboards and the best brass and my best brass pot.  And also I give unto my son John Loggon my new press so that my wife may occupy it and use it in this my now dwelling house during her life.  ITEM; I give unto Thomas Loggon my son three silver spoons with knobs at the end and my second best brass pot.  ITEM; I give unto Robert Loggon my son my third brass pot and my [doffer] I now use.  ITEM; I give unto my two daughters Mary and Elizabeth a standing bed apiece with all manner of furniture to them belonging the beds to be feather beds.  ITEM; I give unto my four sons a pair of flaxen sheets apiece.  ITEM; I give unto ELIZABETH LOGGON the daughter of my son John half a score of sheep to be indifferently taken amongst the rest of sheep as aforesaid.  ITEM; I give unto ROBERT LOGGON the son of John Loggon half a score of sheep to be indifferently taken as aforesaid.  ITEM; I give unto Edward Loggon my son twenty marks of lawful money of England to be paid him at the age of twenty and one years.  ITEM; I give unto my daughter Elizabeth my sweet [caper] which now I use provided also that if my children be not paid as they ought to be that then they shall be removed by the oversight of the overseers and their stocks with them so that the overseers do put in good security to the said John for the payment of their legacies in manner and form aforesaid.  All the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable my debts and legacies first discharged I give and bequeath unto ALICE my wife and John my son as my whole executors and I do make my overseers to this my will Richard Parsons of Nether Worton and John Procter of Armescot and I give them for their pains [twelve pence] apiece.  In witness whereof I have set to my hand and seal the fourteenth day of December in the 36th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the Grace of God of England France and Ireland Queen… AD one thousand five hundred ninety and four – by Robert Loggon – Thomas Loggon – sealed and delivered in the presence of Edward Lorde, William Robins


Proved 1st November 1595 by John Loggon son and Executor and administration reserved to Alice Loggon relict and executrix


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