In the name of God Amen. The ninth day of July in the thirtieth year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth [9/7/1588] This is the last will and testament of me THOMAS KENDRIKE of Readinge in the County of Berk mercer made by me the said Thomas being sick in body but of a whole and perfect remembrance thanks be to almighty God. First concerning my lands I will that AGNES my wife[1] shall have during her natural life the house wherein I now dwell situate in Readinge aforesaid and after her decease I give and bequeath the same house to WILLIAM my son and to his heirs forever. ITEM; I will that my said wife shall also have all those my lands in [Sindlesham] until my son JOHN come unto the age of four and twenty years the paying the meantime ten pounds to my said son John yearly towards his maintenance in learning. ITEM; I will that my said son John at the age of four and twenty years to enter upon the same lands in Sindlesham and the same to have and to hold to him and to heirs forever. ITEM; I will and bequeath my lands in Shenfield to my said wife for term of her natural life and after the decease of my wife I will and bequeath the same unto my two daughters ALICE and ELIZABETH and to their heirs to be equally divided between them forever. ITEM; I will that my wife shall have my grounds called Whites Closes during so many years as she shall have and after the decease of my wife I will that my son William shall pay out of the same lease of Whites Closes after they shall come into his hands one annuity or yearly rent of five pounds to my daughter ANNE wife of JOHN NEWMAN during the said lease of the same closes. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my said daughter Anne the lease which I have of Anthony Blagrave of a shop in Readinge aforesaid and the tenement thereby demised to enter within three months after the day of my decease; and whereas the same lease is made to me my wife and John my son as I take it for our three lives whereby it may grow to question in law whether I can give it from them or not my will is that if my said wife or my said son or my said son William shall not suffer my said daughter to enjoy the said lease according to my desire that neither my said wife nor my said son John shall take benefit of any legacy to them or either of them in this present will already bequeathed. ITEM; my will is that if my goods do not suffice to pay my debts that then my four acres of ground lying in Northtoll Field late in the tenure of James Edwardes and James Baker shall be sold by my executor towards the payment of my said debts but if my goods suffice to pay my said debts then my will is and I devise the same four acres of ground unto my said daughter Alice and to her heirs forever she and they paying thereout forever the rent of ten shillings to the poor people kept in the house of correction within Readinge aforesaid. ITEM; I will that my wife shall have my lease of the plot of ground in my backside of my house during her life and after death the same to go to William my son with the same house and if my son John interrupt him he to lose the benefit of his legacies bequeathed by this will; And I do make of this my said last will and testament my said wife Agnes my full executor for the distribution of my said goods receiving of my debts and paying that which I owe which because it is uncertain how my reckoning will fall out I do make overseers of my said will Robert Harris and Richard Watlington giving unto them equal authority with my wife for the distribution of those my goods which shall remain when my debts are paid and my funerals discharged amongst my said children and servants the same to be done according to their discretions. By me Thomas Kendrick in the presence of us Robert Harris Richard Watlington John Newman Thomas Bedfont
Proved 22nd November 1588 by Agnes (relict and executrix)
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