1527 Thomas Osborn


In the name of God Amen, the first day of August in the year of our Lord God a thousand five hundred twenty and four (1524), I Thomas OSBORN parish priest of Saint Andrews Undershaft upon Cornhill being in my perfect remembrance thanked be Almighty God make and ordain this my present testament and last will after the manner and form following. First I bequeath and recommend my soul unto Almighty God and to the glorious Virgin his blessed mother and unto all the holy Company of heaven, and my body to be buried in the chancel of the foresaid church before the high altar. Also I bequeath toward the building of the said church 6 pounds 8 shillings and 4 pence. Also I bequeath toward the (priest) for to sing and pray for the space of one year on every week in the said year to sing mass of the Virgin of the Assumption of our Lady and of requiem for the soul of me, Thomas, John, Margaret and Agnes and the said priest to have for his stipend 6 pounds 8 shillings and 4 pence. Also I will that my executor shall deliver to the churchwardens of the said church 6 pounds 8 shillings and 4 pence for the intent that they shall keep an obite for the space of twenty years that is to say placebo and dirige by note and mass the morrow after and libera me due at the hearse and the parson or his parish priest being there to have for his (bederoll) and his dirige 12 pence and to other five priests being there each of them 6 pence and they to say mass of the five wounds. To the parish clerk 8 pence and to sexton 4 pence and for wax 4 pence and 4 pence for drink and for the residue to the profit of the church and the said churchwardens to be bound to my executor for the performance of the said obite. Also I will that my executor do buy two legends an estimaly and a hymnaly which I bequeath unto the parish church of Burton upon Trent to be prayed for. Also I bequeath to Thomas OSBORN Canon of St Mary Hospital without Bishopsgate of London 20 pounds toward the exhibition of him at the (vunnersitre) which shall please the father of the place and the said twenty pounds to be paid by my executor five pounds by year till the said 20 pounds be paid or else if it fortune that the said Thomas be not set to the (vunnersitre) by his father of his place that then the said twenty pounds to be at the disposition of my executor to dispose it as it shall serve him best to the relief of the said Thomas. Also to John Tomson my best violet gown with the hood, a lantern of iron, a bedstead, a chair and a cup press. Also to William Braywood parish clerk 3 shillings and 4 pence. Also to Thomas Lack 2 shillings. Also to father Robert a black gown lined with grey. Also to Mistress Hill a goblet of silver called Mawdelyn box. Also to John Clair my gossip (godson) 6 shillings and 8 pence and to his wife 3 shillings and 4 pence. Also to Master Nicholas LEVESON a standing nut. Also to (the son of) my Master parson of Saint Andrew one of my gilt pots. Also to Anne Vernham 40 shillings. And in this my present testament and last will I make and ordain Master Nicholas Leveson my sole executor. Also I bequeath to the brotherhood of three score priests 10 shillings. Also to the brotherhood of the clerks 10 shillings. Also I bequeath to the canons of Saint Mary Spitall for to keep an obite and a mass after my decease 8 shillings and 4 pence. The residue of my goods unbequest and this my present testament fulfilled I give and bequeath unto Master Nicholas Leveson whom I have ordained and made my executor to dispose in alms deeds for the wealth of my soul John Margaret my father and mother and Agnes and all Christian souls. Also I give to Thomas Osborn Canon my best featherbed with a pillow of down, two pairs of sheets, two pillowberys for the pillows, and all such box that be necessary for the said Thomas (his testibz) – Joannes Hill, Edward Darwin, (XX) Johes  Tomson (xx) by me (Sir) Thomas Osborn

Proved 1st February 1527