This is the last will and testament of me Florentia Sale of Kinla in the East Indies. I do not understand law forms but [ ] aware of the great uncertainty of life at all ages and particularly at the advancedage of sixty three I wish that there may be no disputes after my death Should it please God that I live to return to Kinla it is my intention to build a cottage on the part of my estate where a cottage formerly stood which I design for my eldest daughter Mary Harriet Bruere and her daughter Charlotte Alexandrina and her youngest son Robert Sale Elphinstone Richard Should I die before I can make any other arrangements I give the house furniture and estate of Ellesmere and Springfield to my grandchildren who are orphans and who are too young to have professions to support them viztGeorge Sale Dysart Julia Florentia Sturt Charlotte Alexandrina Bruere Marcus Hill Rowley Sale Hill George Hill and the infant child of Mrs Rowley Hill (which was expected to be born sometime in last October) and Robert Sale Elphinstone Richard Bruere I give my coins to my son in lawJames Garner Holmes he being the only person in my family that has a taste for numismatology Many of my valuable books belonged to my deceased son in law John Leigh Doyle Sturt and were given to me by his widowmy daughter Alexandrina and I give all my books prints manuscripts and pictures to her What few trinkets I possess I give to her also she knows my wishes and will distribute a remembrance to each of her sisters they are of little intrinsic value By a deed of trust executed by my desire many years ago jointly by my late husband General Sir Robert Sale (then Major Sale) all my share of my mothers marriage settlement was settled on me for life and afterwards to be divided amongst my children My solicitor Mr Charles Harrison has always managed my money concerns in the most trustworthy manner he knows them better than myself It is useless to particularise such monies as I have no power to will away Whatever arrears of provisions may be due to me or interest or principal of any sums that I am by law entitled to will away I give to be equally divided between my two widowed daughters Mary Harriet Bruere and Caroline Catherine Hill My globes I give to Julia Florentia Sturt My plants and all trifles I leave to Lieutenant J G Holmes to whom I give all the plate and plated ware & constituting him and his wife my daughter Alexandrina residuary legatees and guardians of all to whom these bequests are made I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint Lieutenant James Garner Holmes and Mr Charles Harrison executors of this my will Mr Charles Harrison solicitor No 19 Bedford Row and Messrs Cox & Co army agents will furnish all particulars regarding my affairs I may or may not have a floating account with the Sinila Bank My funeral to be as plain and unexpensive as is consistent with decency and all my just debts to be defrayed This I declare to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I the said Florentia Sale have to this my last will and testament set my hand this twenty seventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty – Florentia Sale – Signed by the said testatrix and acknowledged by her to be her last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time and subscribed by us as witnesses in the presence of the said testatrix and of each other – G H Hill Captn 17th Regt Nat Dy Pay H – Arthur Mitford Baker Lt Col Dy [ ] Gen
Codicil 30/4/1852
Codicil added 30th April 1852. The cottage called Springfield having been rebuilt I revoke such part of the above will as concerns the share in the Ellerslie Estate formerly bequeathed to my eldest daughter Mary Harriet Bruere her daughter Charlotte Alexandrina Bruere and her youngest son Robert Sale Elphinstone Richard Bruere to them in lieu thereof I jointly bequeath Springfield Cottage & [between] Mr Harrison having informed me that there is a sum of £1000 that I have power to will away I wish that sum to be at my decease equally divided between my four daughters Mary Harriet Bruere Caroline Catherine Hill Henrietta Sarah Brind and Alexandrina Holmes. Captain J G Holmes & Mr Charles Harrison going as afore written my executors to see the same only arranged – Florentia Sale – Signed in presence of – R C Walker Chaplain [ ] – Charles Cureton Lieut 12th Reg Infantry
Affidavit 7/6/1855
Appeared personally Charles Cureton of Hampton Court Palace in the County of Middlesex Esquire and made oath that he is one of the subscribed witnesses to the codicil to the last will and testament of the said Dame Florentia Sale late of Kinla in the East Indies widow deceased the said will and codicil being now hereunto annexed and bearing date respectively the twenty seventh day of November one thousand eight hundred and fifty and the thirtieth day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty two and the deponent further made oath that on the aforesaid thirtieth day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty two the said testatrix only executed the said codicil to the will by signing her name “Florentia Sale” at the foot or end thereof in the presence of him the deponent and of the Reverend Robert [ ] Walker clerk the other subscribed witness thereto both of whom were then present together at the same time and thereupon he the deponent and the said Reverend Robert [ ] Walker in the presence of the said testatrix and also of each other respectively subscribed their names to the said codicil as witnesses attesting the due execution thereof – Charles Cureton – on the seventh day of June 1855 the said Charles Cureton was duly sworn to the truth of the aforegoing affidavit before me – G E Hughes Jun – Prest Henry Ibbetson Not Pubc
Probate 13/7/1855
Proved at London with a codicil 13th July 1855 before the worshipful John Elliot Pasley Robertson Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Charles Harrison Esquire one of the executors to whom adm’on was given having been first sworn duly to administer Power reserved of making the like [ ] to James Garner Holmes Esquire the other executor when he shall apply for the same.
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