In the name of God Amen I George Wynch of Winchelsea in the County of Sussex do make this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Mary Wynch all her wearing apparel rings trinkets jewels and other ornaments and things appertaining to her person to and for her own proper use and benefit for ever I give and bequeath unto my said wife all the plate linen china stock of liquors household goods books furniture farming utensils stock and crop and other moveable effects which I shall die possessed of to and for her proper use and benefit for ever I further give and bequeath unto my said wife all or any part of the reversionary property that I may be entitled to at the death of Maria Hare Naylor widow at the death of all or any of the children of the said Maria Hare Naylor unto my said wife for her own proper use and benefit for ever I give and bequeath unto my eldest son Henry Wynch clerk his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever all my lands tenements and hereditaments situate and being in the County of Glamorganshire or elsewhere and whereas my youngest son John Wynch and my daughter Florentia Sale were entitled to some share or interest in the sum of two thousand five hundred pounds for which I sold a farm and certain lands at Great Gunnerby in the County of Lincoln to Sir Wm Manners Bart and for which sum I conveyed a farm called Court [Powys] in the parish of Landow in the County of Glamorgan and whereas my daughter conjointly with her husband Robert Sale major in His Majesty’s 19 Regiment Light Infantry have for the consideration of one thousand pounds sold and relinquished all right and interest to and in the said farm to my said son Henry Wynch I will and bequeath to my youngest son John Wynch after the decease of my wife the sum of one thousand pounds sterling in lieu and full satisfaction of his respective share of the said sum of two thousand five hundred pounds produced by the sale of the said farm at Great Gunnerby or at the estate which I have settled and conveyed for the same and in lieu thereof and upon the express condition that my said son do as soon after my death as conveniently may be by such acts and deeds as shall be thought necessary release and convey the said estate to my eldest son Henry Wynch clerk and in default thereof it is my will that the said legacy of one thousand pounds sterling in and by this my will given to my youngest son shall cease and be void and go to my eldest son his heirs executors and administrators for ever and I further will and direct that at the death of my said wife the sum of thirteen thousand two hundred and fifty three pounds twelve shillings and two pence 3 pr ct consolidated bank annuities under or by virtue of my marriage settlement assured to my children be equally divided between them share and share alike and as to all the rest and residue of my estate not hereinbefore specified and disposed of my will is that after all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid that my said wife shall enjoy the interest of it during her natural life and from and after her death to be divided between my two sons Henry and John Wynch share and share alike And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said wife and my said eldest son executors to this my last will and testament and I do hereby revoke all former wills at any time or times heretofore made in witness whereof I have to two parts of this my last will both of the same tenor and date and each part contained in one sheet of paper set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three – George Wynch
Codicil 4/3/1823
This is a codicil to the last will and testament of me George Wynch at present residing at Winchelsea in the County of Sussex Esquire Whereas having it in my intention to purchase a living for my eldest son Henry Wynch who is in orders I some time since purchased into the names of myself and my said son ten thousand pounds in the 3 p cent bank annuities and having since verbally contracted for the purchase of the Advowson of Pett in this County myself and my said son authorised the sale of five thousand pounds part of the said advowson but delay having taken place my said wife hath invested the produce of the said five thousand pounds 3 p cent annuities in the purchase of two thousand nine hundred pounds new 4 p cent annuities into her own name in which they are still standing now I do by this codicil to my said will give and bequeath to my said son Henry Wynch the five thousand pounds three pounds p cent annuities still remaining in our names and also the said two thousand nine hundred pounds new four pounds p cent annuities purchased into the name of my said wife as aforesaid for his own use and benefit and I direct my said wife to transfer the said two thousand nine hundred pounds to him accordingly in witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my name this fourth day of May 1823 – George Wynch – Signed and published by the said testator George Wynch in the presence of Robt Montague Wilmot MD Hastings Sussex – William Foot butler to George Wynch Esqr
Affidavit 12/7/1823
Appeared personally Martha Aldar of No 26 Grosvenor Place in the County of Middlesex spinster and John Walker of east End Finchley in the same County Esquire and made oath that they knew and were well acquainted with George Wynch formerly of Grosvenor Place in the County of Middlesex afterwards of Clementson in the County of Glamorgan and late of Winchelsea in the County of Sussex Esqr deceased for some time before and to the time of his death and also with the manner and character of his handwriting and subscription having often seen him write and also subscribe his name and these deponents having now attentively viewed and perused the papers writing hereto annexed purporting to be and contain the last will and testament of the said deceased and beginning thus “In the name of God Amen I George Wynch of Winchelsea in the County of Sussex” ending thus “In witness whereof I have to two parts of this my last will both of the same tenor and date and each part contained in one sheet of paper set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of January in the yaer of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three” and thus subscribed “George Wynch” the deponents made oath that they so verily and in their consciences believe the whole series or contents of the said will beginning and ending as aforesaid and the subscription thereto to be of the proper handwriting of the said George Wynch deceased – Martha Alder – Jno Walker – 12th day of July 1823 the said Martha Alder and John Walker were duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit before me John Danberry Surrt & Geo Jenner Not Pub
Probate 16/7/1823
Proved at London with a codicil 16th July 1823 before the worshipful John Danberry Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Mary Wynch widow the relict one of the executors to whom adm’on was granted having been first sworn duly to admr Power reserved of making the like grant to the Reverend Henry Wynch clerk the son the other executor when he shall apply for the same.
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