1811 Joseph McVeagh


This is the last will and testament of me Joseph McVeagh of Drewstown in Co of Meath Esquire which will I desire and direct to be proved in the Kingdom of Ireland.  Whereas by the settlement made previous to my marriage with my wife Margery McVeagh lately dead money or other property to the amount of thirteen thousand pounds or thereabouts was settled upon or for the benefit of all or any one or more of my children by her & in such share as I should in manner therein prescribed direct or appoint and I have four children by my said late wife & no more namely Ferdinand McVeagh my oldest son Henry Chapman McVeagh John Alexander McVeagh & Flora Alicia McVeagh now in the first place I do hereby in pursuance and by virtue of all powers& authorities to me in any wise invested or in use in any wise enabling I give direct declare limit and appoint the whole & every part of all & every the sum & amount of money security and securities estate and estates property & other matter and thing matters and things so settled & secured upon or for the benefit of all or any one or more of my children by my said late wife or agreed so to be and every [article] particular mater or thing which is or shall or may be substituted in lieu thereof or of any part thereof in manner following that is to say to such son of me as shall first attain the age of twenty five years immediately on his attaining such age to hold to him & his ex’ors adm’ors & assigns absolutely & for ever and if neither of my said sons shall attain such age then unto my said daur to hold to her & her ex’ors adm’ors and assigns absolutely and for ever and I direct that all the interest & income which shall in the mean time from my death arise out or from the said money securities estates and other matters & things until one of my said children shall become entitled thereto shall be placed out at interest and shall accumulate & that all such accumulations shall be added to the capital etc paid thereafter to such child of me as shall become entitled to such capital and if it shall be considered that my power under my said marriage settlement does not enable me to give the whole of the said property to one child in total exclusion of the others then I give declare direct limit & appoint one hundred pounds in Irish money part of the said property immediately on my death to each of my said poor children for their own respective absolute use and I in such case give declare direct limit and appoint all the rest residue of the said property whatsoever exactly as I have herein before given and appointed the [receiver] & I give devise & bequeath all my personal estate and effects whatsoever & wheresoever which shall be remag after payment of my debts & funeral expenses & all necessary charges and all my real estate whatsoever whether in England or Ireland or the East Indies or elsewhere unto & to the use of my Ex’ors hereinafter named & their heirs ex’ors adm’ors & assigns forever in trust for payment of my legacies except as aftermd & in order then to if necessary for making up the deficiency of my personal estate for sole purpose to mtgage or sell all or any part or parts of my real estate and I give the sum of eight thousand pounds for the benefit of my daughter Flora Alicia McVeagh in manner hereinafter mentioned that is to say in case she shall live to the first day of February 1812 when she shall attain the age of twenty one years then the sum shall immediately be payable as hereinafter mentioned that is to say the sum of one thousand pounds part thereof shall be then paid unto her & the sum of seven thousand pounds residue thereof shall be then paid to or retained by my ex’ors & they shall then place out such sum of seven thousand pounds at interest in their names or let the same continue on security of a sufficient proper part of my real estate & that they shall stand possessed of the security or securities for the same on the follog trusts that is to say that they shall pay the whole interest of such sum of seven thousand pounds from time to time during the natural life of my said daur into her own proper hands or to such person as she alone shall from time to time by writing under her hand direct or appoint so that the same & every part thereof may be for her own separate use & free from the disposition debts or control of any husband she may chance to have and her receipt alone or the receipt of the person or persons whom she shall from time to time appoint to receive the same as aforesaid notwithstandg she shall be under coverture at the time shall be sufficient discharges for the same & after the death of my said daur Flora Alicia McVeagh upon trust to pay the said principal or capital sum of seven thousand pounds and assign the security or securities for the same unto and amongst all and any the child and children lawfully born and begotten of the body of my said daughter which shall live to attain the age of twenty one years or as to daughters shall marry after attaining the age of nineteen years equally to be divided between them if more than one & if but one then the whole to such one & if my said daur at the time of her death shall have any child or children who shall not then have attained such time then the interest of such share or shares as he she or they would have been entitled to if he she or they had attained such time is to be applied for his her or their benefit in maintce & education or otherwise until he she or they shall attain such time or die sooner which shall first happen and in case my said daughter shall die before the said first day of February 1812 or if she shall die after that without leaving any child which shall attain the age of twenty one years or as to a daughter which shall attain the age of twenty one years or as to a daur which shall marry after the age of nineteen years then the whole of the said sum of eight thousand pounds if her death shall happen before the first day of February 1812 & the whole of the said sum of seven thousand pounds if her death shall happen after that time and the security or securities for the same shall be immediately on her death or when it shall become impossible for any child of her to become entitled thereto equally divided between my two younger sons Henry Chapman McVeagh & Jno Alexander McVeagh share and share alike if they shall be living at such time & if either of them shall be then dead then the same shall sink or revert to my estate or not be raised & if I shall die before the said first day of February 1812 then I direct that interest for the said sum of eight thousand pounds from the day of my death at the rate of five pounds per cent per an’m shall be paid out of the income of my estates until my said daur Flora Alicia McVeagh shall attain the age of twenty one years or die and that so much of the interest thereof as my ex’ors shall think fit shall be applied for her maintenance & education until such time and the remainder of such interest during such time shall be added to the capital ergo with the said seven thousand pounds and shall in the mean time be placed out at interest on securities of any part of my real estate or otherwise as my ex’ors or the survivors or survivor of them or the ex’ors or assigns shall see most prudent & advisable & if my said daur shall live until the said first day of February 1812 then I direct all the savings & accumulations of the said eight thousand pounds & the security & securities for the same shall be then paid and assigned to my said ex’ors & upon such trusts as are herein before directed & declared concerning the sum of seven thousand pounds part of the said sum of eight thousand pounds provided always nevertheless & as the strict settlement hereinbefore directed of the said sum of seven thousand pounds and the accumulation of interest on the said eight thousand pounds if absolutely adhered to may be some obstruction to the marriage of my said daughter with a proper & equitable husband I hereby declare my will & meaning to be that it shall be lawful for the ex’ors & trustees of the said fund of seven thousand pounds & the accumulation of interest for the time being in order to the marriage of me said daur at any time between the age of nineteen years and forty five years in an advantageous manner and which may be had by the previous consent of such ex’ors and trustees for the time being in writing under their hands but not otherwise to raise the whole of the said sum of eight thousand pounds before the said first day of February 1812 & either before or after the said first day of February 1812 to make any new or different settlement for or concerning one moiety of the said seven thousand pounds and the accumulation of interest on the said eight thousand pounds or any less part thereof but not more than a moiety in writing under the hands & seals of such ex’ors or the the survivors or survivor of them before such marriage & attested by two or more credible witnesses or even to pay such moiety or any less part thereof as they may deem fit unto & for the benefit of such husband in considn of his making a suitable settlement on my said daur & her issue or any of them they settling the other part thereof except as to the said one thousand pounds if my said daur shall have become absolutely entitled thereto before such marriage according to the direction hereinbefore given  I (not doubting that the said ex’ors & trustees will forbear to execute this power unless in case of a marriage & on terms clearly advantageous to my said daur & her issue) & I give and bequeath to my said two younger sons Henry Chapman McVeagh & John Alexr McVeagh the sum of seven thousand five hundred pounds which be by my said ex’ors & trustees paid to them respectively when they shall respectively attain the age of twenty five years and I direct that said two sums shall carry an interest of five pounds per cent per an’m from the day of my seath which interest or so much thereof as my said trustees & ex’ors shall see fit  think proper shall be applied for the benefit of each of my said sons Henry Chapman McVeagh & John Alexr McVeagh in the maintce education & promotion in life until they shall respectively attain the ages of twenty five years [old] and when there shall any savings of the interest of such legacies or either of them the same shall be placed out & accumulate and be added to the prinl & be paid therewith & in case of the death of either of the said Henry Chapman & John Alexr under the age of twenty five years the legacy of him so dying and the accumulation of interest thereof shall go to the other of them & to my daur Flora Alicia McVeagh share and share alike or the whole to such one of them as shall be then living of only one of them shall be then living & in case of the death of both my said sons before the age of twenty five years then both the said legacies and the accumulation of interest therein shall go & be equally divided between my son Ferdinand Meath and daur Flora in equal shares & if only one of the said Ferdinand Meath McVeagh & Flora Alicia McVeagh shall be then living then wholly to that one but the right of the said Flora as to their contingent legacies to her younger brothers shall be under the like settlemt as is mentd as to the said seven thousand pounds part of the said eight thousand pounds hereinbefore mentd as to her own portion in like manner as if it formed part of that sum and I give the sum of two thousand pounds for the benefit of Amelia Bourrilier the daughter of Sarah Bourrilier of London which said Amelia is now talked and known by the name ofEmily McVeagh & is about eleven years of age in manner hereinafter mentioned that is to say in case she shall live to the first day of January 1805 when she will attain the age of twenty one years then the sum of four hundred pounds part thereof shall be immediately paid to her for her absolute use & then the sum of one thousand six hundred pounds residue thereof shall be raised & paid to or reclaimed by my ex’ors & to be placed out at interest in their names on my real estate or any sufficient & proper charge or otherwise as they shall think proper and then to stand possessed thereof or of the security or securities for the same on the following trusts that is to say that the shall from time to time pay the whole interest of such sum of one thousand six hundred pounds from time to time during the natural life of the said Emily McVeagh into her own proper hands or to such person or persons as she alone from time to time by writing under her hand direct or appoint so that the same may be for her own separate use & free from the disposition debts or control of any husband she may chance to have & her receipt alone or the receipt of the person or persons whom she shall form time to time appoint to receive the same as aforesaid notwithstanding she may be under coverture at the time shall be a sufficient discharge for the same & after the death of the said Emily McVeagh upon trust to pay the said principal or capital sum of one thousand six hundred pounds and assign the security or securities for the same unto & amongst all & every child or children lawfully born of the body of the said Emily McVeagh which shall live to attain the age of twenty one years or which as to a daughter or daurs shall marry after having attained the age of nineteen years equally to be divided between them if more than one and if but one then the whole to such one & if the said Emily McVeagh at the time of her death shall leave any child or children who shall not then have attained such time then the interest of such share or shares as he she or they would have been entitled to if he she or they had attained such time is to be applied for his her or their benefit in maintenance and education or otherwise until he she or they shall attain such time or die sooner which shall first happen and in case the said Emily McVeagh shall die before the said first day of January 1805 or if she shall die after that time without having any child which shall attain the age of twenty years or which as to a daughter or daurs shall marry after the age of nineteen years then the whole of the said sum of two thousand pounds in case of her death happening before the said first day of Jany 1805 & of the said sum of one thousand six hundred pounds in case of her death happening after that day & the security & securities for the same shall revert and be considered as part of the residuum of my estate & if I shall die before the first day of Jany 1805 then I direct that interest for the said sum two thousand pounds after the rate of five pounds per ct pr an’m shall from the day of my death be my ex’ors and trustees paid out of the income of my estates until the said Emily shall attain the age of twenty one years or die which shall first happen & that so much of the interest thereof as they shall think fit may be applied for their maintenance and education until such time or so long of such time as she shall be permitted by her father or mother to remain under the care of my ex’ors or the surv’ors or survivor of them or his ex’ors or adm’ors or such of them as shall put in the trust for her without interruption from the said Sarah Bourrilier or her husband & to add the remainder of such interest during such time & the whole of such interest during the time there may be such interruption if such there ever shall be but no longer than such interruption shall last to the capital of the said sum of one thousand six hundred pounds & place the sum out at interest so that the same may be accumulate & if the said Emily shall live until the first day of January 1805 then I direct that all accumulation of interest of the said sum of two thousand pounds shall remain with my trustees & upon such trusts as are hereinbefore first directed & declared concerning the sum of one thousand six hundred pounds part of the said two thousand pounds & if the said Emily shall die before the said first day of January 1805 or after that time without having had any child or children shall become entitled to any share of the capital of the said one thousand six hundred pounds then the said two thousand pounds in case of her dying before such time & the said one thousand six hundred pounds in case of her dying after that time & all accumulation of interest thereof shall thereupon revert to & become part of my residuary estate provided always [her other …] & as the strict settlement hereinbefore directed of the said sum of two thousand pounds & the accumulation of interest of such two thousand pounds if absolutely adhered to may be [said] obstruction to the marriage of the said Emily with a proper and suitable husband I hereby declare my will & meaning to be that it shall be lawful for the trustees of the said fund for the time being in order to the marriage of the said Emily at any time within the age of nineteen years and forty five years in an advantageous manner and which may be had with the previous consent of such trustees for the time being in writing under their hands but not otherwise to raise the whole of the said sum of two thousand pounds before the said first day of Jany 1805 and either before or after the said first day of January 1805 to make any new or different settlement for or concerning the whole or any part of such sum of two thousand pounds & the accumulation of interest thereof and as to the said sum of four hundred pounds part thereof if the said Emily shall have become entitled thereto before such marriage for the benefit of the said Emily and her husband and her issue or any of them the terms of such new settlement being declared in writing under the hands and seals of such trustee before such marriage and attested by two or more credible witnesses [or every] to pay the whole or any part of such sum of two thousand pounds except as to the sum of four hundred pounds part thereof in such case as aforesaid & the accumulation of interest thereof unto & for the benefit of such husband in consideration of his making a suitable settlement on the said Emily and her issue not doubting that the said trustees will forbear to execute this power unless in case of a marriage & on terms clearly advantageous to the said Emily & her issue and I give unto the said Sarah Bourrilier the mother of the said Emily annuity of twenty pounds for such part of the life of the said Sarah as she shall permit the said Emily McVeagh to be under the management government direction or guardianship of my ex’ors & trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or the ex’ors or adm’ors of such survivor or such of them as shall from time to time be in Ireland or Great Britain & act therein without any molestation or interruption from her the said Sarah & so long as the said Sarah shall forebear to assign sell dispose of or part with mtgage charge or encumber the said ann’y or any part thereof [and no] longer and my will is that the said annuity shall be from time to time paid to the said Sarah for her own separate use notwithstanding her coverture with her present or any future husband and that the same or any part thereof shall not be in any manner subject to the disposal debts engagements or control of her present or any future husband & that the same shall be only paid to herself to such person or persons as she shall from time to time direct by writing to be signed by her from time to time after the several payments shall become due & the receipts alone of the said Sarah or the person or persons to be appointed notwithsg her present or any future coverture shall be a sufficient discharge for the several paymts of such annuity & I give the sum of three hundred pounds to be paid only out of my more personal estate [  ] consisting of mortgages and judgements & in performance of all other legacies to such sum to be paid to the person who at my death shall be the rector of Lurgan Church to be by him placed out at interest on government or other good & safe security other than mortgage or judgement in the manor of such rector of Lurgan Church & to be for ever continued to be from time to time so placed out in the name of the rector of that church for the time being upon trust for & for the purpose that such rector shall pay the interest thereof for ever to decayed householders of such town such distribution to be made twice or oftener in every year and I direct such charity shall commence from the day of my death & that from time until such sum of three hundred pounds shall be paid my ex’ors shall pay for the [price] five pounds per an’m to be distributed as aforesaid & I declare that the receipt of the said rector shall be a sufficient discharge for the said legacy to my estate & represents & that my estate or represents shall not be after such receipts given in any wise answerable for the same or the interest thereat or any part thereof & I hereby declare my will to be for the receipt or receipts of my said trustees or the survivor of them or the heirs of such survivor under their or his hands or hand respectively shall from time to time be effectual discharges or an effectual discharge to any purchaser or purchasers mortgagee or of any part of my said real or other estates which shall be sold or mortgaged for the purposes aforesaid for so much of the said purchase or mortgage money for which such receipt or receipts shall be so given such purchaser or purchasers mortgagee or mortgagees shall be absolutely acquitted & discharged of & from the same and they or any or either of them shall not after such receipt or receipts be responsible or accountable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication of any part of such purchase or mortgage money and if it shall happen from any cause whatsoever that at the time of my death my whole estate real and personal shall not be sufficient fully to answer & make good all the bequests herein I will and direct that in such case each & every of my legatees except the above Sarah [Bouvillier] & the rector of Lurgan and the trifling sums herein after given to my ex’ors shall abate in proportion & I direct that my trustees & their heirs shall as soon as shall be convenient with proper advice convey & settle all such particulars or parts of my real estates whatsoever & wheresoever as shall remain unsold for the purposes aforesaid subject to such mortgage or mortgages as shall have been made thereof or of any part or parts thereof in ex’ion of the trusts herein before declared to the uses & for the intents & purposes and with under & subject to the powers provisos and declarations hereinafter mentioned concerning the same that is to say to the use of my eldest son Ferdinand Meath McVeagh for & during the term of his natural life with impeachment of or for any manner of waste with remr to proper trustees & their heirs & assigns during the natural life of my said son Ferdinand Meath McVeagh upon trust to support the contingent now & hereinafter limited from being defeated or destroyed with remr to the use of the first son of my son Ferdinand Meath McVeagh lawfully to be begotten & the heirs male of his body & for default of such issue to the second third 4th 5th 6th & all & every other son and sons of my said son Ferdinand Meath McVeagh severally successive in remainder one after another as they & every of them shall be in seniority of age & priority of birth & of the several & respective heirs male of the body and bodies of all & every such son & sons the oldest of such sons and the heirs male of his body being always to be preferred & to look before every younger of such sons & the heirs male of his & their body and bodies issuing & for default of such issue to the use of my said second son Henry Chapman McVeagh for & during the term of his natural life with like impeachmt of or for any manner of waste with like remainder to proper trustees for preserving contingent remrs with remainder to the use of the first son of my said son Henry Chapman McVeagh lawfully to be begotten & the heirs male of his body lawfully issuing and in default of such issue to the second third fourth fifth sixth & all & every son & sons of my said son Henry Chapman McVeagh severally successively & in remainder and after another as they & every of them shall be in seniority of age and priority of birth & several & respective heirs male of the body & bodies of all & every such sons & the oldest of such sons & the heirs male being always to be preferred and to take before every younger of such sons and the heirs male of & their body and bodies & for default of such issue to the use of my said third son John Alexander McVeagh for & during the term of his natural life of or for any manner of waste with a like remainder to trustees for preserving contingent remainders with rems to the use of the first son of my said son John Alexander McVeagh lawfully to be begotten & the heirs male of his body lawfully issuing and in default of such issue to the second third fourth fifth sixth & all & every son & sons of my said son John Alexander McVeagh severally successively & in remainder and after another as they & every of them shall be in seniority of age and priority of birth & of the several & respective heirs male of the body & bodies of all & every such son and sons the oldest of such sons & the heirs male of his body being always to be preferred and to take before the younger of such sons and the heirs male of his & their body and bodies & in default of all such issue to the use of my sd daur Flora Alicia McVeagh & all & every the daughter & daurs of my said sons or of any or either of them lawfully to be begotten or such one or more of my my (sic.) sons daurs and of such daughters of my sons or of any or either of them as shall be living when such failure of all such issue male shall have happened & to their respective heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common & not joint tenants to be shared and divided between them in manner following that is to say if my said immediate daur & any daur or daurs of my said three sons shall be then living then in equal fourth parts & my said immediate daughter one fourth part and the daughter or daughters of each of my said three sons taking another fourth and when there may be more daurs then one of any one or more of my said sons the fourth part of these daurs being subdivided according to their number and if when such failure of issue male shall have happened my said immediate daur shall be living & there shall be then also living a daughter or daughters of only two of my said sons then my said daughter shall have one third part and the daughter or daurs of each of such two sons shall have another third part & if at such time my said immediate daur shall be living and there shall be also then living a daur or daurs of only one of my said three sons then my immediate daur shall have one moiety or half part & the daughter or daurs of such one son shall have the other moiety or half part & if at such time my said immediate daur shall be dead then the daughter or daurs of my said sons or of such one or more of them of whom there shall be a daur or daurs then living shall take in general in shares according to the number of my sons of whom there shall be a daur or daurs then living & they shall respectively so take per [stirtes] as if under their respective [f…] & in every of the aforesaid cases where more than one daughter of the same son of me shall take there shall be amongst such daurs a subdivision of the share which shall belong to them & if at a time when a failure of such issue male as aforesaid shall happen my said immediate daur shall be living & no daur of either of my said sons shall be then living then my said immediate daur shall have the whole of the said estates and so likewise if my said immediate daur shall be then dead & only one person shall be then living who shall be a daur of any of my said three sons in such case such only daur of one of my said three sons shall have the whole of my said real estates & I further direct that in the settlemt to be made of my said real estates proper powers shall be inserted for all and every the person & persons who by virtue of this my will shall after my decease be in the actual possession of my said real estates and the guardians of such of them as shall for the time being be infants by indenture or indentures under their respective hands and seals executed in the presence of & attested by two or more witnesses to make any [lease or leashd] of all or any part thereof for any estates or term not exceeding three lives or thirty one years which shall endure longest to commence in possession & not in reversion so as as such lease be made [dispunishable] of waste & so as upon every such lease so to be made there be reserved and made payable during the term thereby granted the best and most improved yearly rent or rents that can reasonably be had for the same without taking any sum of money or other thing by way of fine or income & so as there be contained in all such leases all usual clauses & conditions & covenants according to the nature thereof & the course of the country and particularly a clause for reentry in case of nonpayt of the reserved rent or non-performance of any of the covenants or agreements therein to be contained on the part of the tenant or lessee & so as the lessee or lessees in every such lease named do seal & execute a couterpart thereof & there shall also be inserted & contained in such a proper power for my said three sons Ferdinand Meath McVeagh Henry Chapman McVeagh & John Alexander McVeagh by any deed or deeds writing or writings executed by them in the presence of & attested by two or more credible witnesses to whom they shall respectively be in possession of my said real estates or any part thereof to charge my said estates or any part thereof in their respective actual poss’on either before or after their respective marriages with any ann’y or annuities or yearly rent charge or rent charges to be payable from their respective deaths unto or in trust for their respective wife or wives for her or their life or lives for her or their [jointure or jointures] to be payable half yearly or quarterly with the usual powers of distress & entry for recovering the same in case the same being in arrear & able to demise the estates to be charged thereout to any trustee or trustees for any term not exceeding one hundred years for better securing the payment of such [jointure or jointures] & all arrears thereof so as sd annuity to be so charged for a [jointure] do exceed the sum of seventy five pounds per an’m for any one wife for every thousand pounds which my said sons shall respectively actually receive in money or in present value of any other property of or belonging to the wife or to my said sons respectively in right of their respective wives on their said respective marriages or after such marriages but before the making of such appointments or charge [   ] exceed the clear yearly sum of three hundred pounds Irish money in the whole to any one woman free from any deduction for land tax or otherwise & so as only one such [jointure] shall have effect in possession at any one time & if no child or grandchild of me shall become absolutely entitled to my said residuary real estate then all such residue of my real estate shall be settled on the aforesaid Emily McVeagh and my nephew Thomas Shaw & my niece Jane Maria Blood & Randall William Shaw share & share alike each to take his and her share for their respective lives only and from their respective deaths their respective shares to go to their respective child or children then living equally to be divided between them and if but one child then the whole of its parents share and interest to such one child & their respective heirs & assigns for ever as tenants in common and as to the share or shares if such one or more of them as shall not have any child survg him or her from & after his her or their respective deaths to the others or other of them the said Emily McVeagh Thos Shaw Jane Maria Blood & Randall William Shaw for their respective lives & afterwds for their respective child or children living at their respective deaths in like manner & for such estates as afd & if it shall unfortunately happen that the whole or any part or parts share or shares of or interest in my said real estate shall remain undisposed of after satisfying all the trusts aforesaid then and in such case the same shall be settled to the use of my cousin John Clements late in the [English] East India Trade for his life & afterwards for such child or children of him as hereinbefore is mentioned in regard to the child or children of my three nephews & nieces & in case of the said John Clements not having any child who shall become entitled thereto then the same shall be to the use of my cousin Henry McVeagh of Lurgan to hold to him and his heirs forever if my personal estate shall happen to be more than sufficient to satisfy all my debts funeral expenses & legacies I direct the same to be laid out in some freehold estate in Ireland to be settled to the same uses as herein before declared of my real estate & for the purpose of carrying this my last will and testament into execution I do hereby nominate and appoint the said John Clements and Sir Benjamin Chapman Bt & James Peter Auriol of Portugal St near Hyde Park in the Co of Middx Esqr together with such son of me as shall first obtain the age of twenty five years from the time of his attaining such age ex’ors of this my last will and testament & I appoint them except my eldest son guardians of my before named children & I appoint the before named John Clements Sir Benjamin Chapman & James Peter Auriol guardians of the said child now commonly called Emily McVeagh until she arrives at the age of twenty one years & [   ] that my ex’ors will use every method of keeping the said Emily from having any knowledge of or connection with her mother or any of her English relations & I give to each of my ex’ors except the said John Clements over & above what they may be entitled to in the former part of this my will who shall prove & undertake the execution of this my will the sum of two hundred pounds which sum tho’ trifling I hope my bosom and confidential friends will accept as a testimony of my affection for each of them & that they will purchase rings or some such durable ornament & wear the same in memory of their dec’ed friend and to the said John Clements I give the sum of four hundred pounds for the same purpose & I do hereby declare my will to be that my said ex’ors & trustees or either of them their or either of their heirs ex’ors adm’ors or assigns shall not be charged or accountable any one of them for any other of them of for more than he she or they shall respectively and actually receive nor for any loss or misapplication of any money which shall come to their or any or either of their hands in execution of the trusts aforesaid which shall be lost or misapplied witht their respective wilful neglect or default and that they & every of them shall & may by & out of the monies which shall come to their or any or either of their hands respectively in execution of the trusts aforesaid deduct & reimburse themselves & pay to each other all such loss costs and charges or expenses as they or any or either of them shall or may be put unto or sustain for or by reason of the trusts in them reposed or in the execution thereof as aforesd & I desire to be interred in a plain manner with the smallest expense & without ornament parade or pageantry in the vault erected by me & where my wife lies in the Church Yard of Athboy & tho’ this my will is wrote & executed in England yet to my direction that all the aforesaid legacies shall be paid in Irish sterling money & not in that of England & I revoke all former wills by me & declare this to be my whole last will and testament ini witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this seventh day of July 1794Joseph McVeagh – Signed sealed published & declared by the Test’or Joseph McVeagh as & for his last will & testament in the presence of us who in his presence & at his request & in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto – Thos Dacre of the Middle Temple – Joseph Erby – John Smith clerks to Mr Dacre


Probate 2/3/1811

On 2nd March 1811 adm’on with will annexed of Joseph McVeagh late of Drewstown in the Co of Meath Esq dec’ed was granted to Ferdinand Meath McVeagh the son being sworn duly to adm’r


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