This is the last will and testament of me Florentia Wynch now residing at East Peckham in the County of Kent made and published and declared the twenty fourth day of August one thousand eight hundred and two. First I desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be in the first place fully paid and satisfied by my executors hereinafter named. Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Lady Frances Twysden the wife of Sir William Jarvis Twysden Baronet the portraits of the late Mr Wynch and of Mr Charles Wynch and the crayon drawings of Mr John Wynch Lady Twysden and Lieutenant Colonel Wynch. Also I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Amelia Watts the crayon drawings of Mr and Mrs Watts and Edward Watts and also the crayon drawings of Amelia and William Watts and also my bracelet pictures of Mr and Mrs Watts. Also I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Florentia Wynch the crayon drawings of Mr & Mrs George Wynch. Also I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Frances Twysden the ring with the motto rest in peace which was Mr Wynch’s. Also I give and bequeath unto my grandson Henry Wynch the mourning ring set in diamonds which has Mr Charles Wynch’s hair in it. Also I give and bequeath unto my servant Ann Peters all my cloaths (sic) and wearing apparel and ten pounds for mourning over and besides the nineteen pounds or thereabouts which I now owe her. Also I give and bequeath unto my servant William Peters the sum of ten pounds for mourning over and besides the debt of ten pounds or thereabouts which I now owe to him and which debt I direct may be paid to him and the said Ann Peters as soon as possible after my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto Mrs Brazley now residing at Walton upon Thames the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain to be paid her as soon after my decease as may be. And all the rest residue of my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature so ever the same may consist I give and bequeath the same unto and to be equally divided between my said children George Wynch Esquire, Lieutenant Colonel Wynch, Lady Twysden and Florentia Watts in equal shares and proportions and I nominate and appoint my son George Wynch and my friendJohn Cassamaijorof Suffolk Street Middlesex Hospital Esquire joint executors of this my will and revoking all former wills I declare this only to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I have to this my will contained in two sheets of paper set my hand and seal (that is to say my hand to the first sheet and my hand and seal to this last sheet dated the day and year above written – F Wynch (SS) – Signed sealed published and declared by the said Florentia Wynch as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto
Mary Southfield Jas Dudlow
Affidavit 15th September 1802
In which day appeared personally George Wynch of [Clemerstone] in the County of Glamorgan Esquire and made oath that he is the said and one of the executors named in the last will and testament of Florentia Wynch late of East Peckham in the County of Kent widow deceased now hereunto annexed bearing date the twenty fourth day of August last past and this deponent saith that he was present at the execution of the said will by the said testator saith that the word Amelia in the sixth line of the second sheet of the said will was written through error by the attorney who drew the same and was therefore obliterated and the word “Florentia” written over the same in the manner as the said word now appears in conformity to the intention of the said estatrix and previous to the execution of the said will – George Wynch– same day the said George Wynch was duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit before me [name not transcribed]
Probate 16/9/1802
This will was proved at London the sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two before the worshipful Samuel Pearce, parson, doctor of laws, surrogate of the right honourable Sir William Wynne knight also doctor of laws, master keeper or commissary of the prerogative court of Canterbury lawfully instituted by the oath of George Wynch esquire the son of the deceased and one of the executors named in the said will to whom administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased was granted having been first sworn duly to administer power reserved of making the like grant to John Cassamaijor Esq the other executor named in the said will when he shall apply for the same.
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