In the name of God Amen this eleventh day of May in the eighth year of the reign of his majesty King George by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith etc, AD 1732; I JOHN WINCH of Woolwich in the county of Kent, Gent., being at this time in good health of body and of sound and disposing mind and memory now (praised be God for the same) calling to mind the certainty of death and considering the uncertainty of the time thereof do for preventing all manner of controversies after my decease make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner following that is to say: first I direct that my funeral shall be at the discretion of my executrix hereinafter named. ITEM; whereas I am possessed and seized of one messuage or tenement with its appurtenances in Barking in the County of Essex now or late in the tenure or occupation of John Bundickt now I devise the said messuage or tenement and the rents issues and profits thereof and all my right and power which I and my heirs have to renew my estate therein unto my dear and loving wife MARY WINCH to hold to my said wife and to be at her whole and sole disposal as my said wife Mary by her last will and testament or any other writing under hand and seal or surrender thereof shall see fit and proper to dispose of the same during my estate in the premises. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my sister HESTER ROSE a broad piece of gold of three and twenty shillings value and no more. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my cousins GEORGE JOHN WILLIAM BENNETT, THOMAS SARAH and HESTER ROSE children of my said sister Hester Rose one shilling apiece and no more. ITEM; I give and bequeath to my loving cousins JAMES and JOHN GOODYEAR the sum of one hundred pounds which I have in South Sea Stock together with all the interest benefit and advantage whatsoever accruing thereto or to be belonging to be equally divided between them when they or either of them shall attain their respective age or ages of one and twenty years and in case either of them shall decease before they shall attain their said ages of one and twenty years then I give and devise the moiety part or share of them or either of them so deceased unto my loving cousin ELIZABETH GOODYEAR their sister and after her decease to the children of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten. All the overplus rest residue and remainder of all and singular my messuages tenements lands ready money securities for money goods chattels and estate whatsoever both real and personal as shall be belonging unto me at the time of my decease I do give and devise the same unto my dear and loving wife Mary Winch to the sole life of the said Mary her executors advisors and assigns forever; and I do hereby constitute and appoint my said wife Mary Winch sole executrix of this my last will and testament; and I do hereby revoke all former wills and testaments by me at any time heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year abovewritten – John Winch – signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us who subscribed our names as witnesses hereto in the presence of the testator (the words after her decease being first interlined) – the mark of Ann Bemond, Richard Bell, John Barnard.
Proved 12th May 1738 by Mary Winch relict and executrix
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