Dame Eleanor Wandesford 1713
28th September 1713
Dame Eleanor Wandesford of the City of York, widow
To be buried at the discretion of my executors and of such of my children as shall be with me at the time of my death in the parish church of Kirklington near to the place where my dear husband Sir Christopher Wandesford Baronet was buried if I die within one day’s journey of it.
The agreement I have made with my grandson Lord
Viscount Castlecomber touching the payment of fifty pounds per annum to my son George Wandesford, viz., thirty pounds to him and twenty pounds to his daughter Ann Sharlott Wandesford to be performed.
Two hundred pounds to my son George Wandesford, and after his death to Osburn and Ann Sharlott Wandesford his children.
To my son George a bond for one hundred pounds wherein he and his mother in law Mrs Mallory are bound to me.
To my grandson Lord Viscount Castlecomber for life my wrought bed and damask bed, my gold and silver quilt, and best diamond ring, and my great silver looking glass, to go to the heirs male of the family of my dear husband.
The interest of three hundred pounds to my daughter Mary Wandesford and my silver dressing plate for her life.
To my daughters Lady Pyne and Bossevile 100 pounds
To my Daughter Sweetenham 150 pounds.
To the children of my daughter Bush 40 pounds.
To my grandson Captain George Wandesford, brother of my grandson Viscount Castlecomber 100 pounds.
To my grandson John Wandesford 100 pounds.
To the poor of Lowther 50 pounds.
To the poor of Kirklington 50 pounds.
To the minister and churchwardens of Hipswell 50 pounds, 1/1/6 of the interest thereof to go to the minister for preaching a funeral sermon there yearly, and the rest to the poor.
To Mr Tatham the minister of Kirklington 5 pounds to buy him a mourning gown.
To my nephew the Lord Viscount Lonsdale a silver basin of 20 pounds value to be supervisor.
I give 40 pounds to be laid out in a tomb or monumental stone for my husband and me.
I give the great herball to my cousin Christopher Norton’s daughter now in the Bishopric of Durham.
The rest to my grandson Viscount Castlecomber and I make my brother Ralph Lowther of Ackworth Esq, Rev Pemberton of Bedell, Clerk, and my nephew Thomas Comber of East Newton Esq., executors in England and Dr Coggin in Dublin and Robert FitzGerrard of the Castle of Kilkenny Esq., in Ireland, and I give them two Guineas each for memorial rings
Proved 23rd December 1714