In the name of God Amen. I Robert Winch senr of the Parish of Waltham St Lawrence at Lawrence Waltham in the County of Berks yeoman being infirm in body but of good understanding and sound disposing mind and memory praise be given to Almighty God therefore considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and the necessity and convenience of disposing of my temporal estate do make and ordain this my last will and testament in form and manner following. First and principally I commend my mortal soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body I leave unto the earth whence it was taken to be decently interred with Christian burial at the discretion of my executor hereinafter named hoping for a joyful resurrection to eternal life through the meritorious death and passion of my only Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ. And for the temporal estate wherewith it hath pleased God to endoe me I dispose of the same in form and manner following. Inpr’is I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Margaret Winch one hundred pounds of good and lawful money of England to be paid by my executor and my will is that my said executor over and besides the said hundred pounds shall maintain my said daughter Margaret in [dyett] two years next after my decease or otherwise pay unto her six pounds the first and two pounds the last of the said two years of lawful English money if she continue unmarried. ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter Katherine Winch all those my two enclosed parcels of land arable meadow or pasture commonly or known by the name Tasmoures lying within the parish of Lawrence Waltham aforesaid abutting on the north part on a Roman lane leading towards Bernhams Hatch and on the east part upon a Roman lane called Tuimoore Lane and west upon other lands of me the said Robert Winch and south upon land now within [Gerencis] containing by estimation seven acres be the same more or less which I formerly purchased to me my heirs and assigns for [ ] of John Simmond of Summing and are now in my own tenure or occupation to have and to hold the said two enclosed parcels of land to her the said Katherine Winch her heirs and assigns for ever And my mind and will is nevertheless that my said daughter Katherine shall demise and let all the said premises or closes of land unto my son Robert Winch for such time and term of years as he himself shall think fit to hold the same at the annual rent of five pounds of lawful English money with privilege of lopping such trees upon the same as have been already lopped without doing damage to any other trees ITEM I give deliver and bequeath unto my granddaughter Katherine Tassell all that my messuage or tenement lately netted with the [ ] and garden plot thereunto adjoining and belonging containing half an acre be the same more or less with the outhousing and all the appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Southlake Row having the land of Willm [Girence] aforesaid on the South and East part of the same and the land of the said Robert Winch on the north part thereof now in the tenure of Henry [Gisbro’] to have and to hold the said messuage or tenement unto her the said Katherine Tassel and the heirs of her body lawfully to be begotten and for default of such issue I give and devise the said messuage or tenement with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging whatsoever unto my son Robert Winch his heirs and assigns for ever and I hereby charge my said son Robert Winch his heirs executors and assigns that he and they out of the profits of my estate together with the rent and profits of the said premises to maintain and provide all things necessary for the maintenance and education of the said Katherine Tassel that she may be well instructed and educated in the fear of God and in learning to read and write and all other things which may be desired convenient for a child of her quality until she shall attain the age of one and twenty years or until the day of her marriage which shall first happen. And my mind and will is that after my said granddaughter shall attain the age of sixteen years that then she shall receive the rest of the said premises hereby devised unto her own possession to dispose of the same to her best advantage. And if it shall any ways appear to the overseers of this my will or their executors that my said son Robert Winch his heirs and executors do not perform in the trust in him and them herein by me reposed in relation to the maintenance and education of my said granddaughter that then and from thenceforth it shall be in their power to place here where they shall think most convenient and then I charge my said son Robert Winch his heirs and executors to pay five pounds of lawful English money yearly over and besides the rent of the said premises for and toward her maintenance and education until she attain the aforesaid age of one and twenty years or her day of marriage as aforesaid. ITEM I give and bequeath more unto my said granddaughter Katherine Tassel one suit of child bed linen one pair of Holland sheets one dozen of Holland napkins two Holland pillow cases and one Diapri table cloth and one laced suit for her head which her mother used to wear. ITEM All the rest and residue of my estate real and personal goods chattels of what kind soever the same be not herein before disposed of after my debts are paid my funeral expenses and legacies discharged I give devise and bequeath unto my said son Robert Winch And I do hereby make and ordain him my said son Robert Winch full and sole executor of this my last will and testament And I do hereby revoke and make void all former wills by me made And I do desire and entreat my two trusty and well beloved friends John Ward of Wokingham in the County of Berks Gent and Richard Knife of Lawrence Waltham aforesaid chyrurgeon[1] to be overseers of this my last will and testament desiring them to see the same in all things fulfilled to the utmost of their power And in witness that this is my last will and testament I the said Robert Winch have hereunto set my hand and seal and accordingly declared the same the two and twentieth day of January in the eighth year of Ma’ties Reign that in the year of our Lord 1696 – Robert Winch – Signed sealed and declared to be the last will and testament of the said Robert Winch in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses to the same in the presence of the testator – George Underwood – Stephen Edwards – the mark of Margaret Kenfield
Probate 3/11/1699 Probatum fuit…