1687 William Pitt


This is the last will and testament of me, William PITT of Dorchester in the county of Dorset, Gent., made and published this twenty sixth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty.  FIRST, I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, trusting and believing by and through the merits death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer, to have full and free pardon of all my sins and to enjoy eternal happiness. My body I commit to the earth to be decently buried in expectation of a glorious resurrection. And as for and concerning my worldly estate which God has been pleased of his goodness to bestow upon me, I dispose thereof in manner following (that is to say): INPRIMIS; I give to my dearly beloved wife one thousand pounds.  ITEM; I give to my daughter CHAPPELL one hundred pounds to be paid her in three months after my decease.  ITEM; I will that my executrix shall pay to my overseers or such of them as will accept the trust five hundred nobles within six months after my decease, five hundred nobles more within twelve months after my decease and five hundred nobles more within eighteen months next after my decease which I desire may be put out at interest in their names or the names of such of them as will accept of the trust, and I will that the interest thereof shall be paid to my daughter DEANE during the life of her husband for her separate use and a receipt by her under her hand shall be a sufficient discharge for the same, and in case she shall outlive her husband, then the principal and interest to be paid to her, and if she shall die leaving her husband, then the principal and so much of the interest as shall be unpaid to her shall be disposed of for the benefit of such of her children as she shall appoint, and for want of such appointment, then for the benefit of such child or children of hers as she shall leave equally to be divided between them provided always and my will is, if my said daughter shall by any instrument in writing under her hand subscribed in the presence of four or more credible witnesses appoint or authorise my said overseers or either of them to pay all or any part of the principal money before her death to or for the benefit of any her child or children, or to any other use, that my said overseers or such of them as shall accept of the said trust, shall pay the same accordingly and shall be discharged of so much thereof as they shall pay by such her appointment, and that they nor either of them shall not suffer by the insolvency of any person to whom they shall dispose of the same at interest nor be answerable one for the acts or defaults of the other, and that they shall allow themselves all such costs and charges as they shall be at or put unto in the execution of the said trust.  ITEM; I give to my daughter GOULD four hundred pounds to be paid by three equal payments, that is to say, four hundred nobles within six months after my decease, four hundred nobles more within twelve months and four hundred nobles more within eighteen months after my decease.  ITEM; I give to my Grandson William CHAPPELL four hundred pounds to be paid within two years after my decease, which I will shall be disposed of by my overseers either at interest or otherwise for his benefit as they shall think fit and their receipt for the same shall be a discharge for my executrix.  ITEM; I give to the town of Blandford, the place of my nativity, fifty pounds to be paid within two years after my decease to their bailiff and his brethren to be put out at interest or laid out in land and that the yearly income thereof shall be disposed of for the putting out yearly at Easter one poor child of that town an apprentice, and my desire is that every year at Easter another poor child be pitched on to be bound out the next year, and that, if the parents cannot, that the town will cause such child to be taught to write and read if it be a boy, if a girl to read, sew or spin.  ITEM; ITEM; I give to the town of Dorchester fifty pounds to be paid within two years after my decease to their bailiff and his brethren to be put out at interest or laid out in land and that the yearly income thereof shall be disposed of for the putting out yearly at Easter one poor child of that town an apprentice, and my desire is that every year at Easter another poor child be pitched on to be bound out the next year, and that, if the parents cannot, that the town will cause such child to be taught to write and read if it be a boy, if a girl to read, sew knit or spin.  ITEM; I give to my three grandchildren John CHAPPELL, David and Jane DEANE each of them five pounds apiece to be paid in a year.  ITEM; I give to my old servant Elizabeth Maning twenty shillings and to the servant that lives with me at time of my decease ten shillings to each of the parishes of Dorchester to be distributed to the poor. And of this my last will I make my loving wife executrix and do desire my brother Mr Robert PITT, my kinsman Mr James GOULD, and my son in law Mr George GOULD to be overseers of this my will and to each of them do give twenty shillings apiece for a ring – Will. Pitt – signed sealed and published in the presence of us Joseph Pride, Daniel Arden, William Hayward

WHEREAS I have in this my will written on the other side given fifty pounds to the town of Dorchester for the putting out of a poor child yearly, I do hereby revoke the said legacy and will that the same be null and void.  Witness my hand this seventh day of May one thousand six hundred eighty one – Will Pitt – signed in the presence of us William Hayward, Jo’s: Pride, Daniel Arden

Proved 10th February 1687 by Jane PITT, relict.

Marginal note: 4th June 1691