In the name of God Amen, I Edward WAKE of Charleton in the County of Dorset, Gent., being imperfect in health but, by the blessing of God, in good and perfect memory, do make this my last will and testament as follows: FIRST I bequeath my soul to God my maker, trusting through the merits and all sufficiency of Christ Jesus my Saviour to be made partake of his kingdom of glory; my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my dear wife if she shall survive me, otherwise at the discretion of my trustees hereafter named, and for my estate that God has in mercy blessed me with all, I give and bequeath as follows. ITEM; I give and bequeath my lands in Charleton Marshall, purchased of the trustees of Sir Ralph Bankes deceased to my dear and loving wife for the term of her natural life with the household goods and stock thereof now habit shall be at the time of my decease, or in lieu of the profits of the said lands and stock, the sum of sixty pounds a year to be paid her half-yearly out of my whole estate (my said wife resigning to my trustees the lands and stock before mentioned) if she shall rather choose to receive the aforesaid sum of three score pounds a year aforesaid. ITEM; I do give unto my loving brother William WAKE of Blandford and his son William WAKE of Oxford, and my uncle Christopher PITT of London my aforesaid purchased lands in Charleton Marshall with full power to sell, alienate or dispose thereof when and as soon as they in their discretions shall think fit, and I do also give unto my aforesaid brother, cousin and uncle all other my estate real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever in trust nevertheless for the payment of my just debts and then the only goods and advantage of my four children Edward, Mary, William and Katharine to be distributed as is hereafter mentioned (viz.) two fifths to my eldest son Edward WAKE and the other three fifths to my son William, Mary and Catherine to be equally divided between them and to be paid them when they attain their several ages of one and twenty years each, my wife being sufficiently first (serviced) the aforesaid sixty pounds a year, and in the meantime to be allowed for their maintenance as my trustees aforesaid shall think fit, and if either of my three younger children shall die before they attain the age of one and twenty years of age, that part to be divided between the other two surviving, but if more than one of three shall so die then to be divided between that other child and my son Edward Wake, and in case my son Edward Wake shall happen to die before he attain the age of one and twenty years of hen one half of his legacy to go to my son William Wake, the other half between my daughters, and I do nominate and appoint my above named trustees William Wake my brother, William Wake my cousin, and my uncle Christopher Pitt to be my executors of this my last will and testament, revoking all other wills and bequests whatsoever. Witness my hand and seal this thirteenth day of September one thousand six hundred eighty. Be it remembered that if anything be deficient in this my will in form of law that yet notwithstanding I would have the sense of this my will pursued and performed in every particular – Edward Wake – signed sealed published and delivered in the presence of Mary (Ebony), Rachael Keynes, Richard Wynter
Proved 30th October 1680