1678 Alexander Kenton


In the name of God Amen; I ALEXANDER KENTON of the Parish of Saint Olaffes [Saint Olave’s] Southwark being in perfect health, God be praised, and bound on a voyage to sea, do bequeath my soul to God that gave it; and as for my estate I leave to the management of my loving Wife MARY KENTON which is in money fifteen hundred pounds; and my one quarter part of the ship Edward – John Roxbey, master – and my one sixth and one eight part of the Dover frigate [Justllen] Ekins Master; besides my part of the ship Jacob and Adventure is eight hundred pounds which I leave to the management of my loving wife Mary Kenton and leave her my only [  ] estates so long as she lives a widow to educate and bring up my children till they come of age or day of marriage; and then I will and give to my Son ALEXANDER KENTON three hundred pounds; and to my Daughter MARY KENTON three hundred pounds; and to my Daughter SUSANNA KENTON three hundred pounds and to be heirs one to the other if any die before they come of age or the day of marriage.  In case the Jacob and what I have there comes well home I give to each of my three children five hundred pounds apiece when they come to age of twenty years or the day of marriage which shall first happen and to be heirs one to the other; provided that what [lease] comes by the ship Edward or the ship Dover or on the money before the children be of age they are to bear and pay one half or moiety of it.  My will and desire is that if my wife Mary Kenton do marry to another man then I give to her only three hundred pounds and what estate and household stuff I leave to be divided amongst my children and then will and desire my loving Uncle Mr GEORGE WEST and my loving Brother ROBERT JACOB and my loving Sister ELIZABETH STEVENS my executors of this my last will; and I desire that what money my wife has at her decease keeping herself a widow be equally divided amongst my children or their heirs except two hundred pounds which I leave to my wife’s own disposal to give to whom she please.  If it please God to take away my wife Mary Kenton in the term of this my voyage or after my decease I leave the management of my estate for the use of my Son Alexander Kenton and daughter Mary Kenton and daughter Susanna Kenton to be equally divided amongst them; to my executors Mr George West, Mr Robert Jacob and Mistress Elizabeth Stevens and whenever either of my executors die the other two with the advice of the children to choose a chair.  If my wife Mary Kenton and son Alexander Kenton and daughter Mary Kenton and daughter Susanna Kenton die and leave no lawful heirs then I will and bequeath the one half of my estate to my Brother JOHN KENTON and Cousin JOHN KENTON, son of my Brother PETER KENTON to be equally divided between them and their heirs; and the other half to my wife’s sisters and after them to their heirs.  Signed and sealed aboard the Jacob the 2nd May 1677 – Alex. Kenton – in the presence of Elizabeth Dines, Katherine Saunders, Elizabeth Richards


Proved 17th February 1678/9 by Mary Kenton relict.


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