In the name of God Amen. I KATHERINE JOHNSON widow late wife of GEORGE JOHNSON citizen and Dyer of London deceased being sick and weak in body but of perfect sense and memory (thanks be given to Almighty God for the same) and calling to my remembrance the sudden change of this transitory life and that my soul must be separated from my mortal body for the better preparation therefore of my thoughts for heavenly meditations and sequestering myself from the cares of this world against it shall please God to call me out of myself I do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following: first I recommend my soul into the hands of the blessed at Trinity hoping by the merits of my saviour Jesus Christ to receive remission of my sins and the fruition of eternal bliss with the communion of saints in heaven. And I commit my body to the Earth to be decently buried in the parish church of St James Garlick Hill London where my said late husband lies buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named and for the disposing of that estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me I give and bequeath the same as hereafter follows. Item; whereas I am lawfully interested in the three certain messuages or tenements with the shops cellars solars rooms and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being in Falcon Court in the parish of St Dunstan’s in the West in Fleet Street London by virtue of lease from the Company of Cordwainers of the City of London for divers years yet to come one shop part and thereof is under part of one of the said messuages and is now in the tenancy or occupation of Stephen Fall and one other of the said messuages or tenements is agreed to be let to the said Stephen Fall and the other messuages or tenements now at present without any tenants in the same I do give and bequeath my said three messuages with the appurtenances in Falcon Court aforesaid unto my son in law JOHN WINCH his executors or administrators and assigns until he shall reimburse himself all such money with interest for the same as he has or shall disburse about building or fitting up the said three messuages only in Falcon Court and not about that messuage which is now in the possession of John Bradshaw, Silkman, and after my son in law is satisfied and paid and likewise my funeral expenses paid and the charges for the proving of my will and all my other legacies hereunder named (which I have not ready money to pay) out of my profits of my three messuages in Falcon Court aforesaid then I further will that my executors hereafter named shall have the said three messuages in trust for the use and benefit of my grandchildren GEORGE LAWRENCE, KATHERINE LAWRENCE, and JOHN LAWRENCE, and KATHERINE HENBURY, GEORGE HENBURY, SUSAN HENBURY, ELIZABETH HENBURY and STEPHEN HENBURY, whereof my will is that Katherine Lawrence shall have fifty pounds out of the profits of the said three messuages to be paid her immediately after she is out of her apprenticeship if there be any money then in my executor’s hands of the said profits sufficient to pay the same more than the rest of my grandchildren and the rest of the profits are equally to be divided between her and my other seven grandchildren above-mentioned share and share like my executors first paying the ground rent to the company of cordwainers as it shall grow due and deducting such charges as they shall at or put to in getting the rent or otherwise about the premises; and when any of my grandchildren die the survivors shall have their shares equally to be divided between them; and my will and mind is that the said John Winch and John Jackson should improve and put forth all such moneys as shall be raised out of the rents and profits of the said premises hereby by me bequeathed unto my grandchildren above named for the best benefit and advantage of my said grandchildren and their survivor and survivors of them until they shall attain unto their several ages of one and twenty years or be married excepting the fifty pounds which is to be paid to the said Katherine Lawrence in form above-mentioned. Item; I give and bequeath unto my said grandchild George Lawrence one bond of fourscore pounds from Parnell Lewis widow for the payment of fifty pounds of lawful English money within six months after her decease which bond is mislaid and cannot at present be found. Item; I give and bequeath unto my loving sister ANNE Lady HORD (the wife of Sir THOMAS HORD Knight deceased) a piece of gold of the value of three and thirty shillings and to my cousin WILLIAM GARDNER the younger a like piece of gold of the value of three and thirty shillings as a remembrance of my love unto them. Item I give and bequeath unto my son in law STEPHEN HENBURY the sum of five pounds of lawful English money and unto my son in law JOHN LAWRENCE five shillings. Item; I give and bequeath unto my cousins ELIZABETH HYDE the wife of GEORGE HYDE and JANE HASTINGS the wife of WILLIAM HASTINGS gent to each of them a legacy ring of twenty shillings apiece to wear in remembrance of me. Item; I give and bequeath unto the poor of the parish of St James Garlick Hill London the sum of three pounds of lawful English money and to the poor of the parish of St Dunstan’s in Fleet Street the sum of three pounds of like English money; and whereas I as executrix to my said late husband had at the time of the late dreadful fire the interest for a term of about eleven years of several messuages or tenements in Falcon Court aforesaid and whereas they were all burnt down by the late dreadful fire and whereas my said son in law John winch did at his own costs and charges build up one of the said messuages now in the possession of the said John Bradshaw and by my consent he has a lease in his own name of the said messuage now in the possession of the said John Bradshaw for a very long-term yet to come upon this trust that he should for the money he has disbursed in building the same have the same for his life and after it should go to my daughter Winch now his wife during her life if the lease continue so long and if he and she both die before the expiration of the said lease then it was further agreed that my granddaughters SUSAN HENBURY and SARAH (being both the daughters of my daughter WINCH by a former husband) should have the same lease of the said house for all the time that shall be then to come equally to be divided between them, now I do hereby declare my will to be according to this agreement and I hope and doubt not but that the executors or administrators of my said son in law John Winch will observe the trust and perform the same accordingly. And I do make the said John Winch and John Jackson sole executors of this my will hereby revoking all former Wills by me heretofore made. Item; I do give unto my granddaughter Sarah Henbury my silver tankard. In witness whereof I the said Katherine Johnson have set my name to each sheet of this my will which is contained in two sheets and my seal to each sheet likewise the fifth day of October in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty and nine – Katherine Johnson – sealed published and delivered in the presence of Nicholas Duncombe, Robert Winch, Anne Hopper, William Waltham
Proved 8th October 1673 by John Winch and John Jackson, Executors
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