1660 John Lorymer


In the name of god Amen; this eighth day of November A.D. sixteen fifty-five and in the twelfth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord Charles II by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender of the faith etc.,  I, JOHN LORYMER of London Esq, being at present sick in body yet of perfect mind and memory praised be therefore given to Almighty God, calling to mind the uncertainty of this present mortal life and that it is appointed for all men once to die although the time and hour be uncertain to the end therefore I may the better be prepared and more ready to leave this frail life when it shall please God to call me; I do make and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say, first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator trusting and faithfully believing through the only merits death and passion of Jesus Christ my only saviour and Redeemer to obtain the remission of all my sins and to reign with him in his most blessed kingdom. My body I commit to the earth from whence it came in manner following, that is to say, First I give and bequeath to my ever loving friends Doctor Ball, Doctor Hall, Doctor Shute, Doctor Hardey, Doctor Smallwood of Bishopsgate Street, Doctor Wilson and Mr Snatchwood of the Poultry to every of them five pounds apiece of lawful money of England and to Doctor Ball or Doctor Hardy (one of which I desire may preach my funeral sermon) I give the sum of three pounds of like money over and above his said legacy of five pounds for the preaching my said funeral sermon.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to the Hospital of Christ Church in London whereof I am a member the sum of one hundred pounds of like money over and above the sum of one hundred pounds formerly by me lent or given to the same hospital.  ITEM; I give unto the Company of Apothecaries of the City of London the sum of fifty pounds of like money.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my several [   ] friends hereafter named the several legacies and sum or sums of lawful money of England following, that is to say: to Mr John Fletcher my grey mare; to my Brother NEVILL LORYMER my white gelding with my bridle and saddle; to Mr Richard [Titber] and his wife and his daughter forty shillings apiece to buy them rings; to Mrs Mary [Hulme] widow ten pounds; to Mr Holmesthe Kallendar and his wife forty shillings apiece for rings; to Mr Thomas the Apothecary and his wife forty shillings apiece for rings; to Mr Thomas Crofts forty shillings for a ring; to Mr George [Pryor] and his wife forty shillings apiece for rings; to Mr John Morris scrivener five pounds; to Mrs Johnson of Weston, widow twenty shillings; to ELIZABETH METCALFE daughter to my Cousin METCALFE twenty pounds; to my Nephew ROGER LORYMER, son of my Brother ROGER LORYMER one hundred pounds; to my Cousin ANN NORTON one hundred pounds; to my Cousin RICHARD NORTON fifty pounds; to Cousin NEVILL NORTON one hundred pounds; to my Godson NEVILL LORYMER son to my Nephew NEVILL LORYMER fifty pounds; and to Mr William Pinoke, my Tailor forty shillings.  ITEM; I forgive and release unto my Brother RICHARD NORTON the debt of one hundred pounds and all interest and [drawings] for the same which he and I stand bound to William Holmes and which is by me discharged.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my wife’s father Mr RALPH MOORE one hundred pounds to be [defalked] out of the debt he owes me.  ITEM; I give unto my Servant WILLIAM ROWSE[1] forty pounds; and also I give him the thirty pounds his brother owes me by bond; and I desire my wife to have a special regard to the said William Rowse if either she keeps or parts with the house and shop wherein I now live.  ITEM; I give and bequeath to each of my maidservants Ann Griffith and Joane Goe five pounds apiece.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my loving friend Thomas Cullen, Citizen and Mercer of London forty pounds and also a mourning for himself and his wife.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my loving friend WILLIAM CODDINGTON, attorney five pounds.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my Daughter FRANCES LORYMER so much lawful money of England as will make up the Orphanage part and portion to her accruing out of my estate by the Custom of the City of London the full sum of two thousand and two hundred pounds.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my Daughter MARY LORYMER so much lawful money of England as will make up the Orphanage part and portion to her accruing out of my estate by the aforesaid Custom the full sum of two thousand pounds.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my daughter SARAH LORYMER so much lawful money of England as will make up the Orphanage part and portion to her accruing out of my estate by the aforesaid Custom of the City of London the full sum of two thousand pounds.  The same portions to be paid to my three daughters respectively at their respective ages of one and twenty years or days of marriage which shall first happen; but if any of my said daughters shall happen to die before the portion or portions to her or them herein before bequeathed shall be payable, then I give and bequeath the portion or portions of her or them so dying unto and amongst the surviving daughters and my Son SAMUELL LORYMER to be equally divided between them share and share alike.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my loving Brother Nevill Lorymerand SIBILL his wife for and during the term of their natural lives and the life of the longer liver of them, one Annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds to be payable and issuing out of my manor and farm of Riversden with the land and appurtenances thereunto belonging in th County of Southampton.  The same to be paid half-yearly (vizt) on the Feasts of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Michael the Archangel by equal portions, and the first payment to be made on such of the said Feasts as shall first and next happen and come after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my good old Aunt Mrs KATHERINE NEVILL for and during the term of her natural life the like Annuity or yearly rent and charge of twenty pounds of like money to be payable and issuing out of my tithe of [Nrtham] in the said County of Southampton, the same to be paid half-yearly at the feasts before mentioned and the first to be made at such of the same Feasts as shall first and next happen after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my dear Sister MARY NORTON for and during the term of her natural life the like Annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds of like money to be payable and issuing out of my said tithes of Nrtham aforesaid at the Feasts before mentioned, and the first payment thereof to be made at such of the same feasts as shall first and next happen after my decease.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my loving Brother ROGER LORYMER and to my Servant Richard Troweton and to each of themfor and during the term of his natural life one Annuity or yearly rent charge of ten pounds of like money to be payable and issuing out of my houses in Bucklersbury in the Parish of St Mary Colechurch in the City of London at the Feasts before mentioned and the first payment or payments thereof to be made at such of the same Feasts as shall first happen after my decease and I do remit and release unto the said Richard Troweton all moneys owing unto him.  ITEM; I give to my Godson John Fletcher ten pounds and I will my executors hereafter named to lend him forty pounds for the space of three years (without interest upon his bond).  ITEM; I remit unto my brother Nevill Lorymer forty pounds due to me for rent at Michaelmas last and I give him three score pounds in money.  ITEM; I give unto my said Aunt Katherine Nevill the sum of one hundred pounds of like money. I give unto my loving friends Sir Edward Alson Doctor of Physick ten pounds and to Doctor Horton Minister of St Katherine Colechurch London five pounds, and I do give unto Mr Peter Browne, Mr William Whitworth and his wife, Mr William Cannon and his wife, Mr Ralph Box and Mr Richard Burton and his wife to each of them forty shillings apiece to buy them rings.  ITEM; I give unto Frances Blissett the sum of five pounds to be paid her by five shillings a week beginning the next week after my decease.  ITEM; I give devise and bequeath unto my dear and loving Wife FRANCES LORYMER all the rents and profits of all those my said manors or lordships and farms of Riversden and of Culmeston Plugnett with the appurtenances in the County of Southampton and of all other my freehold lands in the Kingdom of England subject unto the several annuities respectively bequeathed out of them as aforesaid for during and until my son Samuell Lorymer shall attain his full age of one and twenty years upon this trust that the said Frances my wife shall pay unto my said son Samuell (out of the same rents and profits yearly and every year during and until he shall attain his age of sixteen years for his better maintenance the yearly sum or payment of three score pounds of like money.  The same yearly payment to be made to my said son quarterly by even portions, and I the said John Lorymer do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said son Samuell Lorymer his heirs and assigns (subject to the aforesaid annuities and bequest to my said wife) all my aforesaid manors or lordships and farms of Riversden and of Culmeston Plugnett with their and every of their appurtenances and all those my aforesaid tithes in Netham aforesaid and all other my freehold messuages lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever whereof or wherein I have any manner of estate of inheritance in the said county of Southampton or in any other place within the Kingdom of England to have and to hold the said manors farms messuages lands tenements and hereditaments and every part and parcel thereof subject as aforesaid, unto the said Samuell Lorymer his heirs and assigns forever; and whereas I stand possessed and interested of and in several leases for several long terms of years of and in several messuages lands and hereditaments in London, Kent and Hampshire, now I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said wife Frances Lorymer the aforesaid leases and several messuages lands and tenements thereby respectively leased for so long time of the said terms as she the said Frances shall live subject nevertheless to the several annuities herein bequeathed to be payable out of the same; and from and after the death of the said Frances then I give devise and bequeath the same respective leases to my said son Samuell Lorymer his executors and assigns for all the residue of the respective terms then to come subject as aforesaid.  All the rest of my estate goods and chattels whatsoever not hereinbefore bequeathed (after my debts legacies and funeral charges shall be paid and satisfied) I give devise and bequeath unto my loving wife Frances Lorymer.  All which several legacies by me hereinbefore bequeathed to my said wife I desire she will accept in full of all dower and third to her accruing out of my estate and that she release to my son her dower in and to all my freehold lands at his age of one and twenty years which is my express will and pleasure, and I do hereby make and ordain my said loving wife and the said Thomas Cullen to be executors of this my last will and testament and do desire my said loving friend Mr Coddington to be overseer of this will and to be aiding and assisting my said executors in the execution thereof.  In witness whereof, I the said John Lorymer to this my last will and testament (containing eight whole sheets and this part of a sheet) have set my hand and seal the day and year first above written – John Lorymer – signed sealed published and declared by the said John Lorymer for his last will and testament in the presence of Rich: Thorston, Sarah Horton, John Morris



My Master commanded me to put these following legacies to the will:

To his sister Lorymer, wife to Roger Lorymer 20 pounds

To Mr Harteley and his wife each of them for a ring 2 pounds

To the poor of Culmerston and Riversden (to disposed by his brother Nevill) between them 5 pounds

To his tenant Stent and his wife each of them 2 pounds

Witness Hereunto – Will Rous


Proved 16 January 1660 by Frances Lorymer, relict and Thomas Cullen, executors


4 November 1674 MARIE CROUNE alias LORYMER, daughter applied for and was granted administration following the death of Frances Lorymer, wife


[1] William Rous, his former apprentice Apothecary


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