I RICHARD WINCH of Fifield in Bray in the County of Berks, Gent, do make this my last will and testament in manner following. First, I do give unto my Daughter ELINOR WINCH the sum of three hundred pounds to be paid or secured at her age of one and twenty years or day of marriage which shall first happen hoping she will be careful in bestowing of herself as if her parents were living and to be paid out of all my lands and tenements in Bray aforesaid. Also I give unto my said daughter besides her three hundred pounds given as aforesaid the sum of thirteen pounds six shillings eight pence yearly for her present maintenance, also my two best featherbeds, two bolsters, two dozen pillows, my best green rug, the green curtains and valance, six turkey cushions, the two biggest brass pots and two biggest kettles, six of the biggest pewter platters and the biggest cypress chest and two of the biggest trunks. ITEM; I give unto my Grandchild JOHN BLAKE one hundred pounds to be paid at his age of twenty one years; and to his Mother, my Daughter five pounds and to his Father, my Son twenty shillings to buy him a ring; and to the rest of my Grandchildren twenty shillings apiece and to each of my servants twenty shillings apiece and to each of my Sisters twenty shillings apiece. Also I give unto MARY my Wife during her widowhood that part of Fifield House which I now use furnished as it is with the barn and cow houses in Coxyard, and my said wife to dispose of my linen between my two Daughters. The new orchard and garden I give to my wife as abovesaid. To my Daughter WINCH five pounds. All the rest of my goods and chattels I give to my Son SIMON WINCH and do make him my executor of this my will. Witness my hand and seal the twenty six of July one thousand six hundred fifty six – R. Winch – also I give to Mary my wife six of my best [ ]; also my son Simon Winch to pay to my wife yearly two quarter of beans and four quarter of the best wheat, half at Michaelmas and half at Our Lady Day and so every year while she continues a widow. I give also to my wife the little park with Carters and the barn part of the old orchard pigeon house and pigeon house barn with all with the wood within the gate and without the gate. Third of August one thousand six hundred fifty seven this to be annexed as a codicil to my will – R. Winch
Proved by Simon Winch the 9th February 1658/9
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