The one and twentieth day of December 1654
I JOHN PAGE of Bray in the County of Berks, Gent made my will as follows. I give unto my son SYMON PAGE twenty shillings to buy him a ring; also I give unto my son JOHN PAGE the like sum for the like use; also I give unto my daughter CICELY FARMER the like sum for the like use; also I give unto my daughter JANE SPOONER the like sum for the like use; also I give unto my daughter ELIZABETH PAGE the like sum for the like use; also I give unto my daughter ELINOR NELSON the like sum for the like use to be paid to them within six months after my decease. Also I give unto all my grandchildren ten shillings apiece to be paid to them at the age of one and twenty years to as many as are then living. Also I give unto the godly poor people of the parish of Bray five pounds to be paid to them within three months after my decease. Also I give to every servant that is dwelling with me at my decease five shillings apiece to be paid them within three months after my decease. Also I do give unto my wife JANE all my goods and chattels and do make her my sole executrix of this my last will and testament. Also I desire my two sons in law Capt. ABRAHAM SPOONER and SAMUEL NELSON, Gent to be overseers of this my last will and testament revoking all former wills; and I do give unto each of them for their pains thirty shillings apiece to buy each of them a ring for a token of remembrance of my love towards them. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written one thousand six hundred fifty four. This is a true copy of the last will of Mr John Page of Bray in the County of Berkshire. Samuel Nelson
Proved 21st October 1657 by Jane Page, relict and executrix
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