Memorandum that in as upon the nineteenth day of August in the year of our Lord God 1655 THOMAS WINCH late of St Earth in the County of Cornwall deceased being of sound perfect and disposing memory having a serious intention and solid resolution to make and declare his last will and testament [declaring] putatively and by word of mouth make and declare the same in manner and form following or in words tending to the like effect (vizt) First he did give and bequeath to Mathew Scarfe his [ ] best gown and one pair of andirons. All the rest of his goods and estate whatsoever he did give and bequeath to FRANCES KENT widow his sister-in-law or he the said deceased declared words to the like effect [animo testandi] that the same should stand and be for and as his last will and testament in the presence of credible witnesses Richard Fowler (the mark of) Elizabeth Fowler
Proved 18th November 1655 by Frances Kent
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