1654 William Powney


In the name of God Amen, the seven and twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fifty and four (vizt. 1654) I WILLIAM POWNEY of Bray in the County of Berks, yeoman being weak in body but of sound and perfect memory (praise be to God) do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following.  First I humbly commend my soul to Almighty God my Creator in full assurance that through his mercy and the merits of Christ Jesus my blessed Saviour I shall have free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and my body I commit to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of my executrix hereafter named.  ITEM; I give unto my son RICHARD POWNEY the elder and his heirs all that my cottage or tenement with the appurtenances called Great Neesthill with the Close whereupon the tenement is built containing by estimation two acres and one rood situate lying and being in East Oakley in the Parish of Bray aforesaid now in the occupation of Ralph Turner and lately purchased by me of one William Hawthorne; and also all those my two acres and one swath of meadow grounds with the appurtenances lying in a meadow called Bray Meade in the Parish of Bray aforesaid which said two acres and one swath and half an acre of meadow ground I lately purchased of Richard Winch of Bray aforesaid, yeoman; and also all those my fifteen acres of arable land more or less lying and being in East Oakley Field and Fifield which I lately purchased of my brother HENRY POWNEY lying within Bray aforesaid now or late in the occupation of Richard Lawrence.  ITEM; I give and devise unto my son RICHARD POWNEY the younger and his heirs and assigns forever all that my close of meadow and woodground with the appurtenances called Rushmeade containing by estimation eight acres more or less now or late in the tenure of Thomas Fisher or his assigns and one close or parcel of meadow or pasture ground called New Close containing by estimation four acres be it more or less and one little close or parcel of meadow or pasture ground called Latchmore containing by estimation one acre and an half be it more or less and all that my meadow ground with the appurtenances called Frith Mead containing by estimation ten acres more or less lying in East Oakley aforesaid and one close or parcel of meadow or pasture called Alphege containing by estimation one acre and an half be it more or less and one other close or parcel of meadow ground divided into two parts called or known by the name of Alphies als. Alphes containing by estimation ten acres more or less all which said premises also are within the parish of Bray aforesaid and more likewise purchased by me of my said brother Henry Powney.  ITEM; I give and devise unto my son WILLIAM POWNEY and his heirs and assigns forever all that my close of pasture or meadow ground called Longcroft lying in East Oakely aforesaid containing by estimation ten acres be it more or less and one close or coppice of woodground thereunto adjoining called Long Croft Coppice provided always that if my son JOHN POWNEY his heirs or assigns shall well and truly pay unto my said son William Powney his heirs executors or administrators the full sum of two hundred pounds of good and lawful money of England within one half year next after my decease then the said devise of the said premises to the said William powney shall be absolutely void and of none effect and it shall be lawful for my said son John Powney and his heirs and assigns to enter into and upon all the same and to hold and enjoy it to him and them forever.  ITEM; I further give to my said son William Powney and his heirs forever all that messuage or tenement in Greenwich als. Fryars Lane in the Parish of Alhallows the More in Thames Street London and all my messuages and tenements there which I lately purchased of Albone Eates.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my son SYMON POWNEY and his heirs and assigns forever all that my close of meadow or pasture ground called Haman Readings containing by estimation ten acres be it more or less lying in the Parish of Bray aforesaid, provided always that if my son John Powney his heirs and assigns do pay unto my said son Symon powney his heirs executors or administrators the sum of two hundred pounds within twelve months next after my decease then the said devise of the said premises to the said Symon Powney shall cease and be absolutely void and of none effect and it shall and may be lawful to and for my said son John Powney and his heirs and assigns to enter into and upon all the same and to hold and enjoy it to him and them forever.  ITEM; I give unto my said son Richard Powney the elder and his heirs and assigns forever all that my close of pasture called Whettinge Croft lying in East Oakley aforesaid containing by estimation twenty acres be it more or less provided always that if my said son John Powney his heirs or assigns shall well and truly pay unto my said son Richard Powney the elder his heirs executors or administrators the full sum of one hundred pounds within twelve months next after my decease then the said devise of the said close of pasture called Whettinge Croft to the said Richard Powney the elder shall be absolutely void and of none effect and it shall and may be lawful to and for my said son John Powney and his heirs and assigns to enter into and upon the same and to hold and enjoy it to him and them forever.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my son John Powney aforesaid and his wife and all his children twenty shillings apiece to be paid within half a year next after my death.  ITEM; I give to every one of my Godchildren twelve pence apiece.  ITEM; I give to the poor people of Bray five pounds to be distributed amongst them upon the day of my burial or at such other time within six days as my executrix shall think fit; also I do heartily give and bequeath unto my daughter ANNE the now wife of NOAH BARNARD twenty pounds to be paid within six months next after my decease by my executrix; and I give also to my daughter ELIZABETH the sum of five hundred pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto her at the day of her marriage or the age of one and twenty years which shall first and next happen after my decease by my executrix hereafter named.  All the rest of my goods chattels plate ready money debts and credits I give and bequeath unto my loving wife ELIZABETH POWNEY who I make my full and sole executrix desiring her to pay all my debts and legacies and to perform this my will.  In witness whereof I have to this my present last will and testament containing six sheets of paper or near thereabouts put my hand and seal – William Powney – be it remembered this will containing six sheets of paper or near thereabouts was signed sealed and published as the will and testament of the said William Powney in the presence of John Cotton, (the mark of) Margarett Gotheridge, John Miller


Proved 18th December 1654 by Elizabeth Powney relict and executrix


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