In the name of God Amen; the fourteenth day of June 1653; I THOMAS WYNCH of Epping in the County of Essex, Gent, being well both in body and mind and perfect memory and willing to settle my estate upon my children and friends that Almighty God has bestowed upon me out of his mercy and goodness to me, I do hereby publish and declare that this present writing is my last will and testament, containing part of four sheets of paper and do hereby revoke all former wills by me made, and I do herein will and bequeath as follows: And first of all with a willing mind and hearty desire I render up and give my soul and body into the hands of Almighty God my Creator which he gave unto me when he made me a living creature nothing doubting but for his infinite mercy safe in Jesus Christ the alone Saviour and Redeemer that he will receive them again and place them in that heavenly mansion purchased for me with the precious blood of Jesus Christ the alone Saviour and Redeemer of those that believe in his precious name; and for my body I commit that to the earth from whence it came and to be buried in Christian burial in Epping Churchyard as near unto my wife Jone and my children that lie by her as near as may be conveniently which departed this life; and further my will is that a stone be laid it with some superscription usually for me my wife and children that God lessed me withal in that parish; and that in some convenient time after my burial. First for my temporal of that I give unto the minister that shall preach my last funeral sermon I give unto him twenty shillings and I give twenty shillings more to the most godly and needy poor of the parish of Epping that very day. ITEM; I give to my son EDMOND one hundred pounds to be paid to him within one month’s time after his apprenticeship shall be out to be paid by my executor, and so God bless him and send him well to do. ITEM; I give to my son JOHN the sum of one hundred pounds, fifty pounds to be paid at the age of one and twenty years and the remainder which is fifty pounds more at the age of twenty four years to be paid by my executor, and so God bless him and send him well to do. ITEM; I give to my two youngest sons ROBERT and DANIELL the reversion and fee of my copyhold tenement given to my daughter OLLIVE for term of her life, to them and to their heirs forever after the decease of their sister Ollive; likewise I give to my sons Robert and Daniell sixty pounds apiece in money at the ages of two and twenty years and in consideration that they may die before they come to age or without heirs that my meaning is then that my executor shall have their proportion of moneys or whatsoever is given to them by this my last will, in the meantime my executor providing for them during their minority and so God bless them. ITEM; I give to my daughter Ollive which I had by my first wife all the rent that shall arise and be due out of a certain copyhold messuage called Campions in Epping town now in the occupation of Thomas Grave during her natural life towards her maintenance and livelihood as also I give unto her ten pounds in money to be paid five pounds within one month after my decease and the other five pounds within six months after as also I give unto her one feather bed a bolster a pillow, two blankets, one green rug, a green pair of curtains and a valance, two pairs of sheets, one of the best sort the other [towen], a flaxen table cloth and a dozen napkins, a towel and a pair of pillow beers and a bedstead praying her to be loving and helpful to my little ones her brothers and sisters in remembrance of me, and so the Lord bless her and send her well to do. ITEM; I give to my daughter JOANE thirty pounds besides what I have already given her whereof ten pounds is in her own hands the which I lent to her landlord Wright for the repair of the house which she now lives in, the other twenty pounds to be apid within six months after my decease, and so God bless her and send her well to do. ITEM; I give to my daughter Joan’s two sons THOMAS HART and CESAR five pounds apiece at the age of eighteen years and so God bless them. ITEM; I give to my three oldest daughters now unmarried JANE, ALICE and SARAH four score pounds apiece in money and five pounds apiece in household goods to be divided as the overseer shall see fit, to be paid at the day of marriage or one year after my decease or sooner if my executor shall see fit; and if it please God to take any of them either brother or sister before they come of age then my true intent and meaning is that then my son Thomas shall inherit that estate which is left in this my will for them before bequeathed and so God bless them. ITEM; I give to my youngest daughters HANAH, REBECKA and MARY the sum of one hundred pounds apiece at the age of twenty and one years or sooner if my executor shall see fit and my will is that if any of those my daughters or sons shall die before their several ages be expired then my will and meaning is that my son THOMAS whom I have made the sole executor shall inherit that whole estate the which I have left to them by my will; but if my son Thomas should die without heirs then my meaning is that it should be left among the brothers and sisters surviving now unmarried and so I pray God to bless them. ITEM; ITEM; I give to my daughter ELEANOR that money which is in her husband’s hands which is owing to me upon bond, the which is the sum of thirteen pounds or thereabouts my meaning is I freely forgive them the money that is due to me and so God bless them. ITEM; I give to my daughter NEWMAN’s daughter ELIZABETH the sum of thirty five pounds at the age of eighteen years to be paid by my executor hereafter named and in case she dies to fall to her brother ROBERT NEWMAN at the like age and so God bless them. ITEM; I give to my sister MAGDALEN MARGETTS five pounds in money to be paid within one year next after my decease and I give to my cousins THOMAS MARGETS and MARGARET MATHEWE twenty shillings apiece to be paid within one year next after my decease and so God bless them. ITEM; I give to my son Thomas my sole executor whom I heartily pray God to lengthen his days and make a good and honest man and a loving brother. ITEM; I give him all my personal estate that I have in the world remainder of my legacies to pay my debts and legacies herein willingly bequeathed before the tribunal of Almighty God that he execute and perform well and truly to the utmost of his power this my will wherewithal I have betrusted him having I trust with God’s blessing left him sufficient to discharge all with their bringing s up during their minority and so God bless him and send him well to do. Lastly I do earnestly entreat my loving friend Richard Hunt to be an overseer of this my will and to help and assist my executor in anything that you can and for his pains I give to him a gold ring of twenty shillings price. In witness hereof and for further confirmation I do set my hand and seal this fourteenth of June one thousand six hundred fifty and three – Tho: Wynche – sealed in the presence of us whose names are hereunto subscribed. John Blacke, Richard Kimpton, John Bonnyphas
Proved 15th July 1653 by Thomas Winche son and executor
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