1652 Sir Thomas Liddell Bt


In Dei nomine Amen; I Sir THOMAS LIDDELL Baronet being sick and diseased in body but whole and sound of mind (thanks being given to my God) do this seventh day of January one thousand six hundred and fifty make this my last will and testament in manner and form following;  Imprimis I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping and assuring myself that for Jesus Christ’s sake my Redeemer he will receive the same; and I commend my body to the earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named with my rights and funerals due accustomed; and as for my worldly estate I dispose thereof as follows: First of all I nominate and appoint my well beloved friends Richard Harrison of Branslope gentleman and Christopher Coperwhate gentleman of [Barn…] in the County of York my executors of this my last will and testament hereby renouncing and revoking all former wills heretofore made to any person or persons whatsoever.  ITEM; whereas I did make one indenture bearing date the nineteenth day of January in the nineteenth year of the last King Charles in the year of our Lord God according to the computation of the Church of England 1643 unto Michael Hall of the city of Durham gentleman, William Liddell of Ravenshelme Castle gentleman now deceased and William Scurfield of Lamslay within the said county yeoman I do hereby declare that the benefit and profits of the lands coal mines and other things mentioned in that indenture shall go and be employed and disposed of according to the purport intent and true meaning thereof; moreover, whereas I did receive the sum of six hundred pounds lawful English money from Sir George Tonge of Denton in the said county of Durham Knight for and in consideration of his daughter ELIZABETH her filial portion at the intermarriage betwixt my son Sir Francis Liddell Knight and the said Elizabeth Tonge since deceased I do hereby declare that for and in consideration of the said sum so by me received I did by deed give and grant unto the said Sir Francis Liddell the working of one coal pit from time to time within the lordship of Ravenshelme above named to have and to hold unto the said Sir Francis Liddell for and during the term of twenty and one years beginning immediately from and after my decease.  ITEM; I give legate and bequeath unto my Grandchild ELIZABETH LYDDELL all that plate and household stuff I brought long with me for my own chamber unto Balmborough.  ITEM; I give legate and bequeath unto my Grandchild FRANCIS LIDDELL my grizzled mare.  ITEM; I give and bequeath unto my Grandchild MARY LIDDELL one great gilt bowl and one hundred pounds in lawful English money.  ITEM; I do further give and appoint out and forth of the profits of the said lands coal mines and other things mentioned in the indenture dated the said nineteenth day of January 1643 and according to the power and true meaning thereof the sums of money following to wit unto my son GEORGE LIDDELL his three children three hundred and fifty pounds vizt. To either of his two sons one hundred pounds apiece to be paid unto them when they shall respectively accomplish the age of twenty one years and unto his daughter SARA 150 pounds when they shall attain the age of sixteen years and I will and command my grandchild THOMAS LYDDELL Esq to educate and maintain the same three children until they shall accomplish their said several and respective ages.  ITEM; I do further give bequeath and appoint forth of the same profits these legacies also following: to wit, to all the children of the said Sir Francis Liddell excepting the said Mary and to the children of my son in law Sir GEORGE BAKER Knight and to the children of my son in law Sir NICHOLAS COLL Knight and Baronet as also to the children of my daughter ISABELL ANDERSON namely to every one of all those children fifty pounds apiece; and to my loving friend Mr Henry Hodgson ten pounds; and to my servant James Chipchace five pounds; to George Harvey 20L. To Thomas Sturfield ten pounds; to Edward Ellison four pounds; Thomas Douglas two pounds; and to Ann Stobs two pounds for their true and faithful service done unto me; and I do hereby bequeath unto either of my executors five pounds forth of the profits of the said lands collieries and other things; and lastly I do give forth of the said profits unto my said son Sir Francis one hundred pounds in satisfaction of the hundred pounds which my brother COLL lately had and received by virtue of an extent for or forth of Readheugh. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. Read signed sealed delivered and published in the presence of us William Forster, Francis Morre cler. Bartram Orde, Ralphe Tomson Cler. 

Proved 2nd June 1652 by Ricd Harrison and Christopher Copperwhaite, executors.


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